
Adriana Chechik

Gingerbread Boy Chapter 12 Check out photos of Taylor and Liam on my WordPress site – explore to find Jamie, Sebastian and others.

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This story is an original work of fiction ©Copyright 2022 Andrew M. Thomas. Please do not copy or post without permission

And now…

Liam and Taylor, along with Sebastian and Jamie, resumed training with Bruce.

“Hi Bruce, what”s up?” Liam answered his phone.

“I think it”s time the boys start back in training. We are going to go over some more defensive training, but I want to get them ready for surprise attacks. I kick myself for not having the boys ready to fight back against Patton. I think Taylor needs that as well. I know you”ve already been trained to have your spidey sense on, but the boys haven”t.”

“Perfect, when are we going to do it?”

“Friday, at 4 PM.”


“Taylor, Bruce wants us to get back to training on Friday. He wants you and the boys to be prepared for an attack.”

“That would be good. We know how to fight, but not how to predict it. Being caught off guard, we don”t know how to react.”

“Exactly. So how are we doing today? I”ve been focused on getting the Dakota dash wired up in the 66 Nova and am about to take it out for a test run.”

“I”m just finishing up on Mrs. Winthrop”s car. She wanted us to drop it off if we could on the way home.”

“Great, I”ll get the Nova out front and we can test run it on the way to her place and back.”

Taylor finished up, locked up the shop, and the two took off for Mrs. Winthrop”s place. It was down a nice canyon road, like one of those you see in one of those car chase movies. Taylor was very careful since he knew Liam was following him. They got the car to Mrs. Winthrop, and she gave Taylor a bag with some home made cookies as a tip for dropping off the car. “Thank you, Mrs. Winthrop.” Taylor said as he jumped in with Liam.

“Buckle up, kiddo.”

“Kiddo? Where”d that come from?”

“It came from the guy you keep calling `old man.””

As Liam pulled out of Mrs. Winthrop”s place, he put the Nova to the test. This thing was mean. The trim was blacked out, it had a lowered stance, and a little secret under the cowl hood. With a bored out LS motor, this 462 cubic inch, 760 horsepower beast was about to need new tires.

“Holy crap, Liam. What the hell are you trying to do?”

“Do you need clean underwear yet?”

“No, but, Liam, watch out!” Taylor yelled as a car was seen up ahead pulling into the road, going below the speed limit, which according to Liam and his driving style, was merely a suggestion.

“Fuck!” Liam maneuvered the car around the slow poke and back into his lane. Thank goodness nobody was coming the other way. Liam calmed down a bit the rest of the way back, but he certainly didn”t go easy on the car. When they got back to the shop, Liam cautioned Taylor. “Hang on!” He did a few donuts in the parking lot just for fun.

They put the car away, and Liam drove them home in his truck. “That was fun. izmit escort bayan You have your muscle car. I think it”s time for me to have one too.” Liam said.

“What would you get, old man? A Buick?”

“Funny you should mention it. I have always wanted a Grand National. I had its sibling, the Monte Carlo, for a while, but I”ve wanted a true Grand National for a long time, but figured we could do better. There are not many left, and they”re underpowered. I think I want to build something. Are you in?”

“Yeah, of course!”

“Unfortunately, we need to get a 1975 or older car to do it right. Our emissions laws would require us to hold back. I”ll start searching for a car.”


The two had dinner and sat on the couch to chat.

“Are you feeling OK about everything that happened? I know it”s been a stressful few days and you”ve been kind of quiet and keeping to yourself.”

Taylor leaned in and put his head in Liam”s lap and looked up at his man. “Please don”t be mad at me.”

“Why on earth would I ever be mad at you, my love.”

“I kind of screwed up.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I was telling the boys to stop groping each other and I let it slip that you and I are lovers, and he revealed that he and Mark were too. Then he got all worried about him and Mark.”

“What? How does, never mind. Mark already has us figured out. Why is Jamie concerned?”

“He thinks that being raped makes him no good. I told him about me and my past, and that you and I were fine. He is still worried. I explained that he is Mark”s son, and that bond will be there forever, and he was worried about not being able to marry him. I explained that he has it better than I do, that Mark will always be his, and you and I, while we can get married, you and I have no other bond. That made me sad.”

“Taylor, I won”t ever leave you. I think I”ve proved that. You would be the one to leave me. You”d be tired of the old man.”

“No I won”t, and calling you old man is me showing you how much I love you.”

“Right, kiddo, right.”

“Anyway, he”s really going to need some reassurance from Mark.”

“Mark”s a softie, and he will definitely show Jamie how much he loves him and he won”t treat him differently after what happened. Please, keep an eye on him to make sure he”s doing OK.”

“Of course.”

Taylor just lay there staring at Liam. After a few minutes, he said, “I”m so damn lucky. How do I deserve you? Nobody else gave a shit about me. I go and make a fool of myself in front of you, push myself sexually on you, but still, you”re the most caring, loving person I know.”

“You must not know very many people.” Liam said, as he leaned down to kiss Taylor.

Liam”s hand rubbed down Taylor”s belly. He lingered on the fine strawberry blond wisps of hair that led from his belly button to his prize. He was pretty smooth, but those fine hairs just gave the boy a velvety feeling. This caused Taylor to quickly bone up, and he was squirming to free his cock, but Liam kept him pinned. Taylor was able to point his cock up to the waistband to keep it from bending and hurting. Every once in a while, Liam”s finger would brush across the tip of Taylor”s glans.

“Mmmm.” Taylor hummed. “You know what would feel better?”

“I know a lot of things that would, but I like teasing you. Are you enjoying this?”

“Yes, and from the feel of your bulge, you are too!”

Liam squirmed and was able izmit escort to use his free hand to point his cock up as well. Liam let Taylor get up after a few more minutes of fingertip torture. He dropped to his knees and freed Liam”s cock. “I need you to do this.” And he swallowed Liam to the root, backed off, and then bobbed for a good minute or two. Liam was suddenly freed, Taylor spun around and sat, grabbed Liam”s arm and pulled him down.

Liam slid Taylor”s shorts off. As he pulled, Taylor lifted his butt to let the shorts free. Liam had also dropped his as he stood. He went down on Taylor”s prize with vigor. Apparently, Taylor was getting close as he told Liam to stand up. As Liam tried to stand, Taylor put his feet on Liam”s shoulders. Liam knew what was expected, and he spit in his hand, lubed up his cock and lined it up with Taylor”s hole. Taylor may be young, but he definitely knows how to please a top. Liam got inside without any resistance, and Taylor clenched tight, trying to milk Liam”s cock. Liam pulled out and pushed in rhythmically, and was getting very close. At the moment he was about to explode, Taylor screamed out as he shot his load all over his stomach and face. Liam lost his nut at the same time. Taylor”s ass squeezed and milked Liam”s cock. Reluctantly, he pulled out, and pulled Taylor to the floor, and the two spooned, between the coffee table and the couch.

About 20 minutes later, Liam suggested they move to the bedroom before they were too sore from the floor.

As they walked to the bedroom, Taylor mumbled something. Liam thought he had heard. “Thank God my refractory time is only 2 minutes.”

As they approached the bed, Taylor grabbed the lube from the nightstand and spun Liam so that he was now behind him. They fell to the bed, spooning. Taylor reached down and lubed up Liam”s ass, his cock, and went for broke.

He pressed in. Liam grunted. Liam pushed back and “pop” Taylor was through. “Oh, give me your seed, Taylor, give it to me!”

Taylor may have had a quick recovery time, but he hadn”t built up his stamina yet. In less than 2 minutes, he pumped his watery load into Liam. Liam was content. The two fell asleep with Taylor implanted in Liam”s ass.

Apparently, they slept the whole night. In the morning, Liam was still the big spoon. There was a small mess on the sheet, but they didn”t look like they had moved. Taylor leaned his chin onto Liam”s shoulder. “Liam, sweetheart, time for school.”

Liam started to burst out in laughter. “Yes, mommy, what”s for breakfast?”

“Huevos!” Taylor laughed back. Liam turned around, slid down, and took Taylor”s balls into his mouth. This drove Taylor crazy. The boy got hard in seconds. Liam pulled off. “Hard boiled, just as I like them.” Taylor had been stroking his cock, and Liam opened his mouth just in time to get the first load of the day.

“Let”s get showered and have some breakfast. We can start the hunt for my muscle car.” Liam said.

“Not so fast, this shower may take a bit. I need your load. You got mine.” They walked into the bathroom and got into the shower. Taylor assumed the position against the wall. Liam, well, Liam knew exactly what to do. “I think we need tacos for lunch today!” Liam said as he entered Taylor, just as he had done at Jose”s on the day they met.

“You and your, ah, oh, fuck!” Taylor lost his load while Liam was pumping his load in. “Tacos.”

“No fair! The score is Taylor 2, izmit kendi evi olan escort Liam 1. Just watch out today at lunch, boy!”

They ate and headed to work.

“With everything going on, I wanted to ask if you have ever heard back from your mom? You don”t seem too worried, but you haven”t said anything.”

“I guess being safe with you has kept my mind off of it, and having to help the boys with everything kind of made me forget. Is that bad? I don”t miss her. I should, but I don”t.”

“She is your mother, but the two of you had issues. I can understand not missing her, but she was good to you until your dad was taken.”

“About that, Liam, I”m so sorry.” Taylor broke down and started crying.

“Taylor! Whatever it is, it”s OK.”

“Let”s wait until we are at work. I don”t want you to break your hand again.”

“OK, I won”t react like that again, but we can wait. We”re almost there.”

They pulled into the shop. Taylor had regained his composure, and they went into the office and sat on the couch.

Taylor leaned into Liam and put his head on Liam”s chest. His arms were around Liam”s neck. “Please, don”t be mad at me.”

“I promise, I won”t. What is wrong, my love?” Liam was beginning to worry. His mind was racing. Did something happen with his mom? Did all of the stuff with the boys make him want someone or something different?

Taylor continued. “I got a call the other day. It was the Las Vegas Metro Police. They were looking for the next of kin for my mom. Apparently, she got into something bad and was found overdosed on fentanyl at the Cosmopolitan.”

“Taylor!” Liam pulled him in tight. “Why didn”t you tell me?”

“Things were so happy, I didn”t want to bring it up, and I really don”t care. Damnit, I don”t care that she”s gone. I thought I would, but I don”t.”

“Tay, I”m so sorry. You know, you can always talk to me about anything. I am getting better about reacting, and you handled today perfectly. You shouldn”t have to hold things in like this.”

“But I”m not. Liam, I can”t even cry over her. I just, I don”t care. I told them I wouldn”t even claim the body. They said they would cremate her and hold her ashes for 90 days.”

“Taylor, look me in the eyes.”

Taylor looked up.

“You are the most caring, loving person in my life. You would do anything for those boys, right?”

Taylor nodded.

“You would do anything for me, right?”

“You know I would. I”d step in front of a bullet for you, Liam.”

“So please, don”t ever feel bad about how you feel. You have every right to feel how you do. Who knows, some day, you may feel sad, angry, whatever, but for now, feel the way you want to feel.”

“I love you, Liam!”

Taylor hugged Liam tightly, and lightly kissed him on the lips.

“I love you, too.”

They hugged for a moment.

“While I”d love to just lie here and hug you, we need to get some work done!”

“Ugh, Liam, you”re such a slave driver!” Taylor stood up.

Liam swatted his behind. “That”s mine, later!”

“Promise?” Taylor grinned and ran into the shop.

End Gingerbread Boy Chapter 12 – Andrew Thomas If you haven”t already met Mark and Jamie, you can read about them in JiuJitsu Boy Published stories Gingerbread Boy Gay: Adult/Youth https://www.//gay/adult-youth/gingerbread-boy/ Andrew”s Misplaced TrustGay: Adult/Youth https://www.//gay/adult-youth/andrews-misplaced-trust/ Splashing in the streetsGay: Young Friends https://www.//gay/young-friends/splashing-in-the-streets.html JiuJitsu BoyGay: fty//gay/adult-youth/jiujitsu-boy/ The Test DriveGay: fty//gay/adult-youth/the-test-drive/ You can see what”s in the works here:Andrew Thomas, Nifty Author ess

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