Subject: Stories from the hard side (Adult/Youth) Stories from the hard side part 2 Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. The people described are not living, breathing human beings mind you. They exist only in the realm of pure imagination. The people described in the story do not really exist, but are rather the combination of several different people. Thus, they do not exist. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART. All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else that will occupy your time. I’ve read plenty of Nifty stories over the years, and have enjoyed many of the stories that I consider good, now I’m just trying to pay it forward. It’s going to be a chapter story, so if you are looking for a quick toss-off better move onto the next story. Other than that, I sincerely hope you enjoy my story. Constructive criticism/feedback/comments are duly appreciated. Please direct them to my email at hoo. All are welcomed. Thanks again for reading. Blade This is meant to be a collection of erotic short stories Stories from the hard side part 2 Dylan Today I met a young man at the skateboard park. I was there getting some photos for an article I was working on for a teen magazine. My name Is Todd Beckman I can’t name the magazine on here for certain reasons. but since I don’t use my real name in the byline and can write it on here. I don’t care if it is on here because you don’t know what magazine I write for. Anyway, I spotted this cute teen who must have been around fourteen or fifteen years old. like most skateboarders he was dressed in baggy tee-shirt blue jeans and BK sneakers, but what caught my eye was his shaggy dark blonde hair almost on the cuff of being a light brown. His perky little nose and his jewel green eyes. I really couldn’t see his body well, because of the clothes. Sure, there were other teens there but something about this kid caught my attention. I snapped some photos of him doing an ollie and a few as he rode the half pike. I didn’t really take any pictures of his face. Usually if I took a face shot that could Identify someone I would have them sign a release. But with someone in their teens I would also need a parent’s signature. Throughout the day, I chatted up the kids telling them I was doing an article on the local skate parks and just wanted to know a few things about their experiences. One thing I found out was there was a subculture amongst the boys. It kind of surprised me. I always figured there were drugs being used but not at the level that it was being used. Most of the drugs that were being used was pot. Usually someone had a stash they would bring with. There were other drugs that were being used and they were izmit escort meth or low-grade coke. I asked the boys and I mean boys because they ranged from eight years old to eighteen, how they got the money to buy the drugs. What I found out was they either stole it from people or sold their bodies. I guess the younger you are the more money you could make. When I found that out, I decided to look into the prostitution part of the skate worlds subculture. I was not going to sell that to the teen magazine, that was more of a fluff piece. The other story I could sell to mainstream markets. I wondered if my little shaggy haired skater was part of that scene. I made it a habit to be at the skate park for weeks at a time. That was to get the boys use to me being round. I even got some of the younger skaters to show me how to ride a board. It was kind of fun, but I landed on my ass more than I would have liked too. by doing that the older boys would get a laugh and then come over to show me how it was supposed to be done. Which led to the boys talking to me. I never lied to the boys. I told them straight out what I was going to write about. I even got some of the cuter boys to sign a waiver and have their parents sign them in hopes of some sponsor seeing them and signing them to a contract or possibility of getting free stuff. I never told the boys that a sponsor might sign them; they came up with that all by themselves. My shaggy blonde hair boy would sit and listen but never say’s a word. When I would look at him, he would smile then would look away like he was shy. One day I showed up at the park earlier then I normally would And I watched as he got out of a 2017 Bentley, the man that was talking to him as he got out must have said something to him because the boy flipped him off and told him to fuck himself. Just what I figured some rich kid being disrespectful to an adult. I would find out later that my shaggy haired boy had been just been dropped off by a john. I was sitting there waiting for the more talkative boys when he came and sat down next to me, which kind of surprised me. He was never that forward with me before. “Hey kiddo.” I spoke. “My name is not kiddo.” he told me. It was the first time I had really ever heard him speak. “So, what is your name if you don’t mind me asking?” I said looking at my shaggy haired friend. “Dylan, but most of the guys call me Shaggy.” he said. I was actually surprised that others called him Shaggy. I gave him a smile and told him I liked the name Dylan. I also asked him if he would mind if I interviewed him. He told me he would like that, so for the next twenty minutes we talked about how he got started with skate boarding. He had a friend who was the rebel type of kid when they were pre-teens and they started coming to the skate park to watch the older boys. It looked like fun so he asked his mother if he could give it a try. So, for Christmas kadıköy escort she bought him a cheap board. It was about that time he started getting emotional. He told me his friend was killed in a car accident. He had stopped coming for a while but then his mother’s boyfriend was a skater and started him skating again. I would find out later his mother’s boyfriend would also get him into delivering drug to his dealers and later get him into prostitution. That was one of his clients that had dropped him off later. The only problem was I would not find that out from him but from one of the other boys from the skate park. We talk for quite a while until some of the other boys showed up and he became quiet and went to join the other boys’ skate. I love watching these boys skate they were doing some stuff I would never be able to do. Hell, if I didn’t write down the move the boys did, I would never remember the names. There were times when I had the camera in my hands and I would forget to even take pictures. This seemed to be happening to me a lot. There was this other boy that began to show up and I have to admit he was a very good-looking boy. His name was Robby and he definitely like to have his picture taken. He had dark black hair, dark green eyes, and for a boy of thirteen he sure had a well-toned body. He had no problem taking his shirt off any chance he got while I was taking pictures. Hell, one day he even followed me into one of the men’s outdoor restrooms. I love these outdoor bathrooms because they only had one stall, sinks and a long trough where you stand and take a piss. Robby had no problem whipping out his teen penis in front of me. Okay, he wasn’t impressive in any means but it was hot to see his cute penis. It was uncut and must have been at least three inches soft thicker than most boys that I have seen but not too thick. Robby wanted me to look, I could see by how he was angling his body. I didn’t see any reason to hide my own from him, so I just stood there and fished out my own. I am not going to say I am huge but what I have is not a bad size. I know it is big enough to make anyone that I have had sex with complain. I am around six- and three-quarter inch and two and a half inches wide. You figure out the circumference. I could see Robby’s eyes light up when he saw it. “Wow, your bigger than I thought you would be.” he said. I was surprised by what he said. I then laughed and asked. “What? You been checking me out.” I asked. He blushed and said he checks all the guys out. I laughed again. He kind of chuckled with me. We both finished peeing and had tucked ourselves away when he asked. “Would you take pictures of me naked skateboarding?” I was surprised at the question. I had thought about doing that with several of the boys but never really tried to talk anyone into it. And here was a really cute thirteen-year-old boy asking kahramanmaraş escort me if I would take naked pictures of him. I wanted to say yes and I almost did but I stopped myself from saying that, instead I told him I couldn’t because I would get in really big trouble. He laughed and then told he wouldn’t tell anyone. He just wanted to see how he would look naked skating on a skateboard. “Okay, if we were to do this where would we do it, because it is way to public here.” I said not really thinking he had anywhere we could do something like that. Truthfully thinking about taking nude photos was kind of turning me on. I wondered if he was willing to do this maybe my little shaggy hair teen would want to do the same. I might approach him on that some other time. “I know of a place, but it is not around here. It is about twenty miles away. But it is private.” Robby told me with a smile on his face. I was beginning to think that this boy was not as innocent as he appeared to be. “Where is it?” I asked. “So, you will do it then?” he asked. “I haven’t said that. I just want to know where it is. That way I can check it out for myself.” I told him, he just smiled and gave me the address. I began to wonder if the other boys knew of this place. I know of a few boys who talked about a spot where they skate where no one bothers them. If this was the place maybe I could get a few photos of the boys skating there and maybe more. When we went back to the skate park, I took some more pictures of Dylan and Robby before I decided to leave. I only had a week left before I had to turn in my story. But I planned on continuing on my story about the drugs and prostitution that is going on with the boys. When I got to my apartment, I downloaded the pictures I took while I went into the shower. When I came out, I put on a bath robe and sat down to look at the pictures I took to see if there was anything I could use. I started going through a few pictures when one caught my eye. I don’t remember taking the picture. Actually, I knew I didn’t take the pictures and but I recognized the pants in the photo. They belonged to Dylan and as I flipped through the pictures it showed his zipper, then his underwear and finally an erect penis. I was surprised at the size of the penis. It was big, bigger than any boy his age should have. I thought it had to be the way he took the picture. But how would he know how to manipulate my camera was beyond my understanding. Was he trying to send me a message or was he messing with my mind? I would have to find out. Oh, I guess I didn’t mention this before but I am not gay, but I am not straight either, truth be told I really don’t know what I am. Does Dylan turn me on? Yes, he turns me on and so does Robby. Am I going to take Robby up on his little wanton little display of nudism. I have never done nudes before plus if I get caught with pictures of a teenage boy, I could go to jail for a long time. Trust me I did not want that to happen. To be continued Nifty is kind enough to post these stories for your enjoyment. Please help support with a donation to keep the site up and running. If you would like to read more of my stories you can find them in the Authors section under Blade Hamer.