Subject: Strike Two Chapter 35 (Adult/Youth Lok was the oldest of the triplets. Lui Han was the team’s catcher and Li was the shortstop. They were the best three players on the Taipei team. Lok and Han wanted to meet Adian to see why his brother was so interested in this American boy. Sure, he was cute, and he was talented. He could see that this American boy could pitch just as well as any of the pitchers at the little league world series and he was an even better batter. Li had even commented that he was a talented runner. Li said he had a hard time keeping up with him on his morning run. That was saying a lot considering Li was one of the long distant runners on the Chinese Taipei Junior Olympics team. *** Scott and Logan had somehow got by the security team and was able to get to the Cougars locker room. When Adian saw them, he ran and gave both a big hug. “Whoa there, little bro. You did a great job out there today.” Scott said. “Yeah, you were awesome. I thought for sure that grand slam pitch was going to get by you, and you would strike out.” Logan said. “Nah, I knew he could hit that pitch. It was right where Adian likes.” Scott said. “I know right. I watched it leave his hand and I watched it hit my bat. I knew the moment I hit the ball it would either bounce off the wall or go over the fence.” “Dad said it could be a little league world series record.” Scott said. “I didn’t hit the ball that hard.” Adian told him. “Wait till you see it on replay tonight. Dude, it flew out into the freaking parking lot.” Logan almost yelled. “It was so awesome. Dude they are saying you have more homeruns than anyone else here. You are a freaking super star.” “Hey, if you keep telling him things like that, he will never get into his room tonight. Hell, he might not get into the Grove and have to sleep outside.” Scott said. All three boys broke out in laughter. About that time Blake stepped up behind the two intruders. “What are you two doing in here?” He asked. Scott knew they were busted. “I just had to come in and congratulate him on his game.” Scott said to his big brother. “You could have waited outside with dad and mom. I am sure they are looking for Logan and you.” Blake told his little brother. Logan knew Blake was right. His parents were probably looking for him. They had rushed off in all the celebrating in the stands. “Go on and get out of here. I still need to talk to the boys, and I don’t think you want to be here. It is not good news.” Blake told Scott and Logan. Both Scott and Logan understood. They had already received the bad news earlier that day. *** Sean and his parents had left the ballpark just after watching Adian hit the grand slam. They were heading to the hospital. They had done everything they could at the medical tent. The doctor on called took one look at Sean’s arm and told Sean’s parents that they would have to go to the hospital, to have x-rays done on his arm and shoulder. Sean was in a lot of pain, he wouldn’t find out till later that his upper arm, shoulder and collar bone were broken. It looked like his baseball season was over. The good thing was it was not a bad break and would be healed in four to six weeks. Fall sports were out but he would still be able to wrestle in the winter sports. By the time they got back to The Williamsport complex the six o’clock game was well into the third inning. *** Adian and his entourage headed into the Grove. Ryo, Miki along with Li and Jīn followed Adian up to his room. All five boys were chattering away about the game and how well Adian had done pitching. When they got to Adian’s room, Li and Jīn were not sure if they could go into Adian’s room. But when Adian invited them in they were happy to join the group. Adian flipped the TV on in his room and turned it on to ESPN. Everyone sat down on Adian’s bed. ESPN was doing the replays from the morning and afternoon games. When they showed Adian’s first homerun they went crazy. They tackled Adian and piled on him but quickly broke it up to watch RJ’s hit and then Carlos get walked and Eric Hooper hit them in. Then one after another of the Cougars ballplayers get on base for Adian’s next at bat. Then all five boys watched in awe as Adian drove the ball over the deepest part of the fence and watched it bounce on the tar in the parking lot. Once again everyone piled on Adian. Hands were going to places where they were normally not meant to go. It was clear to Li and Jīn that Miki, bursa escort Ryo and Adian were just like them. Li had his hand on Adian’s hard penis and knew it was big by the feel of it. He would love to see it. This was only the third hard penis he has ever seen or touched. Okay, besides his brothers and that was because they shared the same bedroom. Jīn’s hand was on his boyfriend’s cock. He thought if he could get it out of his shorts, he could suck him off. They had done it enough over the last year. Sure, it was not that big but knew it would grow when they got older. Li was just a little bigger than he was when they were hard. Jīn wondered whose hand was on his penis. He really didn’t care because it felt good, he was hoping it was Adian because he really liked him. Ryo thought about pulling the shorts down of the Chinese Taipei boy he had his hand on. It was not as big as Miki’s or Adian’s, but it was still bigger than most of the other boys on his baseball team or swim team. He also wondered what his cum would taste like. Miki knew it was Adian’s hand that was on his penis, Miki had his hand on Ryo’s and was dreaming about pulling it out to return the favor that Ryo had done the night before. All the boy’s stopped in their tracks when a knock came at the door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and quickly sat up and arranged themselves. Adian got up and went to the door. Ben was standing outside the door. When Adian answered it. “Hey Adian, Blake wants to meet with everyone in the conference room.” He told him. Ben smiled when he looked at Adian. He could clearly see the erection in Adian’s baseball pants. And from what he could see it was bigger than he expected. He then investigated the room and notice the group of Asian boys sitting on Adian’s bed. He smiled down at Adian. Then said. “Just be down in fifteen minutes.” Then turned and left. Adian closed the door. He smiled and told the boys what was happening. “I need to shower and get dressed if you want to stay you can. But when I am done, I need to go to a meeting with my coach.” All four boys watched as Adian began to take off his clothes. Miki and Ryo had no plans to go anywhere, and it looked like Li and Jīn were going to stay. Adian was happy to see that no one was leaving, he liked the idea of all his new friends seeing him naked. Ryo and Miki had seen him naked before. But he was excited to let Jīn and Li see him in all his glory. Li gasped when Adian took off his Jock. He knew the penis he had in his hand earlier was big but he never expected it would be that big. He did not know why but his mouth had begun to water. Li’s three and a half inches was as hard as it had ever been. He wondered if Jīn was just as hard as he was. He knew once they left Adian’s room they would go back to their rooms and jerkoff. Adian turned and went into the bathroom and started the shower. Once the water began to warm up, he stepped in. He did nothing to hide the fact that he was jerking off. He wanted them to see him. Adian knew before the tournament was over, he would be sucking all four of his new friends. Adian came with two large spirts and another two not so powerful. He then washed himself off before getting out of the shower. The boys watched as Adian dried his wet body watching his now semi erect penis flop around. *** Li wondered what Adian’s sperm would taste like. Jīn could not cum yet. But Li had tasted cum before. He had been staying over at a friend’s house and his friends older brother taught him how to suck a cock. He was a more than willing participant. It had started innocently enough but soon turned very sexual. His friend Shoyo wanted some snacks, but they didn’t have any in the house. So, his brother gave him some money to go buy them at the convenience store which was a mile from their home. Shoyo had to walk because he had a flat tire. While he was gone, Rico his brother and Li began to wrestle around. Tickling and rubbing their bodies together. A couple of times Rico’s hand would rub against his hardening penis. So, Li decided to do the same to Rico and soon both boys were hard. Li had just turned eleven and he was just starting to grow in the penis department. Rico was three years older than him and was well into his puberty. They were both on the school’s middle school cross country track team and Li had seen Rico naked several times. They were both in their running shorts and it was kind of hard not to notice their bursa escort bayan erections. Li had discovered masturbation only weeks before this encounter. He liked how Rico’s hand felt against his boner. He wondered if Rico felt the same way. It surprised him when Rico held it in his hand and asked. “Can I see it?” Rico asked. Li saw no problem with him seeing it. Because Rico had seen him naked in school. So, he really did not think it would be a problem. It really didn’t matter that it was hard. He was proud of the little three-inch spike he had tucked away in his shorts. Plus, he figured he would get to see Rico’s hard penis. “Only if I can see yours.” Li replied. Rico had no problem letting Li see his hard thick four-inch hard cock. He was hoping that Li would want to see it. He liked Li a lot. He was cute and had a nice, toned body. He had also masturbated to the thoughts of Li while lying in his bed. Of course, he was not the only one he thought of while masturbating he had even thought about his brother Shoyo. So, when he pulled Li’s shorts down exposing the object of his desire, he was more than excited. “It’s beautiful.” He said without thinking. Then leaned down and kissed the tip of Li’s penis. Li shivered when he felt Rico kiss his penis. It felt amazing and wanted him to do it again. So, he figured if he kissed Rico’s maybe Rico would do the same. So, he pulled the front of Rico’s shorts down and admired the hard cock in front of him. He then leaned down and kissed the tip of the penis that belonged to his friend’s brother. Soon both boys were taking turns kissing the tip of the others penis. It was then Rico took the tip of his brothers’ friend in his mouth and began to suck in hope that Li would do the same. He was not disappointed when he felt Li take his hard cock into his mouth. He knew he would not last long and from what he could tell Li would not last long either. Both boys were approaching their climax. Rico wasn’t sure that Li would like him filling his mouth with his cum. Okay, he couldn’t actually fill his mouth with real cum it was still thin and watery, but it was sweet to the taste. He had tasted it not that long ago and he liked the taste. So, when he shot his load in Li’s mouth, he was more excited when Li began to suck harder to get every drop he could out of his cock. This would not be the last time they would suck the others penis’s; they would actually get Shoyo involved in their sexual activities. Now he was looking at Adian with lust. Wanting too somehow get Adian’s penis in his mouth. He was hoping it would happen before they had to go back to Taipei. *** Adian had put on quite the show for his friends. His horny little mind was going wild. He wanted to have sex with each of them. If it had not been for Ben’s interruption. He knew he would have had them all naked and having sex. He just knew it would have happened. At least Ryo and Miki would have. But now he had to go to a stupid meeting. “Sorry but I have to go.” he said with disappointment. “As you heard I had fifteen minutes and my time is up.” The boys knew he was right. So, they all said goodbye. But before everyone left. He pulled Ryo and Miki aside. He told them he would see them later. Then gave both a kiss before heading out the door. Li had seen Adian kiss the two Japanese boys and wished it was Adian kissing him. *** When Adian got to the conference room he sat next to Eric. He didn’t know why but he felt a need to sit next to him. Once the rest of the boys sat down Blake started the meeting. “Sorry to bother you guys as you guys know from our little meeting after the game. Sean went to the hospital. It looks like the injury was a lot worse than we first thought. It looks like Sean has a fracture to his upper arm and his collar bone is broken. He also has some severe bruising on his arm and shoulder. It looks like he will be out for the rest of the tournament. Actually, he will be staying with his parents for the next few days.” Blake told the boys. “Will he be able to join us in the dugout?” Bryan asked. It was a good question and Blake said he would investigate it. He also told the boys that the Tennessee Pitcher had already made an apology to Sean and wished for him to have a SpeeDee recovery. They then talked about the game and what was going to happen in the next few days. They would have Thursday and Friday off. But they would have practice in the morning. Starting at ten and escort bursa ending at noon. Blake wanted the boys to rest and be ready for their international game against Mexico. He knew that the game was just a warmup game for their game on Sunday. With pool play over all the games would be double elimination. If you lose you have one more chance to come back. But Blake had a feeling that the way the boys were playing they would at least win the American side of the Little League World Series. After Blake dismissed the boys, Carlos and Jose announce that their parents and others were going to have food after practice tomorrow. That brought a cheer from the boys. *** Once Adian left the meeting he was met by Lok Han, Li Han’s brother. He knew his brother had been in Adian’s room earlier and wonder what the five boys had been up to. His room was right next to his brother, Actually Li’s room was sandwiched between his room and his other brothers. He also knew Li and Jīn were more than good friends. Just like he and Han were more than just good friends. “Hello, Adian.” the young Chinese boy said as he approached. Adian looked at the boy and at first, he thought it was Li Han. But then realized it was his older brother. “Hi, your Li’s brother, right?” “Yes, he is my younger brother.” Lok Han had told him. Li had explained the other night that he was one of three triplet brothers and Li being the youngest of the three. Adian also detected a look of surprise when he answered the young Chinese boy in Japanese. Lok Han like the fact that he was able to talk with Adian in Japanese. “Did you want to talk to me?” Adian asked. “Yes, why are you hanging out with my brother?” Lok Han asked. “Actually, he started hanging around with me and my friends Ryo and Miki. He joined us at lunch a few days back. Is there a problem with that?” Adian asked. He saw no reason for Li to not be able to hang around with him and his new friends. “That is not how I see it. You are American and are not trustworthy. Our coaches have told us to stay away from anyone from the U.S…” Lok Han said with a little anger in his voice. Adian was a little surprised. He had never really met anyone who was so against Americans. He understood the American kids were stuck up and thought they were better than others. “Why are you talking to me. It is your brother you should be talking too.” Adian told Lok Han. Adian didn’t want to cause any trouble and if Li wanted to be his friend, he had no problem being his friend. Adian then turned his back on the young Chinese boy and made his way back to his room. Lok Han left to go find his brother and have a talk with him. Adian was not the problem, Lok Han liked Adian even though he was American. Maybe it was because he was part Asian. He did not understand what the attraction was, because he was not really interested in boys, but this one boy excited him. Lok Han could not keep his eyes off Adian when he played. It was like, (look at me, you will never see another player like me for another 50 years). *** Adian went up to his room. He was upset with how the Chinese Taipei baseball player talked to him. He really was not in the mood to talk to anyone. So, he quietly opened his door slipped inside and closed his door. He then went and laid down on his bed and thought about how people treat other people. It made him sad that other country’s thought all Americans were the same. He hoped he did not come off as someone like that. Not just to the foreign team but also to the other American teams. Adian fell asleep thinking about it. Adian woke the next morning early. The sun had not even come up over the horizon. He dressed and headed out for his morning run. He had a lot to think about and he wanted to do it by himself. He was on his eighth time around the parks when he noticed the two young runners coming up behind him. He increased his pace and lost them. He then headed back to the Grove. To be continued Nifty is kind enough to post these stories and could use your help. Please send your donations too: Nifty Stories Archive ion… Thanks again for reading all remarks are appreciated. Other stories on : Unexpected Relationships (Gay/ incest) completed The runaways (Adult/Youth) completed story. Turnhurst Manor (Adult/Youth) completed story. The beauty of red (Adult/Youth) completed story. Justin Brown’s Journal (Youth) completed short story. The short life of Kiren Brown (Adult/Youth) completed Strike Two (Adult/Youth & Athletics) In progress (Strike Two) Freddy’s got blue balls (Incest) completed. (Strike Two) Webcamming with my brother (Incest) completed. Shooting Star (Adult/Youth) In progress