

Subject: DOCTOR WHO, JESSE AND JEREMY 60 Jeremy returned to the console room. He had changed once more. Jesse had also. Jesse sat longways across a wicker chair in the console room. He looked bored or upset or both. “Is Toby right? Is it his universe?” The Doctor ran around some controls, “Totally. It all confirms. It is his universe. So now we can go…” “It seems ages.” Jeremy said. “A few days is all,” Jesse shrugged, “So we’re going to New York? My home state?” “Yes,” the Doctor nodded, “At Jeremy’s request…” “We used to live in Irvington, New York. I used to entertain audiences there,” Jesse laughed. “Since I was 7, I always acted, sang. Remember the King and I?” “Remember? I was in it!” The Doctor said. Jesse sat up, “The play?” “The real life equivalent in that time,” the Doctor smiled, “You want to visit home, too?” Jesse shrugged and didn’t answer. “Is it….is it…to stay?” The Doctor asked. “No, of course not,” Jeremy put his head to one side and it sounded like he wanted to stay home. This worried both the Doctor and Jeremy. Jesse snorted. Jeremy looked at him and smiled, moved to him, and sat on his lap. Jesse laughed. “Well, then, I know you have your privacy….” “I just love the way you say privacy, so British…” Jeremy smiled as Jesse put his arms around him from below. “Yes, well…as my good acquaintance Martin Luther, the German priest once said…the time to keep silence has passed and the time to speak has come…” “It’s a girl, Doctor…” Jesse startled so much, he dropped Jeremy off his lap. Jeremy fell with hands out and shook his head to blink away the shock of hitting the floor. “Oh sorry!” Jesse put his hands under Jeremy’s arms and lifted him up. “A…a girl? I thought…” “Oh,” the Doctor said, not flinching, much. “She was in the Chronicles of Narnia, Doctor.” Jeremy smiled as the Doctor set the coordinates. “Her brother played Micheal in Peter Pan. She was born a year or so before me….” “Oh, an older woman,” the Doctor lifted his left eyebrow and turned to wink at Jesse… Jeremy ignored him. “SO… so we were close in age. Anna Popplewell. We used to meet every…I mean we meet every year in New York City, December 27th usually. I’d like to see her this year…” “Not a problem,” the Doctor said. Jesse looked over the Doctor’s shoulder after brushing Jeremy’s butt off. ” Doctor, Martin Luther? German? Junior and Senior?” “Not that Martin Luther,” the Doctor sighed. “The one who started the reformation and…the Lutheran Church resulted. You know…” he countered Jesse’s quizzical look. Then he imitated Luther in a stern voice and pointed at Jesse’s chest, “…we only can enter heaven as we have received Jesus’ righteousness and not on your own…for we haven’t any…” He looked at Jesse’s frightened face. Then he dropped it and tapped Jesse’s nose, “Except for you, of course…” Jesse laughed, “Oh, Doctor…” Jeremy, after being brushed off, was with his back to the console and staring into space. He was serious faced, “I’m going to tell her.” “No, No, no, no, no. About the TARDIS? I don’t think that will fly at all.” Jesse joked, “A bit like the TARDIS…” “Very funny…” Jeremy turned to them, “I want you both to know I’ll protect you both.” “You can’t tell her about the TARDIS or me or Gallifrey, which doesn’t exist any longer or…” Jeremy put his hands up, “Doctor, stop. I’m going to tell her that I’m gay.” Mouths open and jaws dropped. Silence. Long Silence. “Well, one of you say something…” “Oh.” The Doctor said, “Oh. Well, then, if you must…” “We meet at a theater there, Broadway…I’ll tell you the exact street. She’ ll be waiting for me there, I’m sure…her family lets her travel there, they wait at a hotel sometimes…and me, well, I’m a long time traveler. My family will be also there, shopping someplace. It’s just her…” “It won’t be,” Jesse nodded, “Tell one, you tell all.” “You don’t know her. I trust her. She won’t. And I won’t reveal that you’ re gay either…” “What? Me, gay?” Jesse smiled, then dropped it. “I’m not gay, I’m bi…” “Jesse…” Jeremy smiled. “Set and match…” the Doctor said, “We should, uh, be there shortly…” “I just have to,” Jeremy said, “I mean, seeing Toby…” “Something he said to you?” Jesse grew defensive, “Go back there, Doctor, to him, to his world, and I’ll punch that friggin porn slut’s lights out…” The Doctor looked, whirling around at Jesse, “Jesse, you’re not that violent a young man…” “No,” Jesse said, “But…but…” “It’s nothing he said or did. It…it’s just like he lives, you know. He’s not really worried about his career much if at all, and he’s not hiding…he’s just kinda free. And like he says, living in the TARDIS with the Doctor’s kinda like that. And I like feeling so free. But I can’t feel fully free if I keep my present time secret from the fact that I’m so friggin gay, you know what I mean?” Jesse turned and leaned on a machine against the wall, “Yeah. Yes.” “I have to be…” “Your own Romana?” “Yeah,” Jeremy piped up, “I guess that’s one way of putting it.” The TARDIS shot through the time and space vortex, came out a hole in it and hovered over Earth. “Jesse, don’t be worried. I’m …not staying. It’ s not like both of us haven’t gone home a million times already…” “I know but this…this feels different…” bursa escort bayan Jesse said, “Almost like you’re changing something…” “I’m changing,” Jeremy said, “I’m…” “Braver?” Jesse asked. “And you are, too,” Jeremy put forth, “Look, I’m not asking you to do this…I just have to. One step at a time…and I’m going to start with one person that I trust. Okay?” “You don’t need my okays,” Jesse smiled and turned to look at him again. Jeremy faced him and stared into his eyes. “No. No, I don’t. But I want it…” Jesse melted. “Oh, okay. Then, okay.” He smiled at Jeremy. Jeremy didn’t smile right away. “It’ll be okay…” “I know. Things will change, though…” “I’m counting on it,” Jeremy said. “I think…I think it’s very brave of you,” the Doctor said, followed by a few seconds of silence and then the pop of the landing bell sound. And then the TARDIS landing sound. “Typical…” “What?” Jeremy looked over at the read outs, “Wrong place?” “Wrong time?” Jesse asked. The Doctor sighed. “No, no, no. Just the bell is supposed to sound after we’ ve landed…” “So this is okay then?” Jeremy asked. “I can go out?” “Oh yes,” the Doctor read the console information, “Earth, atmosphere is all right….perfectly safe…December 2007…” “Okay,” as he grabbed a long white-gray winter jacket from the hat stand, Jeremy moved for the door control and found Jesse’s hand over his. He turned to look at Jesse, who stared at him. “I’m sure…” Jeremy smiled at him. Jesse nodded and together they pulled that red knob lever to open the doors. Jeremy moved to them, “Just a small step…that’s all this is. It’s just a small … step…” He looked out to the alley. “Great place to park…” “Thank you,” the Doctor said. “Back in a jiffy…” Jeremy said and walked out. “Jiffy,” Jesse mocked. “Who says that? Where’d you pick up that expression?” The Doctor turned from him, “Can’t imagine…” Jesse laughed and moved to the Doctor and put his arms around him and backed him to the console. It was then that Jesse saw the read out. “Doctor…?” “Hmmmm?” Jeremy walked into the early afternoon of a busy New York City. He breathed in the air. Yuck. Just as he remembered. He stretched a bit, no one passing by really noticing him yet. He began to walk down the street. New York. Big buildings. He felt uneasy. As he walked, he passed it off as the lingering feelings of time travel. He didn’t make these specific arrangements with Anna, who was one year younger than himself but he knew that they would just show up there…dang arrangements and all, the last few years anyway. He looked up at a theatre sign. Beauty and the Beast was still playing. That’s great, he thought. It was starting to feel like home, his home, his time. Even though he didn’t live in New York at all really…he felt Earth bonded if not bound. He even began to like the feel of strangers brushing against him, past him, the smell of the steam and even the wind blown dust…he smiled. His hair, longish now blew attractively as the wind blew. He put his hands in his pockets. He and Anna used to drink coffee…tea…go the Metropolitan Opera house. Saw Carman. It was in French and he understood very little of it then. Now with the TARDIS translation circuits getting in his head…he knew he’d enjoy it even more. They went ice skating in Central Park. Saw Hairspray. It felt good to be back in the cold weather and there was even bits of snow left over from some recent snowstorm…but not too much. He didn’t get much cold and snow in Los Angeles…or in the TARDIS. Of course, they had stayed at Lake Tahoe for a short time…something to do with residue ice monsters or something. Which proved to be nothing much. Jeremy thought how nice it was to ski…Jesse hadn’t done much of that in his own private past…he smiled. His heart warmed thinking about Jesse, ice monster residue and the Doctor. Action and adventure. The Riviera one day, Monte Carlo the next day. And of course that Bombay Alley still further the next day or was that the day before next? What could beat traveling in time and space? Damn, he just remembered. Anna’s birthday was, like December 15th or something…no, no, the 16th. She’d be…something like 18 or so now. And he had no present for her. He looked at his wrist watch…and forgot that meant nothing. ” Excuse me…” he asked an old woman. “Can you tell me the time?” The woman looked at him quizzically, as if she had forgotten something…or just remembered something. She had been hurrying along. But whatever she was hurrying to, she stopped short for him. It was those blue eyes. “Uhmmm, yeah, yes. It’s 11:30 am, son…don’t I…” “Oh, lady, thanks so much. I can still get a gift for her.” Jeremy patted her on the arm, “Thanks so much…” He took off toward an area of stores. The old woman turned around to watch him rush off. “Say, don’t I know you from someplace, young….no. No, it can’t be, can it?” She shook it off and began to hurry once more. Signs of a Christmas just passed lightened up the entire city. There were hanging lights, lanterns, Christmas trees, decorations. It was definitely the right time, Jeremy mused. This was Christmas Time in New York City, between the holiday itself and New Year’s Day. It felt good. It felt normal. Jeremy rushed into a store, hurriedly bought nilüfer escort a jeweled glass piece with a lion on it… Anna liked lions, even before she played in the Narnia movie, and hurried out. “12…we meet at 12…” he hailed a taxi down and plopped into it and gave the driver instructions, “Lyceum Theatre please…149th, West 45th Street between Broadway and…” The driver, a gruff and chubby kind of guy, turned, “I know where Lyceum is, kid…” Jeremy relaxed and sat back, “Oh, right. Right.” He brushed a hand through his hair and puffed out. He’d be on time. He sucked in more air. He was determined to tell her. A bit of him wanted to chicken out but he knew he wouldn’ t. Soon he was at the theatre. He opened the door and the driver grunted. ” Oh, right, almost forgot.” Travel cost. He reached into his pocket and took out a large bunch of bills, “Keep the change.” The driver looked at it, “Kid, keep the change? I can retire on this.” “Then go for it,” Jeremy smiled. Energized, he closed the door and waved, then turned at a brisk pace. As the driver drove off, the time traveler looked around. The large buildings overhead. The half clear blue-gray sky. The air and the sound of humans on Earth going about their business. His own Earth. It felt very strange and weird being outside the TARDIS for something like this. He already missed it. That familiar hum that warmed him only when he wanted it. The hum lowered to a nothingness when you felt it was too annoying but was there when you needed calming. That safety feeling inside. He approached the area and he saw the back of a woman. It could be Anna. He had to cross the street to get to her and so looking both ways, he tried. He almost forgot. In New York City, one had to cross at the stop lights. He pulled himself back and ran to the end of the street. Traffic was most hectic, even for this afternoon. He clung to his present for her. Finally, Jeremy walked through the crowd. A song came to his head. The one about “If I Could Fall into the Sky” and “making my way through the crowddddd… .” He couldn’t get it out of his head and he wasn’t sure why. He recalled that they used it on GILMORE GIRLS first season promos. Odd, the things one remembers being back on Earth in his own present time. As he hurried toward the canopy over the theatre, he brushed off thoughts that this was not his own time. He found, each time he came home to his own time and place, he had to brush such thoughts off. Anna had turned yet again and had her back to him. She wore a long green winter coat and had a kind of kerchief over her head. Funny, he thought, she didn’t seem prone to wearing those. It felt like ages since he saw her but …how long was he traveling with the Doctor? One loses track of the….the time while doing so. It could have been a year and he’d never noticed. And he’d only age a few seconds within that time, one of the byproducts of being with the Doctor. In the console room, the Doctor looked at Jesse’ eyes. They widened. Then glazed over. Jesse moved back from the embrace he had the Doctor in. “Doctor, you’ve done it again.” “Done? Done what?” He turned around. “The counter…it does look like a zero but…” “Oh my….the zero…it’s really not a zero at all but…” Jesse shook his head and ran for his coat, which was on the hat stand also, and put on a bright blue jacket, so bright and made of strange material that it looked plastic. “We’ve got to get to him before…” Jeremy reached his hand for the back of Anna. Then just as he was about to touch her, she turned. It was an old woman. An impossibly old woman. She had to be ninety seven years old. Jeremy moved back. He was never afraid of old people, especially women but he was expecting Anna. “I’m sorry, from the back I thought you were a friend of mine and…” it was her eyes. He recognized them. “Anna….Anna…” The old lady looked at him and she smiled. “You have not aged a day, Jeremy Sumpter….You’re such a cad…” Jesse rushed out of the TARDIS and into the smokey alley. New York City smell. Fumes. Cooking things. “Damn you, Doctor, it’s fucking 2087, not 2007. And Anna must be, what, 97 or 98 years old…?” “I just hope he doesn’t meet himself!” The Doctor said as he rushed out. A man passed by the Doctor and Jesse as they exited the alley. The man was obviously gay and flamboyant. “Oh my, don’t you know white is out during Christmas time, dearie?” “Shut up,” Jesse snapped. “Won’t people notice you?” “In 2087? I guess most of my fans will be around Anna’s age, Doctor! Come on!” “We don’t even know which way he went.” “I do.” Jesse snorted, “That stupid theatre, West 45 th Street…” “We could have taken the…” The Doctor started back into the alley. “Don’t even say it,” Jesse pulled him. At the Lyceum Theater, Jeremy had tears in his eyes. Someone was watching them from the tucked in doorway of a nearby restaurant. “I’m sorry,” Jeremy said, “I think you have me mistaken for someone else…” Anna, the old Anna, smiled, “I don’t think so but maybe…just maybe…you’re right…” she withdrew her hand from touching his light blonde hair. It was so much lighter now after some adventures on a sun kissed planet. “Of course, he was always off with that Doctor of his…and Jesse’s…it couldn’t be you, though could türbanlı escort it?” “Anna….” “I’m sure my date will be along any second now…and my nurse and chauffeur… where are they all, I wonder? Can’t get around without the latter two…” “Nurse?” Jeremy turned from her to hide his tears. They had formed so much a pool that now they leaked out of their own perimeter and cascaded down his nose and cheeks. He ran. He turned back and put the gift in her hands. “For…for me?” Jeremy could only nod. Then he turned again and cried…”Doctor….Doctor!” Jesse and the Doctor were running toward him from another street. The Doctor was ahead. “He might even be…50 or so now or look 50 or so…I mean he’d be one year younger than she…96 or 97 but he might look like he does now or he might look 50 or anywhere in between…” Jesse caught up with the Doctor, as they pushed past people, their running impeded. People were looking at them as though they were mad. And they might just be. Jesse puffed and as he spoke, clouds of frosty air came out. “Doctor …Doctor, traveling with you…is i…icated….you suck sometimes, you know that, Doctor?” “I suck.” He looked dejected. They ran past the man in the doorway, not really noticing him. The man was Jeremy. He looked at them. He was a blur to them. Jeremy ran up to them. The Doctor grabbed him even as he tried to run away from the hug. Jeremy’s face was over the Doctor’s shoulder and Jesse could only stare at him, making faces of sorrow and nodding in sympathy. “Don’t say anything….” Jesse said, “We’ll just go back…back to the TARDIS…then back in time, back here…try it again, yeah?” Jeremy cried. “I hate you sometimes, Doctor, you know that?!” The Doctor was crying over Jeremy’s shoulder, “It’s not that bad. You didn’ t meet yourself and you…” “But where am I?” Jeremy said, “I might be dead…” “Maybe but maybe not. We might change things just by being here. You might have died, you might not have, you might not have and we didn’t change that or you might have and we did change that. Let’s do what Jesse says, for a change, yeah?” “Thanks a lot,” Jesse snorted. Anna was looking at them from afar. With her was a chauffeur and a male nurse. The male nurse had a wheelchair ready for her. Anna waved him off, “I can stand.” “Let’s go…” Jesse pulled Jeremy from the Doctor and Jeremy just stared at him. “Are you…?” “Jesse, no,” Jeremy hugged him and put his head in Jesse’s chest. Jesse hugged him. “I’m not.” Jesse looked at the helpless Doctor. “Get the TARDIS. Bring it to that small park over there….” As the Doctor moved off, Jesse called to him, “And for fuck’s sake, don’t fuck it up. Get here allright….” The Doctor ran off. “I’m so sorry,” Jesse said as he hugged Jeremy. “That shouldn’t have happened. Jeremy picked his head up. A girl passed by with a girlfriend. “Young love is so nice,” she said to her friend. “Yes, even on the streets…” “I guess times do change,” Jesse nodded. Jeremy laughed and used his own whole arm to wipe the tears away. “You ready to get to that park over there?” “I….I guess…Jesse, maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.” “What? Telling Anna…” “No, that’s a great idea. A must have. A needed idea. The Doctor….” He sniffled. “Oh, you’re just angry….” Jesse walked away as if to drop this talk. Jeremy followed him. He pulled Jesse’s sleeve. “No, I don’t know anymore. He does things like this all the time…and time makes me feel so…strange, you know. I want…I think I want a normal life sometimes…” Jesse nodded as they walked, “Well, so do I sometimes but then I think about it. Without him?” They stopped their walk. Jeremy cocked his head. Jesse did too and put his hands out. Jeremy shook his head. “I just don’t…nah…” “Nah…” They were quiet all the way to the little park. They waited there until a couple of couples moved off a bench. They were silent even as the TARDIS appeared behind the bench. Jeremy looked at Jesse. They heard the TARDIS slowly appear. They tried to ignore it. Other people noticed it. The two of them didn’ t care. The Doctor didn’t care either, as he flung the doors open and was behind them. They stood up and faced him, Jeremy rounded the bench, Jesse jumped over it. “Listen to me, both of you…I’m so very very sooo very very sorry …” They were quiet. He grabbed their shoulders and pulled them into the TARDIS. He slammed the doors. Onlookers wondered about it. Some thought it was some type of Christmas Show, for the Doctor had hung a Christmas Wreath on the outside of the TARDIS doors. Inside, those doors, the Doctor opened his arms. “I love you both so very much. I make mistakes. I’m not perfect as much as I sometimes think I am…” Jeremy moved forward, “Doctor, sometimes you make me so…sometimes you’re so …” he choked up. “Other times you’re just…and then you just go and do something….and then you say something….” He looked the Doctor in the eyes. The Doctor swallowed and took him in his arms again, “I mean it. I love you. I wouldn’t do this on purpose…sometimes the, ahhh, TARDIS has her own reasons for doing things such as this but this time it might have just been one of those plain ole mistakes. She takes us to places to teach us things, to get us involved because when we are….it’s better….we’re better…” Jeremy kissed the Doctor on the mouth, “Doctor…” “Yeah?” “Shut up.” Jesse was behind them and embraced Jeremy from behind and hugged past him around the Doctor, “You mean shut the fuck up.” “Let’s go see your friend….”

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