Subject: Uncle Will’s Houseguest 24 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how fty/donate.html This story is completely fictional. I hope you are enjoying this story. Please send any comments ail and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill UNCLE WILL’S HOUSEGUEST Chapter 24 Andy met Simon for brunch on Sunday morning. He was a bit disappointed to learn that they wouldn’t be having sex but he had to accept that Simon needed to visit his parents occasionally. After hugging Simon and waving him off on the bus, he wandered down to the beach. He hadn’t brought his swimsuit but he hoped he might see some hot guys. There were fewer people than normal on the beach but he sat down on one of the benches on the promenade and enjoyed the cool breeze coming from the sea. A chubby man with a dog on a leash reminded Andy of René and he pulled the business card from his wallet. “René Artois, Antiquaire” There was an address in Jean-les-Pins plus a telephone number and an email address. “I wonder if he is at home today,” he said to himself. He smiled and pulled his phone from his pocket. “Hello René. This is Andy, your young Scottish friend. How are you today?” “Ah, Andy! How lovely to hear your voice,” responded René. “I’m good. What are you doing?” “I’m sitting on the esplanade by the Plage du Ponteil enjoying the view,” replied Andy. “I’m free today and I wondered if you were also free.” There was silence for a moment and then René asked, “I was just about to go out for lunch. Would you like to join me?” “I’m not terribly hungry but I’d love to chat with you over lunch,” said Andy. “Shall I come to Juan-les-Pins?” “No, I will pick you up in my car,” René answered. “Walk along to Square Albert Premier and wait by the side of the road. I will be there in ten minutes.” “Great! See you soon,” said Andy. Andy smiled when the yellow Citroën 2CV pulled to a stop in front of him. He climbed in and grinned at René. “How appropriate for someone who sells old musical instruments to have a classic car like this! I love it.” “I’m pleased that you like it.” René drove off. “I’m very happy to see you today.” “My uncle is playing golf and I was originally going to spend the day with one of my young friends. However he is doing something with his parents so here I am.” Andy looked down and rubbed his right thigh. “I hope these shorts are suitable for wherever you’re taking me for lunch. I wore them for the beach and they are very short.” René glanced down and saw that almost all of Andy’s thighs were visible. He smiled and gently patted the left thigh, near the top. “They’re perfect,” he said. “We will eat in a restaurant overlooking the beach.” Andy smiled, now more convinced that the man found him sexually attractive. It didn’t take long for them to reach the sea front at Juan-les-Pins. When they had parked the car and were walking along the boulevard beside the beach, Andy turned to René and asked, “Are you really sure these shorts are okay? I’m not wearing much.” As he spoke he raised his arms and this in turn raised his thin t-shirt, revealing part of his smooth stomach. René licked his lips. “I would be happy to have you as my lunch companion no matter how little you wore. You are suitably dressed for a beach-side restaurant.” Andy laughed as they walked on. “I like you, René. My uncle is always telling me I should be more respectably dressed but I prefer to wear as little as possible in this hot weather.” René smiled. “A boy as beautiful as you shouldn’t wear much. Let others see and admire your body.” Andy wondered how to respond but before he spoke, René indicated that they should enter the restaurant next to them. Andy didn’t have a huge appetite after his brunch with Simon but he enjoyed sharing a seafood platter with René. They talked, laughed and generally had a good time together. “Are you in a hurry to get back home?” René asked when they left the restaurant. “No, let’s go for a walk on the beach,” said Andy. “I want to take my t-shirt off.” “Go ahead,” smiled René. “Do you like what you see?” Andy asked when he was topless. René nodded. “Very much.” “You can take some photos of me if you like,” said Andy. René didn’t hesitate. He took out his phone and snapped a few pictures in case Andy changed his mind. Andy smiled at René’s eagerness. “I have some very skimpy speedos. It’s a pity I’m not wearing them today or you could have some sexy photos of me.” “You look sexy to me in those shorts,” said René. “Perhaps another time I might get the opportunity to take photos of you in swimbriefs.” “Or perhaps totally naked.” Andy winked at René who opened his eyes wide in response. “Does it shock you that I would be willing to do that?” Andy asked. “Surprised rather than shocked,” replied René. “And delighted istanbul travesti that you would consider allowing me to see you `au naturel’. Andy looked around to check that nobody was looking at him apart from René and then pressed his shorts tight against his body to reveal the fact that he had an erection. “Posing semi-naked for you turns me on,” he told René. “I would be even more excited to pose fully naked.” “Then we must make it happen,” smiled René. “You could take me to your home now,” suggested Andy. “Really?” René was surprised by the offer. Andy nodded. “Then let us return to the car.” “Okay. I won’t put my t-shirt back on,” Andy said. “Have you posed naked for other men?” René asked when they were in car. “Only for one other friend, a neighbour,” replied Andy. “It turned me on…and it excited him too.” René laughed. “I thought you were very cute when I first saw you. I never expected that you would like someone as old as me…or that I might one day see you naked.” “I prefer older men to boys the same age,” smiled Andy. “I think you’re sexy.” “Even with this big belly?” René patted his stomach. “Yeah. That means there is more of you to cuddle,” said Andy. “Of course, I am more interested in that big bulge.” He wanted to touch the man’s crotch but he just pointed. René laughed again. “You can see and touch that if you wish. Now we’re home.” The car came to a stop in front of an old house with a well-tended front garden. “Please come inside.” “I will use a real camera than my phone, if that is fine with you,” René said. “Shall we go into the back garden? It’s very secluded so nobody else will see us.” “You are in charge,” smiled Andy. He dropped his t-shirt on top of a chair and followed René outside into the sunshine. He kicked his sandals off and walked barefoot onto the lawn. “How do you want me?” He was about to push his shorts down when René stopped him. “Allow me to take a few photos of you in your shorts first,” said René. “Please just wander around the garden and I’ll take some shots without you posing formally. “Yes, that’s good,” he said. “It’s like I am taking photos of someone I have found by chance. Nice! Now turn to look at me and smile. Beautiful!” Andy was enjoying himself. “Now slowly push your shorts down and step out of them. Oh!” René was surprised to see Andy wearing low-cut, almost see-through briefs and delighted to see the tenting caused by the very stiff boy-cock. “That is delightful. You’ve got a big one.” He took photos from several angles. There was a more obvious bulge in René’s trousers now and that pleased Andy. “I think you have a big one too.” René smiled. “You can see it soon. Now please reveal yourself totally.” Andy grinned and slowly peeled off his underwear. He tossed it aside and stood with his arms and legs spread while René took some photos. Then he lay down on the grass for more and then moved on to his hands and knees. “Do you like my bum?” he asked. “It’s very nice but I like your cock more,” replied René. Andy was disappointed by that remark as he had hoped the man might fuck him. However he stood up so that René could take some close-ups of his cock and balls. “Will you allow me to suck that beautiful cock?” René asked. “I’d love to taste your cream.” “Yes, but please let me see you naked first,” replied Andy. René opened his shirt to reveal his big belly and a lightly-haired chest. He didn’t remove the shirt completely but proceeded to take off his trousers and boxers. Andy smiled when he saw the thick 16.5 cm (6.5 inch) cock and said, “You have a nice big one.” “Thank you.” René smiled and pulled Andy closer. He gently kissed the boy’s lips and then dropped to his knees to kiss the boy-cock. He licked at the pre-cum and took the cock into his mouth. Andy was soon moaning as René turned out to be an expert cocksucker. He would have preferred the man to touch his bum but René held onto his thighs while working his magic on his cock. All too soon, Andy announced that he was about to cum. René wrapped his lips tightly around the cockhead and used his tongue on it until Andy gasped and started spunking off. René let the cum fill his mouth and then savoured it for some moments before swallowing it. He then licked the cock clean and sat down on his heels. “Your cream tastes delicious,” he said with a smile. Andy laughed. “You certainly know how to make a boy feel good. I loved that.” “I’m pleased. Maybe you will allow me to do it again,” said René. “Maybe,” smiled Andy. “I want to suck your cock now.” He got on his knees and René stretched out on the grass. Andy bent down and began licking and then sucking the stiff cock. When René started stroking his hair, Andy gradually took the cock deeper and deeper. “Fantastique!” the man exclaimed when Andy had taken the whole of the cock into his mouth. “Not many kadıköy travesti can do that without choking.” Andy came off the cock and smiled. “You like it?” he asked before deep-throating René once more. René moaned and after a few moments Andy pulled back and worked on the cockhead for a while. Then the kissed and licked René’s hairy balls before sucking the cock again. René’s moans became louder. “I wish…would you…no, it doesn’t matter,” he said in little more than a whisper. Andy sat up and smiled at the man. “What would you like? You can ask me anything.” “I wonder…” René hesitated and Andy motioned him to continue. “Would you allow me to shoot my cream over your pretty face?” “You want to give me a facial? Of course, you can if it will make you happy,” replied Andy. René smiled, got to his feet and started jerking off with his cock pointing at Andy’s face. Andy smiled and said, “Cum over me but let me taste some.” René groaned and wanked his cock faster. When he gasped, Andy closed his eyes just before cum started landing on his face. The first blast landed across his left eye and cheek. The next on Andy’s right cheek. Some fell on his forehead. More landed on his nose and lips. Andy figured that René must be nearly finished so he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. René gave him what he wanted and fired the rest of his load into the open mouth. René trembled and then sighed. “Ooh, that was wonderful, Andy. Thank you.” Andy opened his eyes and smiled at René. Cum dripped from his left eye lashes, partly obstructing his view. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I like to make men happy.” “You look so sexy like that,” said René. “May I take a photo before we clean your face?” “Yes, but only for your own enjoyment,” Andy replied. “I don’t want any sexy photos of me ending up on the internet.” “I’d never post these photos on the internet. I promise.” René reached for his camera and took a couple of pictures. “Beautiful,” he said with a smile. René then knelt down in front of Andy and said, “I’d love to lick the cream from your face. Is that okay with you?” “Whatever makes you happy,” smiled Andy. René licked Andy’s face clean but he still had some cum in his mouth when he gave Andy a kiss. Andy accepted the gift and thanked René. “One more thing…and you can say no if you don’t like the idea,” said René. Andy was curious. “Go on.” “I like…what is the English term? Ah, yes. Golden showers,” René said. “May I give you one?” “You want to piss over me?” Andy smiled. “I have read about `golden showers’ but never imagined trying them.” “You think it’s disgusting?” René asked. “No. I am not sure whether I will like it but I want to try all kinds of sexual fetishes,” replied Andy. “As long as I can get a hot shower afterwards, you can do it.” René smiled. “Thank you, Andy. Pissing on a boy as beautiful as you would really turn me on.” “Then go ahead,” said Andy. “Shall I remain kneeling like this?” “Open your legs a little wider. Yes, that is perfect,” said René. He took hold of his now flaccid dick and pointed it towards Andy’s chest. A few moments later, a small dribble of liquid appeared and then the flow started. The stream of piss hit Andy’s chest. René moved it from side to side and then aimed for Andy’s cock and balls. Andy smiled at the unusual sensation and decided it felt okay to give René pleasure in the way. When the stream moved back up to his chest, Andy said, “Give me another facial,” before closing his eyes and pushing his face into the flow of warm liquid. René was surprised at Andy doing this but he got a bigger surprise a short time later when Andy opened his mouth and let the piss flow inside. Andy didn’t swallow but allowed the liquid to run over his chin onto his chest. The flow came to an end moments later. “Did you enjoy that?” René asked as he helped Andy to his feet. “I did…more than I expected,” smiled Andy. “Did you enjoy it?” “I loved it,” grinned René. “Especially seeing it splash over this pretty face.” He bent forward and gave Andy a quick kiss. “Now let me get you into a hot shower.” René stood in the bathroom and watched as Andy took a shower. “You should have brought your camera and taken photos of me in the shower,” Andy said as he dried himself. “Maybe next time.” “Next time?” René smiled. “Yes, I definitely want to have more sexy fun with you,” said Andy. “You will invite me back, won’t you?” “Of course, my sexy young friend!” René smiled. “Maybe next time you will allow me to use my video camera as well.” Andy laughed. “Maybe.” The pair got dressed and René drove Andy back to the centre of Antibes. “I am busy with school and other things but I will be in touch when I free to meet up with you again,” Andy said before saying goodbye. “Thank you, Andy,” said René. “I know you must have other friends but I will bakırköy travesti be very happy to see you occasionally.” Andy smiled then gave the man a quick kiss before leaving the car. He waved and then set off home, pleased with how his day had gone. *** “How was Simon?” Will asked when he arrived home about an hour after Andy. “Good, but he wasn’t able to spend much time with me,” replied Andy. “He wanted to visit his parents.” “Okay,” said Will. “What did you get up to on your own?” “I took a trip to Juan-les-Pins, saw some hot guys on the beach and had a late lunch there,” replied Andy. He thought it best not to mention René. “I had a swim in the pool downstairs when I got back but there was nobody else around. How was your game of golf?” “Very good – only eight over par. I’m catching up on Freddy,” smiled Will. “And how was Giap? Did you fuck him?” Andy asked. “No, I didn’t fuck him,” Will replied. “He didn’t have anywhere private. I got a great blowjob though.” “That’s a shame but I hope that means you will fuck me tonight,” responded Andy. Will laughed. “Perhaps.” “If you don’t, I might have to visit Pete,” joked Andy. *** Andy and Patrick were sunbathing on the Plage de la Gravette after school when Patrick said, “Summer will soon be over and we won’t be able to do this for much longer.” Andy sighed. “That’s a shame. I will miss my trips to the beach. What is the beach like where you live?” “Plage de la Fontonne is a long, straight beach,” Patrick began. “It’s bigger than this one but there is no shelter like here…and it’s mostly fine gravel rather than sand.” “Oh, not good. I much prefer sandy beaches,” said Andy. “Oh, there is something I wanted to ask you about. During my private French lesson this afternoon, my teacher talked about Grenoble and winter sports there. She said that our school often arranges ski trips. Do you know anything about that?” “Yes, that’s true. A number of school parties go for long weekends over the winter,” replied Patrick. “I haven’t been before but I’m hoping to go this year.” “I’d love to go too. Maybe we could share a room,” smiled Andy. “We could have après-ski sex.” Patrick laughed. “That would be fun. Details should be announced fairly soon.” “I wonder if Uncle Will knows anything about it. I’ll ask him this evening,” said Andy. “Now let’s have a swim. I want to have another feel of your cock and I can do it without others seeing when we’re in the sea.” Andy asked his uncle about the ski trip while they were preparing dinner. “Yes, arrangements for trips to Grenoble will be made soon. It was discussed in the staff room at lunchtime,” said Will. “Some of the senior pupils will be visiting classrooms over the next few days to get names of those interested. I assume you want to go?” “Yes. I’ve never been skiing before but I’d love to try it,” replied Andy. “Patrick and I are hoping we might share a room.” Will smiled and shook his head. “I should have known that you’d be thinking about the possibilities for sex as well as the sport. Not that you’re much different from other pupils. Boys and girls have been caught in each other’s rooms in the past.” “You’ll never find me in a girl’s room!” declared Andy. “A teacher’s room perhaps. Do you ever go on these trips?” “I have gone to supervise kids in the past but I’m not planning to go this year,” replied Will. “So I won’t be there to spoil your fun.” “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not,” said Andy. “Patrick isn’t into anal sex and I will miss not having you fuck me. I will have to take my big dildo with me.” “The trip is still some months off. Perhaps Patrick might change his mind about anal sex before then,” suggested Will. “Or perhaps I can find somebody else to fuck me,” said Andy. “Is Leo Kaplan going to Grenoble?” Will laughed. “You’re after him now?” Andy smiled. “I know he’s gay but I don’t know if I’m his type.” “I’m not sure what his type is,” said Will. “And I don’t know if he’s going to Grenoble this year. He has gone in the past.” “He’s always nice to me in class,” said Andy. “Not like I’m the teacher’s pet or anything but he always speaks slowly and checks that I have understood. We should invite him for dinner sometime. He’s one of your friends after all and I’d like to get to know him outside of school.” “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” said Will. “What’s wrong with it? I’m bound to meet all your poker buddies at some point and I’m sure he won’t treat me any different in class if he chats with me over dinner,” Andy responded. “Have the two of you never had dinner together before?” “Just the two of us? Only a couple times and in restaurants, not in each other’s homes,” replied Will. “But he has been here to play poker. Invite him for a meal…one night next week perhaps,” said Andy. “You might find this place empty when I’m back in Scotland and it will be good for you to have other friends visiting you for conversation occasionally.” “I will think about it,” Will said. “Good! You’ll miss me when I’ve gone,” smiled Andy. “I probably will, smart arse! Will playfully spanked Andy’s bum. To be continued