Hottest MILF in town Part 2
Well here’s the follow up to the first encounter all true and still not sure how to go about this.
So Easter weekend we were obviously all in town with our families. Saturday prior to Easter things got interesting. I went to my buddies house as usual when we are both in town. His mom came home from the gym looking as hot as usual all sweaty, make up on, her perky little bubble butt in her spandex poking out and her nipple rock hard poking out from her skin tight workout shirt. She walked by said hello as usual we made small talk. When she walked away I of course gave my friend shit for how hott she was. He obviously has no idea I’ve seen her naked by accident.
The day/evening progressed as usual when we are in town. Dinner over there, drinking, talking about college the normal stuff that we do when we get together. We decided to go harder than normal with the school year coming to a close soon. Some of our other buddies came by and asked us to go out to the bars and we decided to go for a little but since we were already to drunk the bartenders wouldnt serve us. So the night got cut short and we ended up back in my friend basement drinking and playing video games. His mom came down not knowing we were back in some booty shorts and one of his dads shirts. We told her what happened and she just laughed and told us it was probably best we were back home anyway.
After a while of us hanging out and her checking on us here and there she ordered us a pizza and told me I should just stay because there was no sense in walking home drunk which wasnt out of the ordinary. Anyway my friend past out on the couch shortly after that and when his mom came down we were both laughing about him being a light weight and she asked if I could help clean up a bit. Of course said yes and started cleaning up our mess. She was pretty drunk herself not realizing what she was doing picking up. Her ass was damn near half out of the shorts her had on everytime she would bend over to pick up something. I couldnt help but stare at her ass and think about the time I saw her naked. We finished cleaning up and she grabbed me some pillows and blankets for the couch. When we were getting the couch set up I jokingly said I wish everyone else’s parents were this cool. She laughed and said she knows how it is to be in college no sense in making a big deal out of it.
That’s when like a retard I blurted out “I promise I didnt say anything about seeing her naked.” She stopped in her tracks for a moment then laughed and said “Good I was going to ask you about it because with the summer coming up I didnt want to be blind sided by someone saying they heard about that.” We talked briefly about it and I said “Now if it had been someone else who saw her I doubt it wouldn’t of got around.” After apologizing about it again and telling her thank you for the blankets she came over and said “I hope you have everything you need and will see you in the morning.” That’s when I got a surprise she gave me a tight hug and I slid my hands from her lower back to her ass and gave it a firm grasp. Half her ass hanging out from the shorts and i got half booty half shorts. She let go and said “Hey we are close but not that close.” I was slient and said “OMG College… Im so sorry… its a habit so sorry!” She said “Mhmm a habit” Kind of laughed then I said “I think Im good Ill see you in the morning” Thats when she went in for another hug and I did it again. This time she didnt say anything and gave me a drunken peck as first. I held her close her first fake tits against my chest and my hands on her ass. I went in for another firm kiss and stuck my tongue in her mouth. She returned the favor for just a moment then said “Haha goodnight”
I havent been able to stop thinking about that night for a whole week I dont know if she wants it or if she was just being polite and didnt want to make a scene because her son was past out 10 feet away from me. Either way if I’m ever alone with her again Ive got some confidence built up now so I’m going for it!