This is the first time I have ever told any one about this, and my first attempt at putting this memory in written words. I guess you can say it all began when my school had a small special class for us about starting puberty it wasn’t sex-ed more like just a one-day class about what we could expect to happen to us soon. I was 12 and they sent us home with a letter to have our parents sign so that we could attend that day. I must say that was probably the scariest thing I ever had to ask my mom you see we didn’t ever talk about stuff like at home my mom was a kind of a prude I guess you could say. Never the less she signed it and I attended the class were they really didn’t answer much mostly they just gave me more questions in my mind, and made me more curious then anything I was already extremely curious about girls and sex although I really new nothing about it. So every day I would sit at night and just look at the poorly drawn drawings in the book they let us take home that showed the changes to our bodies so I would look at the girls drawings over and over and just wonder what it would be like.
That summer my parents were going to Kentucky to visit our family for the week and I had to stay at my aunts house with my cousin Debbie she was 20 and didn’t feel much like going. The rest of the family was going so it would be just her and me so I packed my book in my bag because I figured I would have plenty of time there to read and look at it. When they dropped me off I help my aunt and uncle put the rest of the stuff in there car and they took off right behind my mom and dad. That day I mostly watched allot of TV and really couldn’t wait for her to go to bed so I could read my book.
Debbie walk in the living room and asked me were I put my bags so she could put my stuff up for me not thinking I told her in my aunts room were I was going to sleep. About 8:00 I told Debbie I was going to go to bed I was tired and went to my room. When I opened my bag I remembered that Debbie had asked to put my stuff away and now my book was not there sheer horror ran threw me at that point what must Debbie think? She must be thinking I am terrible to bring that. I didn’t know what to do I wanted to go ask for my book but I was to scared. So I figured I would keep it cool and act like nothing was wrong I would just go back to the living room and turn the TV back on and say I cant sleep.
When I walked in the living room Debbie was sitting in there reading my book holly crap I was freaking out she just looked up at me and said oh wow Jeff I didn’t realize you were getting so old. How old are you now 16? I said no with a blushing grin I am just 12. Wow and puberty already? She said. Well I guess but I don’t think I am there yet. Why you say that Jeff? She said. I was really embarrassed but I just blurted it out well I don’t have any hairs. She just laughed and smiled and she said well soon enough Jeff soon enough and most people just shave anyways to stay clean and smooth.
Debbie gave me back my book and went up stairs to shower and said here go ahead and watch some TV if you want till I get out. Then I could take mine. When she came back she was wearing a bath robe and when she bent over to pick up the plate of cookies off of the coffee table she looked like she wasn’t wearing anything under it that I could tell that was the most skin I had ever seen of a real girl not a drawing and I really didn’t see anything but her thigh and cleavage. As she stood up I really think she saw me looking because she smiled and said for me to go take my shower and change for bed. When I went to go get my night clothes I couldn’t find them I didn’t know if I forgot to pack them or if she misplaced them when she put my stuff away. So I went to ask escort izmit her if she saw them she said no and sense it was so hot I could sleep with out them if I wanted and I could barrow a robe she had till we went to bed.
When I got out of the shower and went back in the living room she was reading my book again. When she noticed I was out she said man Jeff these drawings suck they don’t do anything to show reality. Have you ever seen a real girl naked like this? She said to me. No I said. Oh well then it makes sense why you like this book so much Jeff. If you had you wouldn’t she laughed. Jeff if you promise not to tell anyone and keep it to your self we will play a game. What game? I said. Well if you would like sense it’s so hot out anyways we can go all week with no clothes on and then you can see what I look like all week when ever you want. I really didn’t know what to say I just looked at her sitting there and said oh oh ok. With that she stood up and undid her robe and dropped it to the floor. That was the first time I have ever seen a girl naked ever not even on TV or movies. Knowing braw sizes now that I am older I would say she must have been a large C with very perky breasts. She had a very petite body, and fully shaven pussy. Then she turned around and bent over and picked up her robe and I could see right between her legs right at her pussy. Then she looked at me and said so how about your robe see you don’t have to be embarrassed I don’t have any hair there either I shave mine off. Its cleaner and you feel allot better. So I took off my robe and she said wow I am sorry Jeff as she looked at my hard penis sticking straight up at her. Did I cause that? She said. Giggling!
She said if were going to go around all week naked you will have to do something about that. I had never masturbated so I had no clue what she meant. I said I am sorry Debbie it just happens some times. Don’t you know how to fix that Jeff? No how? I said. Well I guess this will be a learning week then. Here fallow me to the bathroom and I will show you how to fix that ok. So I fallowed her not knowing what she was going to show me.
When we got to the bathroom she said ok now go by the toilet like you do when you pee, and use your hand and rub up and down on your penis. My embarrassment had come and gone by now so I just did as she said it felt really good and only took like a minute then I shot my very first load. It felt so good my entire body shivered. Not being able to aim at all because of the full body convulsion I shot all over the place. Debbie just giggled and said let me clean that up for you, we will have to find a cleaner way for you do fix that next time. She laughed! The rest of the night went completely normal well except for us being naked which was cool because as we watched some TV I could stair at her breasts and body as often as I could then we went to bed.
When I woke up in the morning to the smell of bacon I was rock hard and hoping beyond hope that it wasn’t just a dream. I put on the robe and walked down stairs she was standing at the stove completely naked so I knew it couldn’t be a dream. When she saw me she said why the robe she laughed then she notice my hard penis and she said oh I see with a smile. After breakfast I will help you fix that this time so I don’t have such a mess to clean up this time. She laughed.
After breakfast we cleared the table she looked at my penis again and said wow you must have been really looking hard to still have that guy at attention. She said with a giggle! Fallow me to my room and I will help get rid of that in a less messy way Jeff. She said! So I fallowed her to her room, she said here lay on the bed and I will get rid of that for you! Hell after last night and what she taught izmit escort me I couldn’t wait. I lay there with her right in front of me then she knelt on the bed next to me and put her mouth right around it. Oh my god the feeling of her warm wet mouth and tongue on my penis I almost exploded immediately she sucked up and down. I was experiencing my first blowjob and my mind was going crazy with every thrust of her mouth. It only took a moment for me to explode I was scared to death she would get mad I shot it in her mouth didn’t take long to realize that is what she meant to keep it cleaner because she just kept right on sucking and licked it all up my body shivered for a wail after that as she said how was that was that better then making a mess all over the toilet.
I almost couldn’t answer I just lay there and shivered and said ye ye yes. She then said depending how good I am and how much I help out this week she would show me more ways to get rid of it all week. My mind just began to wonder. What else could she mean? I thought to my self. As I started to get up she said today is going to be spring-cleaning so I expect you to help out allot ok. I was more then willing hell I would do anything she told me know just to have her suck on my again let alone she said other ways. We cleaned the house up and down all day moved the furniture around the TV nothing was left unturned. It was rather exciting cleaning and moving things naked all day. Once or twice as we were dusting under thing I would hold them up as she dusted my penis would brush up against her it felt so good, and she didn’t complain at all almost as if she liked it too.
After all the cleaning was done she said she was going to take a shower and clean up and that I could watch TV till she was done then I could take mine. When our showers were done she asked if I could help her out with something. She said her muscles were killing her from moving furniture all day so she said. Can you give your old aunt a massage and after that I will help you get rid of that again a new way. So I fallowed her to her room and she lay on her stomach on her bed. I got on the bed on got on my knees and started rubbing up my her shoulders I rubbed there for quite some time till she said my lower back is really killing me. So I moved down her back to just about her but occasionally I would accidentally touch her but with my hand she didn’t say any thing so I said how are you legs feeling should I all the way down. She replied sure why not that would be great thanks. So I started rubbing her legs up and down I would make sure I rubbed up high enough so my hand would rub between her legs and come in contact with her pussy she kind of jumped at first but didn’t say a thing just let out a sigh and said Jeff your really good at this you will have to become my masseuse this week. As I rubbed her legs I then positioned my self between her legs and started my hands at her feet and rubbed all the way up to her shoulders as I did that I could feel my hard penis rub up her ass crack she said oh ok Jeff I don’t want to break my promise let me help you get rid of that.
With that she said lay down I was expecting her to suck on it again but she started to straddle my legs she said as I do this massage my front for me ok I think I pulled a chest muscle so make sure you get it good ok. With that she moved up and guided my penis into her pussy I was completely shocked it felt so good I couldn’t believe how wet and warm it was she said as she went up and down don’t forget to massage my chest muscle for me so I reached up with shivering hands and started to rub her titts they were so big and soft I shot my load right away in her she just kept right on riding I didn’t know anything about pregnancy izmit kendi evi olan escort so I didn’t worry. I just moaned it felt so good and I started squeezing her titts more and more.
After I got soft she slid off of me and laid on the bed and panted she said how was that way. I said oh my god that was great she said well she was glad. That night she said I could sleep in her room if I promised to give her another massage tomorrow and she would let me pick the way I liked best for her get rid of my hard on I said I promised and we fell to sleep.
The next day went pretty normal well as normal as it could be now with us naked and all the stuff we had done. That evening after our showers she said ok time for her massage again and she asked right away what way I liked best? I said the way from last night were you put it in your vagina was the best but they all were good she said ok I got a big surprise for you then after my massage. So the massage started out just as normal but this time she said ok well can you massage my front wail I lay down today and I will let you see my pussy up close so you can learn all about it. I of course agreed and as started right off massaging her titts she moaned a bit and then said if you want you and suck on them. So of course I went right at it and sucked for a wail I then started to move down her stomach and went to her legs she opened them up wide so I could get a good look and said if you want you can use your hand to open it a bit and look closer as I did she could feel my breath she said and said it felt good and asked if I could get closer as I did I could smell her it smelled good she said would I like to taste it so I put my figure in and pulled it out and licked my figure she said no with you tongue on it silly so I started opening it up and licking it she moaned allot now so I got encouraged and really started licking she said oh my god you are great keep going don’t stop so I didn’t I did that for what seemed like forever I didn’t want to stop she was moaning so much I felt like I was doing so good.
Then she stopped me and said ok now I will help you get rid of yours she slid up and said lay down so I did then she began to ride me again so I started rubbing her titts again this time I lasted a little longer it felt so good after I shot inside her she got off and started sucking on my soft penis and it got instantly hard again she said I love the taste now with my juices on you Jeff. She was able to suck for a long time I about past out from the pleasure I think then I finally shot again she sucked it all. She said good I wanted to drink your cum again after the other day I was hoping you would pick that so I just did it my self after she giggled.
That went on all week either would start with a massage she even gave me a couple that week and we took a bath together that was great because we got to wash each others bodies all over I didn’t want the week to end after my mom and dad and aunt and uncle got back I went home that night I was thinking about our week and was really getting hard so I figured I would get out my book badly drawn or not I needed something I was going to go to the bathroom and use what I had learned from her and beat off. When I opened up the book slid inside was an envelope with a note it read.
Thank you for keeping me company all week Jeff it was a week I will never forget and I hope you wont either I thought you would like these better then those drawings so I opened the envelope and inside was a bunch of pictures of Debbie naked one standing in front of the camera one of her pussy up close one bent over and showing her ass and pussy and one of me asleep naked in her bed with her mouth on my dick. I cant believe I slept threw that!!!!
I hope you all enjoyed this story that was the first time I ever told anyone about that and I hope to hear from some of you that have had the some of the same experiences. Thank you all.