Subject: Skippy Gobbles College Cock 10 Skippy Gobbles College Cock 10 By Scott Grimes (Studstick@mail) Hey Dudes, you’ve read a ton of stuff on Nifty. How about giving up a little money so we all can keep doing that? How about fty/ In Which Skippy Makes Another Movie One of the international brothers who visited during homecoming saw Josh and me on the mechanical bull. When he found out Lance was my sponsor, he asked him if he’d do a video of my arse hole getting fucked in return for some major money. Lance couldn’t turn it down. His family came from nothe and hadn’t gotten much further from it. While Mr. Stoker was doing some contract talks with other alums, I was dutifully back in Lance And Clyde’s room. “Clyde! Look how tiny Skip’s pussy hole looks with my dick knocking to come in. Can you believe I’m going to pry that tiny thing open with this big dick? It never looks like it’s even possible! Man, it’s like a miracle or something! Look at that defenseless little pucker squinch up and get even tighter as I lean in…put some pressure on it…like it thinks it’s going to keep me out or something. Get the camera way up close. Now watch what happens when I do this!” “YEEEEEOOOOOWWWWW!!!” I yelled as Lance found my nipples and pinched them…fucking hard!” `Fuck yeah! Did I surprise little Mr. Winkie or what? Look how my big ol’ knob sneaked in there for a look around. Clyde! His pussy’s like trying to bite the head of my dick or something! Good thing his pussy doesn’t have any teeth. Now watch!” “OoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH…”That was me again. Lance had shifted his weight and leaned in. His dick slowly slid into me like a ship being launched down the ways. With his meat planted fully in my guts, Lance wriggled his hips and punched a few times. My pussy sighed once or twice and then held on tight. It knew it was in for a really rough ride. Clyde moved behind us to get a ball licker’s point of view with his camera. Lance began fucking me with three small quick strokes, then two slow full ones, pulling out until only his knob was bathed in the heat of my body, then sliding in again. This went on. It went on and on. My was starting to sweat. I could feel the sweat drip off his face onto my back. Without warning he started to rabbit fuck me – like his dick was a power hammer or something. Barely pulling out, he jammed me some more with fast repeated punches. He was breathing hard. When I realized I was chewing the sheet, I spit it out, so I could moan out loud. Lance stopped suddenly, took a deep breath and started slow full strokes again, coring me out in with his long power piston. My arse hole was fluttering, desperate to grab and hold the cock that ruled it. His balls smacked into mine at the bottom of each stroke. I waited, fearing he’d pull out at the top of the next pull. He didn’t. Instead…he rabbit fucked me. Again and again. It must have gone on for at least a minute. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I could hear him snorting as he powered on. All I could do was tighten every muscle in my body to brace against his power fuck. Finally my hole gave up with a sigh and simply got pounded. Groaning, I felt my balls tighten and squeeze out long, strong squirts of cum, flooding the bed under my crotch. I was emptying out — forced to give it up. Just empty. Lance pounded on. “UUuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Lance’s voice started low in his throat and finished in a scream as he froze — his dick full length in my body, his balls tight up at base of his dick. He pumped his hot lava deep inside me. He was filling me up, completing me again. I realized that Clyde was chucking quietly behind us. Lance pulled up on his elbows and slowly caught his breath. Head hanging, his lips by my ear, he growled, “My dick really loves working your pussy, Skip. My balls love it when I unload in your hot little hole.” Lance chewed a little on my ear lobe. His deep voice rumbled in a low laugh. He stuck his big wet tongue in my ear said, “Now daddy’s going to pull his cock out of your fucked out boy cunt and you’re going to give me some more happy dick with that cock sucking mouth of yours, aren’t you, baby?” How could I say no to that? Clyde’s deep laughter joined Lance’s as he moved his camera into position for a bonus feature starring my mouth. Lance wanted to watch the video while he and I did the live version all over again. As it turned out…we reprised it twice. In Which Skip and Josh Perform for Their Guests “Look how he pooches his cheeks and works his jaw while he’s rimming Skip! Your Josh knows his way in and around a hole, doesn’t he, Dave?” Mr. Stoker was on his hands and knees getting a close up view of Josh’s face in my butt. “That he does, Craig!”said Mr. Prodder, smirking down at me. “Look here and watch Skip suck my meat. I love to see a punk pledge mooning up at me while he works for my cum. See how his cheeks pulse and every once in a while he sucks so hard he sucks in air. Don’t you love those hot wet sucking sounds? And those sweet little freshman eyes, blinking and tearing up a little when he gags. I just picked up one with my thumb. Give it a taste, Craig, it’s fucking sweet! He looks so innocent, it almost looks like I’m making him eat me. Oh how I’d love to have him under my desk all day at the gym office. I’d soak my dick in his throat for hours. I’d give him so much spunk he’d never have to crawl out for lunch. But hey! I think it’s time you get your dick back in him and I’ll coach Joshie on his next project. You take the little twink’s mouth for a while, bro!” Prodder pulled himself out of my mouth and crawled around to my butt where he watched Josh eat me out for another minute or so. Stoker settled into my mouth and started a slow, easy fuck down my throat. Both men would run their fingers over our cheeks and squeeze so they could feel the mouth action from the outside. They’d cradle our throats in their hands so they could feel us swallow while we slurped and sucked. “Josh! Time to get your knees up there between Skip’s and settle your knob right on his winking wet hole. Good boy! Now cross your arms behind your back and grab your elbows, I’m going to need to get a good grip on you for this next part.” As I hummed on Stoker’s joint, I could hear Prodder moving into position behind my buddy. “Okay Josh. Your little buddy has got my cock spit polished and raring to go. I fucking hope you got Skip’s pussy good and wet because on the count of three you’re going straight in it.” Josh sucked in his breath as Prodder grabbed my bud’s biceps and brought his own knob to Josh’s tender knot. “One…………….TWWWWOOOOOO!!!!!!!!……………THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!” Prodder porked my buddy on “two” and that jammed Josh’s dick into my pussy on “three.” It was a bit of a surprise for both of us… not necessarily an unpleasant one. “Dave! You should have seen Josh’s fucking face when you lanced him! It looked like someone hit him with a bat. Well…I guess in your case that would be about right, wouldn’t it? You’ll get to see it later on the video. I made sure the equipment was checked out and running smoothly. You know, the way Josh twists and struggles in your grip is a real turn on. I can tell every time you hit his little fuck button. Who knew such a little jock hunk would have such a tender, aching pussy! And, bro!…his nips are standing up and pointing right at me. What does his pussy gaziantep travesti do to your dick when I pinch them like this, eh?’ “YeeeeeeeeAAAAAHAHAHHH!H!!!!” (that was Josh.) “Do that again, Stoker! Keep going, get a rhythm working! Every time his tits get torqued, his butt tenses and his pussy grabs my dick like a long lost friend. Maybe his long lost father, ya think? Say Josh! How’d you like your dad’s dick porking you like a piece of fuck meat? You want a dick like your daddy’s working in your pussy, baby…huh? Prodder, I’m guessing right on this one. Our Joshie’s been a bad boy thinking bad thoughts and now he has to have a big dick fucked into his pussy so he can be a good boy again…am I right again, Joshie? Ooooooooohhhhh yeaaaahhh. I am sooooo right. This kid’s turning red all over and sweating like a Trojan. He’s fuckin’ hot, bro. I think the `daddy thing’ is a real spooge maker for him. His cock dock is working overtime just at the thought of it. Joshie’s got an itch as big as a tunnel and needs major dick to scratch his arse. Look at him work his butt on my meat, man! And look how that churns his dick in little Skippy’s back door! Is that why your little is moaning, do you think? Or is it your big dick in his mouth, or maybe both — dick in his mouth and dick in his arse? Stokker, we’ve got a couple of needy twinks here. Good thing we’re here to help the poor little s and we’ve got the major wood to whack `em with!’ “I’ll say, Dave! I think it’s time we grab `em by the throat and use their holes to jerk off with. Ready?” I was getting majorly battered at both ends, Stoker’s dick finding new depths in my throat and Josh’s cock pounded into me by Prodder’s major league fucking. Craig Stoker reached down and held my neck snuggly with both hands. I was like some industrial grade flesh light or something. Prodder had let go of Josh’s biceps and held my bud by the throat too. There was an unholy amount of grunting, sucking hooting and moaning going on. The men picked up the tempo, gradually screwing their dicks into us, faster and faster. Josh and I were kind of like ragdolls with major hard-ons being kink screwed by a couple of maniacs. The men were really panting now. Then they began to slowly squeeze our throats. We could still get air, but we had to work pretty hard at it. It was weird how I could feel safe and at the same time kind of panicky. My balls were pulling up in fear just like I was dangling over a cliff or something. Stoker fucked away, leaning over my back. He let go of my throat with one hand and reached under me. When I let go with my choked scream, I shot one of my biggest wads ever, right into his waiting hand. At the same time he and Josh white washed my guts — front and back, and with a mighty `FUCKING-A!!!” Prodder unloaded in Josh. We all sort of held each other up as we caught our breath and started to cool down a little bit. With a double “sssswwwwwuuukkkkkkk” Stoker and Prodder pulled out of Josh and me. Prodder turned Josh in place and stuck his overheated dick in my buddy’s mouth. Stoker leaned back a bit and used his knob to scoop up my cum in his palm, and then stick it in my mouth. There was a whole lot of it. For a moment, anyway. “Craig,” said Prodder, “It’s a fucking shame these two will only be pledges for a year. Next home coming, we’re going to have to say `please’ if we want to stick our dicks in them. Maybe we should practice some more now…what do you say?” Stoker said, “Skip! Josh! Suck out another load. DO IT FUCKING NOW!! Please.” Josh and I readily obliged…since they asked so nicely. After Homecoming, the Twinks Come Home to Their Sponsors When we heard Lance and Clyde romping and yelling in the hall outside, Josh and I both perked up and got up on our knees. Whooping and yelling, the men opened the door and stared at us in surprise. We were looking up at them. It was SSSSSOOOOOOOOOO good to be back with them. I think Josh and I teared up a bit. Maybe it was the little sob I made, but Lance closed the door quietly. He and Clyde walked over to us. As soon as they were close enough, Josh and I grabbed them around the hips and planted our faces against their stomachs. The men held us tight to their abs for a little bit. Our men rubbed our heads, reassuring, comforting. Some signal must have past between them. They each stroked our heads with one hand and unzipped with the other. When their cocks fell out, our mouths opened and automatically attached themselves. Josh and I started sucking quietly. “Now you can settle down, little dudes…you can suck some dick and get some cum in you. You’ll feel a lot better, and then you can tell us how you’re hurting,” murmured Lance. “Get naked, kids!” Our men tossed off their clothes while Josh and I did the same. They limbered up a bit, swinging their arms, bending their legs, stretching. They were glorious. Then they each reached down and cradled their cocks, “Come and get it little s..e get the dick. Come and suck out some cocksnot!” We were back on them again, sucking and licking like it was our very first time. They stood, grinning and smirking down at us. Maybe we seemed kind of predictable to them. “Okay, switch out, s!” I knee-walked to Clyde’s giant unit and Josh took my place on Lance’s raging dick. Clyde’s equipment was harder for me to handle. I only really liked it in my arse, where I was better equipped to deal with it. Still, I worked it like a lollypop while I cradled and cuddled his big nuts in both hands. All I could see was that great expanse of dick, the sheer cliff of rock hard abs and the tops of the tree trunks he had for legs. “Crivens, laddie! You know the way to a man’s heart is through his bollocks! My ticker’s pounding like a mail train. Chew my club ya wee baerrn. It’s going in your best frrrrriend’s arrrse, and ya best prrreppparrrrre me well!” I did my best. “Stop ya bonny cock whore! You’ll eat my spew before I can get it into my Joshman’s little cuvy. That’s where it’s promised, and that’s where it’s going to go!” Clyde slowly but firmly pried my mouth off his big dick, grabbed Lance by the back of the neck and pulled him nearer. He reached down, pulled Josh off Lance’s dick and reattached him to his big Scottish club. Freed from my task, I made a beeline for Lance’s dick. Before I could get to it, my big handsome sponsor bent down and threw me over one shoulder. “Were you sucking a big dick again, Skip? Trying to get it to come in your mouth? Were you naughty again, little ? Were you trying to get my bro to kick out his sperm so it could suck it down your throat? Were you fagging out for my best friend, little ?” and before I could answer, he had me across his lap as he sat on his bed. “Whack!” (Surprise!) “Skip! Have you been putting men’s dicks in your mouth all weekend?” “Whack! Whack!” (That fucking stung!) “Have you been letting them stick their dicks in your little pussy hole? “Whack! Whack! Whack!” (My melons were tense with pain but my twat was tight with excitement, it knew exactly how this was all going to play out.) “Daddy’s going to have to show you who your hot little hole belongs to, baby. Daddy’s going to fuck your pussy `til you sob. Daddy’s going screw you `til you chew the fucking sheets. Daddy’s going to breed you like the little boy bitch you are and flood your guts with his spooge. Daddy’s going to fuck you while you try to crawl away gaziantep masaj salonları from his dick and then he’s going to fuck you some more. He’s going to mortar and pestle your pussy until it’s pulped and then grind in it some more. And when Daddy’s done, he’s going to feed you another load of hot ball batter right in your hot little pussy mouth. You’re going to suck me `til you puke cum, and then suck yourself to sleep with my dick in your mouth and your head on my stomach. What in the fuck do you say to that, fucking little dude?” “Yes, please,” I said. That was all that was necessary. Daddy did all that and more. It felt wonderful. It felt like I was home again. I totally loved it when Lance did his `daddy thing.” As he fucked me, he’d growl in my ear about what a pussy I was, how I totally needed his dick in my arse, how I crawl to him to eat his junk. I could hear Clyde as he growled at Josh, murmuring obscenities in Josh’s face, spit in his mouth, then sealing their lips together while he fed my buddy spit. Our s’ power sex was amazing! Right then, Josh and I needed a lot of dick and a lot of cum in us. In just a few minutes, we got all we needed…and more. In Which the Boys Take the Men Home Lance and Clyde had never seen where Josh and I lived because we spent so much time in their room. They’d never asked, and we didn’t think to say. We were at the frat house so often that we almost forgot where we lived ourselves. It was a big house — a small mansion really — out in the burbs. It was where I started house sitting last summer, before I was surprised pretty much owned by the owners’ grown son, the alpha power house Scott Grimes and then later, by his long term buddy and wingman, Brian Stone. Mr. Grimes inherited the house. At the end of the summer, he died in an accident along with Mr. Stone. Josh and I inherited the house as well as sizeable chunks of their investments and businesses. That’s why we were still under the erstwhile supervisory thumb of the beautiful, if evil, Gregg Seemen’s. He’d been an intern with Mr. Scott. A true suck-up. A beautiful prick of a prick with a beautiful prick. But still…a prick. He loved to lord it over Josh and me. I think he was always jealous of how much the men liked us. When we arrived, Lance and Clyde fist-bumped and crowed. “Well fucking fucking A, lyde! We are in for some sweet times here, I’m telling you!” opined Lance “RRRRiiiigghghht ye arrrrre, Lance! The manse looks to have a mess of rooms and I intend to fuck my Joshie in every one of `em.” Clyde never made promises he didn’t keep. Josh’s hole was really going to get cored out over the next couple of days. Once inside the big front door, “ZZZZZZiiiiiippppppppppp.” The men slowly stripped and tossed their clothes on the floor while we sucked them to full hardness. We sucked on as we got naked and our clothes joined theirs in a heap. “Clyde! I’ve got an idea, let’s really explore this place. I’m going to dog fuck Skippy and pound him on a crawling tour of the place. How `bout you do the same with Josh? I’ll start with fucking Skip down the stairs to I’ll see what’s there. You fuck Josh up the stairs and explore. We’ll meet in the kitchen in about an hour after we nut a time or two. How does that sound, big ?” “Like rightness in the mouth of the righteous! Josh-lad…prrreparrrrre yourself!” “TTTHHHHUUUNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKK.” Josh got porked at the same time Lance sank his hole hunter in my more than willing little cunt. It hugged itself (and Lance’s dick) in happiness, it seemed. Lance began fucking and pushing me over to the stairs, then down them, as I awkwardly crawled on my hands and knees. He squatted behind me, relentlessly jabbing my guts with his hot poker hooting and yelling like a cowboy on a bronco. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, he saw the gym and started fucking me toward it, his cock powering me on our way. “Uhhhnnnnnn…oh my god, Skip! Look at the fucking mirrors, little dude! They’re everywhere! I can totally watch myself fuck you!! Look how awesome it is to see my dick go in and out your little hole. Watch your face, Skip! Look at it scrunch up while I pound the shit out of you! When I make you fucking howl, I’ll be looking right down your throat. I fucking love it! Let’s over to the weight bench…NOW!!” Lance slipped one arm around my chest and the other around my waist. He lifted me and walked forward, still impaled on his rock hard spike. He laid me face down on the bench with my forehead resting against the bar in the rack. My dick hung down the end of the bench, and I could look straight ahead into the mirror to watch Lance above me, shaking his head from side to side as he fucked me. “Skip..I’m…going…to……on…every…fucking…thing…in…this….HOOOUUUUUSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!” The look on his face was transporting. He looked like a young god in some glorious victory. His nostrils flared as he screamed and unloaded in my rectum. I could imagine his cum melting into the walls of my guts, warm and welcome. Then he pulled out and walked around to stick his dick in my mouth. As I sucked him clean he caught his breath and said, “Skip, You and Josh have a great place here. It’s amazing! Do you know that I can look in the mirror behind you and see my cum oozing out of your puffy pink little hole? Man, do I shoot a lot in you, or what? “What `til Clyde fuckin’ see this! We can have fuck contests, fuck relays, fuck workouts! Clyde and I can have you and Josh work out while we do bad things to you. We’re going to make you two cum so much your balls will cramp. I fucking love it!” After some time, even Lance got winded, exploring the gym’s possibilities. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and marched me up the stairs ahead of him, just as Clyde and Josh were coming down from the second floor. “Lance, wait `til you see the den! It’s got giant screens all over the place. Not only that, but therrrrrre arrre hundreds of hours of most excellent smut! My Josh and your Skip doing what they do best and keeping scores of men empty and happy. Wait until…” “Great, Clyde! But all this fucking has me hungry enough to eat dick…not that I ever will. Let’s find the kitchen and eat something besides boy pussy. Whatdayasay?” “Ahhhccchh yes!” We showed the men the kitchen and Clyde and Josh opened some beers and started building sandwiches for us. Lance got side tracked when he found some whipped cream in a can and had me squirt it on his tightly clamped arse hole then lick it up. Then he got inspired with squirting it in my pussy before slipping his cock in on top of it and dropping his own creamy load while he finished his beer. It took me a while to lick his cock clean again, but it was a tasty time. It was certainly distracting for me, let me tell you. Clyde reminded us about lunch, “Lance, take your dick out of Skippy’s mouth and put your arse on a stool. The sandwiches are ready.” While we ate, drank and rested, Josh and I filled the men in on some of the things that had happened to us last summer. There wasn’t time to go over it all. The s looked like little kids in a candy store. “Boys, we are sooooo going to fuck you while we watch you get had on video, over and over…the videos and the fucking…sucking too, of course. You can start right now by sucking another load out of us while we make plans. The men scooted their bar stools gaziantep escort bayan back a bit from the counter so Josh and I could kneel between their wide spread knees and start eating their junk. We’d told them about the woods in back, swimming pool, monster shower. The men chatted amiably, making plans for future weekends. “Clyde! Let’s go outside and fuck the little dudes in the fresh air…what do you say, you big lug.” “I say aye, Lance. But let’s get `em worked up first…what do you say to that?” “Great, I say. We’ll play `pursue and destroy,’ right?” “Right!” Once we cleared the back door we were in a secluded meadow surrounded by trees. The s gave us a head start of five, then came after us. Of course they cheated, starting on “three” instead of waiting. They tackled us around our ankles and we fell like trees. The men guffawed and yucked as they pulled us up onto our hands and knees and took a wrestlers pose — their chests on our backs, one arm around our waists and the other on an arm. They counted to three again and took us down to the grass by simply grabbing our naked crotches and pulling our arms to the side and dropping their much greater weight on our backs. We were smashed. They were laughing. This whole thing repeated three or four times. Josh and I were pretty much exhausted from struggling and trying to get away. Even though we knew the s wouldn’t really hurt us, it was kind of scary. Josh and I appeared to have dicks that thought scary meant exciting. We had major wood. Finally the s let us up and ran for the trees. “Better beat us to the woods or we’re really going to destroy your tender arses, little dudes!” yelled Lance. Of course they had a head start, of course they were faster then we, or course we were more tired. Of course we lost yet again. Lance and Clyde laughed some more as they turned to face us, then reached up to hold on to branches above them in the manicured trees. God, but they looked glorious. The dappled sun washed over their muscles, their carved faces, their big dicks. Their big dicks were pointing right at us. Of course. “Kids, Clyde and I are going to watch you two suck face while you jerk your junk then coat our dicks with your goo. That way they’ll slip right down the backs of your throats real easy while you suck us off. You’ve got two minutes to grease our poles and start sucking…” Josh and I knew where every tooth was in the other’s mouth…by touch, by tongue. We swallowed noisily as our spit flowed. Kissing on, we jacked and easily shot before the two minutes were up. It was kind of hard to keep kissing through our double cum, but we’d had a lot of practice. Both of us tended to open and swallow rather than stick our tongues in each other’s mouths, so we had to keep reminding ourselves. As we buttered the men’s meat we looked up into their faces. They were so fucking turned on from watching us, I guess. Their mouths were open, their skin was flushed and they were breathing heavily. It only took Josh and me a minute or two more before we’d extracted another load of prime college cock snot from those two elite level dicks. Lance and Clyde stuck a finger up our respective butts and walked us back to the house. They continued to make plans for the weekend, and for Josh and me. Our s continued to be impressed with the house as we sucked them in the kitchen while they built us some more sandwiches, sucked them in the gym room where they pumped iron, sucked them by the swimming pool after they did some laps, and then sucked them in the den while they watched the Skippy and Josh channel featuring mega hours of Josh and me servicing countless alpha studs. “Holy fuck, Clyde! Let’s see that one again where Josh gets fucked for the first time by Stone, and the one where Skip sucks off Grimes at the very beginning. Man, I could watch that thing for days! Boys, it’s time for the ice packs…” Lance and Clyde had decided to go for a two hour marathon edging contest to see which one of them could hold off cumming the longest. They had a couple of coolers at their feet, between Josh and me. When either of them called for ice, we would haul out an ice pack and put it on their balls to cool them down a bit while we kept on sucking. Our jaws were way beyond sore, but their juicy cocks were an on-going inspiration. My had found a hand held camera and was recording our session. As we all watched the big screen, we could still catch what we were doing live on another screen to the side. Lance was full of encouragement, “Suck for the camera, Skip! Show our future viewing audience what you look like with my A-1 big dick in your mouth. Hallow those cheeks and work those pretty lips, little ! Show `em how much you want my balls to feed you. You look fucking desperate for daddy’s dick, little dude! I’ve got a fucking lot of cum in me, and it needs to go somewhere. That somewhere, is in your guts, little dude.” After our men watched Josh’s deflowering (again) and were nearly through seeing me suck off Scott Grimes (again) Lance said, “Clyde! What’s say we call this a tie and dump in our boys now?” “Ach, m’chum! Just what my bollocks are crying for, to puke up their spew and have it eaten hot and thick, fresh from the spout!” “Right you are, then, Clyde! Let’s set up a tape loop of Grimes calling Skip to his dick. I really get off on that part. Here goes,,,” Lance pressed the remote. The big man with the deep baritone voice appeared giant size on the big screen. “Get ready to gobble some cock snot, Skip! “Goooooood pussy, puss, puss! Come get the cock, Pussy!” They could watch Scott ruffle my hair with one hand, thumb my chin down with the other, then grab my head with both hands. Then he attached my mouth to his dick like he was putting a hose on a vacuum cleaner. “Oooohhh, yeah, Skippy! Get the meat, baby! Suck for the baby batter! Hot soft and wet is how I like your pussy mouth. Let me hear you slurp pig boy! Work for my cum, baby…suck for it!” Lance loved that part, “I’m fucking playing that again, dudes! It’s gotta be an all-time classic. So work for my cum, Skip, let me hear you slurp some more, pig boy!” “Fuck!!! Look at Skip chowing down on the dude’s fucking junk! He does look like a hog at a corn trough. `SSSSShHHLLLLUUUUUUUPPP!! I love that sound. Skip! Let’s hear it live…’ “SSSSShHHLLLLUUUUUUUPPP!! I repeated enthusiastically, licking and sucking Lance’s cock. “Clyde! Look at that dick on the screen, the one in Skip’s mouth! That’s Scott Grimes, man! My fucking meat is just like Scott Grimes’! It’s like we had twin dicks of something!” Exactly. Lance’s dick was perfection for me, just as Mr. Grimes was. The cum that I could coax out of it was just as hot, just as thick, just as sweet. Lance moaned like Mr. Grimes too. I love to hear him moan when I deep throat him or pull back to really work his knob. He closes his eyes and it’s like he’s dreaming of putting out fountains of cum. More raunchy visions of Josh and me moved over the giant screen above us. Our guests certainly seemed to enjoy them, almost as much as they did our mouths on their dicks. “Get ready to gobble some cock snot, Skip! “Goooooood pussy, puss, puss! Come get the cock, Pussy!” “Oooohhh, yeah, Skippy! Get the meat, baby! Suck for the baby batter! Hot soft and wet is how I like your pussy mouth. Let me hear you slurp, pig boy! Work for mycum, baby…suck it!” I’m putting it on a loop until I load you with my swimmers, Skip. Suck `em out, baby…suck `em the fuck out!” I slurped noisily like a crazed sump pump and he unloaded in my throat. I slurped and fed, slurped and fed. I could hear Josh beside me gulping down Clyde’s gauts of goo, as the big man fired his highland cannon in sympathy, right down my bud’s mouth. Who said reruns are boring?