Who is She ?


Her skinsoft to the touchher heart is softer stillfilled with love and kindnessof whichshe knows no boundsMy kissestrace the dreamsof her heartbeatsbreathing inthe Malatya Escort welcoming scentof her loveI rest my lifeon her soulembracingthe Malatya Escort Bayan sweetnessof her warmthas I curl my Escort Malatya existenceinto every lineof her poetrywhile celebratingthe pure artthat we are togetherI want to taste my fingerslaced with her pasteI savour her flavourswith hunger in my soulCream and honeyall sticky and sweetdripping like a rivera delight to my eyesthe most amazing spaceto graze my needHeat like lightning,consummate loveRipe petalsholding the nectaryour fragrance divine

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