Anneka Enjoys Cock and Fanny Ch. 05

Kissing Penis

In this chapter, it’s mostly about Charlie, but Anneka will be back, promise. Charlie has it off with Jessica. Marianne makes an appearance…and Tom, Dick and Harry!


Jessica lay on her bed, propped up against her pillows. She had one hand holding her iPad, reading Professor Smith’s lecture notes…her other hand was down on her fanny, massaging it gently.

She was wearing a big sloppy t-shirt, easy access to reach her cunt. She was going to masturbate soon…she knew it…she did it every day. But she liked a little trigger of some sort to get it going, a catalyst she thought, she was after all a science student.

And here it was! Professor Smith said, ‘And my point that I’d put forward to you.’ Professor Smith’s point! Jessica imagined the Professor standing in front of the class, stark bollock naked with a big prick sticking out towards them, maybe even wanking!

She slid down the bed and was soon vigorously rubbing her wet cunt. But she needed more, she felt really desperate this morning. From her bedside she picked up two dongs and a butt plug. She wet the butt plug in her cunt, then eased it into her arsehole. She picked up the first dong, a thruster Rabbit, and soon had that up herself and going as well, touching her clit.

As she became more aroused she eased it in and out. Then she picked up the other dong, a big realistic vibrator cock – and got that up her cunt as well beside the Rabbit.

‘God, that was so good,’ she thought, as she twisted and turned and rolled about as her climax grew. She could feel the dongs and butt plug rubbing together inside her.

Soon she was panting, moaning and sweating as she reached her climax…and knew that if she didn’t cover her mouth she would let out a scream. She somehow grasped both dildos in one hand, working them in and out, and stuffed the bed sheet in her mouth as she exploded. She lay back panting and gasping.

She needed that…every day. But what she really needed was a real big hot cock up her – and she had never had it. For Jessica was still a virgin.

For Jessica was painfully shy and quite convinced that she was the plain Jane of all time. She wore her hair in a deep fringe and had it cut so that it covered most of her cheeks. She needed to wear glasses, but her choice were heavy black framed ones, like somebody called Buddy Holly once wore.

She always wore loose sloppy clothes as well, convinced that she didn’t have a nice body either, and that her tits were a funny size and shape. Which they weren’t, they were actually lovely, wide and quite flat, but not helped by the flattening sports bra she habitually wore.

And of course none of this was true! She was actually quite pretty with a very sexy mouth. She had a nice body, maybe a little tubby, but she didn’t exactly display her assets. She’d not had a boyfriend since she’d started at the college, far less the desperately wanted prick up her, fucking her hard.

She got up with a sigh and headed for the bathroom. She got into the shower, washed the dongs, then turned the shower head to needle jet. She spread her legs and sprayed her mound with the fine jets, ‘Ohhhh!’ Then her tits until her nipples were hard. Then her fanny again.

She loved to do it different ways, hard jets, soft jets, hot water, cold. It was such a good sensation doing that, until eventually the feeling wore off. What did she like most? Sharp needle jets, cold water…on her nipples, she thought.


She had an early class that day, she sat to one side of the room so that she could massage her cunt and day dream about all the pricks around her, wondering how many were hard or not? After the lecture, she headed to the refectory, none of her girl pals were around, so she sat herself.


Charlie Fraser was standing in front of her! The class heart throb…or maybe knob throb! Believed according to Facebook rumours to have the biggest prick in the college…maybe the Universe! She looked startled, Charlie to her knowledge had never even glanced at a frump like her.

“Mind if I sit down?” said Charlie, giving her one of his electric smiles. But what Jessica didn’t know was that Charlie had been secretly watching her for a while. It had started one day when one of his pals had been quite rude about Jessica, pointing her out as the plainest girl in the class.

Charlie had a look, and said, “I’m not so sure…let me see if I can make out with her.”

For he had spotted her sexy mouth and figured that under the frumpy clothes she had a fine body, possibly with bigger tits than it looked. He also noticed that whenever a boy walked past her her eyes very surreptitiously followed him all the way. He’d spied for a few days and now he made his move.

“Seen you in here a few times, what class are you in?”

Jessica spluttered and coughed and managed to get out, “Science.” But under Charlie’s charm, she started to chat a little, or mumble as she thought.

“I’ve got to go to a class now, Kastamonu Escort see you here tomorrow?” from Charlie. That was Monday.

“Y…yes…,” Jessica got out. She immediately headed back to her dorm building to masturbate. As she slid her fingers in and out, she thought she didn’t believe it…heart throb Charlie chatting to her, probably never see him again, best make the most of it, as she orgasmed.

But on Tuesday morning he was there again, this time they chatted much more easily. Jessica even managing to voice some opinions on this and that, even though her mind was on what was under the table in front of her.

Wednesday morning, Charlie said, “Like to go for a drink this evening? Just a quick one, before dinner?” They’d met in a pub around six, she had a glass of wine, Charlie a beer, “Sports practise tonight, see you tomorrow?”

Thursday morning, Charlie had a new line, “Like to go out tomorrow night? I know a good place where we can get something to eat.”

All arranged, they were ready to go to their classes, but Charlie had another idea in his head. He wouldn’t have exactly said he was priapic, but the slightest thing led to him getting a hard on, and once it was up it stayed up. Sitting opposite a girl, any girl, could cause it…as it had done now. Usually it came up inside his boxers, so he could disguise it.

But this morning he had quite deliberately gone commando. Under the table, he eased his prick to the side, so that it was tenting his trousers at an angle, there was no mistaking what it was. He stood up straight and quite quickly, so that Jessica couldn’t help but get an eyeful of his big prick.

She gulped, “Yes, see you tomorrow.” She was barely able to contain herself from masturbating there and then, no time to get back to the dorm. She headed to the ladies loo, got in a cubicle and started masturbating…god, what size must his prick be?

Friday evening came, she met Charlie and they walked to a new pub. She still couldn’t believe this was happening. Her girlfriends had been looking at her in a funny way, what on earth was going on? Did she have some pheromone that they didn’t know about? For Jessica hadn’t really changed her appearance, still her hair all over her face, still rather boring clothes.

They finished the meal and sat back having a drink. Jessica was a little tipsy by then. “Want to dance?” Charlie had quite deliberately chosen this pub, as he knew it had a dance floor.

“Oh no, I couldn’t, I haven’t been on a dance floor for like years.”

“Come on, it will be good for you,” Charlie got her hand and tugged her up. Jessica had completely forgotten that dancing was quite fun. Soon they got in the swing of it with some quite fast numbers.

Then the band started on a real slow smoochy one. Charlie moved in, Jessica’s head was nestling against him. But soon Charlie reached under her chin, lifted her head and was kissing her. Jessica was in heaven, still wondering if she was dreaming, especially when Charlie pushed his tongue into her mouth.

She thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever felt. She was getting quite aroused, and when Charlie pulled his tongue out of her mouth, without thinking she followed it and soon had her tongue in his mouth.

Charlie discovered another hidden feature about Jessica – she had a really long tongue, which she licked and sucked and tickled inside his mouth. Charlie thought, ‘I’d like that round my cock.’

The number came to an end and they went back to their seats. Jessica could feel the heat in her cunt and she thought it was already wet. Would Charlie maybe fuck her? Oh please, do it…

“Getting late, will I walk you back to the dorm?”

“Yes, of course,” said Jessica, feeling very disappointed.

They headed out, but Charlie took a different route back. The campus had lots of open grass park areas, with bushes and trees and it was a warm starlight night.

“Want to sit and look at the stars for a while?” said Charlie.

Jessica nodded, her cunt on fire. They lay down, and soon were kissing again, even more passionately than they had on the dance floor. After a while, Charlie’s hand went down, then came back up again under her dress inside her thighs. He rubbed her fanny through her knickers. Jessica didn’t resist.

Then he got his fingers round the knickers and soon they were off. She was looking forward to his fingers in there, but Charlie didn’t put his hand back…she could sense him fumbling with something.

Then, he somehow rolled over on top of her…and his prick was in!

‘His big fat cock was up her cunt! God, she couldn’t believe it! All those years of waiting and desperately wanting to be fucked, and there it was! Up her!

‘And it was so beautiful, she could feel every little ridge and bump of his big fat hot cock as it thrust in and out of her.’

“Oh…Charlie, that is so beautiful…don’t stop!”


They fucked all weekend.

After Kastamonu Escort Bayan she’d orgasmed and Charlie shot his load in the park, they headed back to her room.

They were half way there when Jessica stopped and let out an, “Ohhh, there’s something running down my leg.”

Charlie grinned, “It’ll be my cum coming out, so much of it that it’s leaked.”

Jessica ran her hand up inside her thigh, then, “Oh god, my knickers have gone!”

“That’s why your leg is so wet,” said Charlie. “We must have left them behind on the grass, so its run down your leg…and, no, we’re not going back for them!”

“But they were a good pair of knickers!”


They got into Jessica’s room and Charlie started to take his clothes off, ready for another go. Jessica just stood there, looking embarrassed.

“Come on…we can do it again, you’d be amazed at how quickly I can get a hard on again,” said Charlie.

“I couldn’t take my clothes off with the lights on, you don’t want to see my body.”

“Oh yes I do…there’s nothing wrong with your body, I’ve been sizing it up very carefully all week!”

He reached forward and got his hands under her t-shirt and just pulled it off. Jessica was left in her bra and she pulled her hands round her tits.

“OK,” said Charlie, “I’ll go first.” So saying he dropped his trousers, revealing his big prick at half mast. That was too much for Jessica.

“Want to feel it?” Charlie said.

“Y…yes,” said Jessica. Charlie reached forward for one of her hands and pulled it down onto his cock. Jessica couldn’t help herself, soon she had both hands on it, mesmerised by its firm springy feel and heat.

Then he said, “Suck it!”

Jessica looked startled, but was soon down on her knees and gingerly took his prick into her mouth. She had never sucked a guy’s dick before, so she was very careful and quite slow. But the lovely feel of the cock in her mouth soon led to her doing it more vigorously, especially as she felt it start to harden.

She tried to get it all in her mouth but it was just too big. She gagged and spluttered a bit, “I’m sorry, Charlie, I can’t get it all in.”

“Not surprising,” said Charlie. “It’s big and I think it’s the first time you’ve sucked cock? You’re doing fine.” She nodded.

As she sucked away, Charlie reached over her and soon had her bra undone, it fell away letting her tits out, but she was so far away with sucking his cock that she didn’t seem to notice.

He held her head and eased her mouth up and off his cock, which was now fully hard. He pushed her back onto her bed, lay beside her, kissed her and then moved down to feel and suck her tits.

She’d never had that before either, “Oh…my…god.”

Charlie took his time but soon had his hand up her skirt again, feeling her bare cunt.

“Oh, Charlie, what about my knickers?”

“They must have come off in the park,” said Charlie, knowing fine that he’d pulled them off!

“Oh, will anybody know they’re mine?”

“Absolutely not…and I’m sure they won’t be there tomorrow morning, some perv will have picked them up!”

That made them both start to giggle and laugh.

“Oh, do you think so? Will somebody be getting it off, maybe smelling them? They were quite wet, you know.”

“Very likely,” said Charlie, as he rolled on top of her and again inserted his prick up her.

“Oh…oh…oh,” but soon she was moving under him, thrusting her pelvis up to meet him, panting and gasping before another climax.

“Want to get on top of me,” he said, rolling sideways. Again, Jessica wasn’t quite sure what to do, so Charlie got hold of her hips and moved her into place.

“Get hold of my prick and ease it up you.”

As the big cock slid into her, Jessica let out a huge long moan, the sensation was unbelievable, like nothing she had ever experienced before. She rode up and down, eyes tight shut, slowly burying the cock deeper and deeper into her cunt, moving sideways, back and forward, up and down, stretching her canal in all directions.

Charlie lay watching her, pushing his prick up, but quite still.

‘Women really seemed to like doing it like that,’ he thought. ‘Jessica had just the same look of nirvana on her face as Anneka had…and his Mum, Debbie, the night he had fucked her. Maybe not tell Jessica about that just at the moment.

‘…and Jessica did have lovely tits. They weren’t very prominent, but they were sort of deep and wide, plenty to get hold of, and would easily fail the pencil test. Her nipples and areoles were quite small but the nipples very pert.’

It wasn’t long before he could feel Jessica start to climax again, he felt her cunt walls tighten around his shaft and soon she was orgasming – more, “Oh…oh…oh…”

Her breathing subsided and she was very tickly sensitive, “Should I pull it out?”

“Not yet, just lie very still for a moment, but lean forward.”

Jessica Escort Kastamonu couldn’t think why, but she leaned forward anyway. She soon found out, as Charlie’s mouth came up and sucked on one of her tits. She’d never had that before either, the sensation when they were hanging down was quite different from when he’d sucked them earlier as she was lying on her back.

Her tits weren’t quite big enough for Charlie to get both nipples in his mouth at the same time, so he worked them one at a time. He was very gentle at first, fondling the breast with his hands while sucking on her nipple.

But as she started to squirm he increased the pressure, soon he was sucking hard on her nipple, then he gently nipped it with his teeth. Jessica shivered from top to toe and let out a moan.

“Did that hurt?”

“Well…yes, but no. Do it some more.”

Jessica had been keeping very still as the sensitivity in her fanny wore off and as she was concentrating so hard on her tits being sucked. It took her a while to realise that she had started moving again on Charlie’s prick.

“Charlie, I think I’m going to come again, how can that be? That never happens to me when I masturbate.”

“First time for everything…maybe you can do it lots of times…multiple orgasms?”

“Oh do you think so? That would be lovely,” she sighed as she orgasmed again.

“Charlie, I don’t think I can do it again tonight”

She rolled off him and was asleep in seconds.

Charlie lay there, feeling his cock, thinking a very successful evening. He finished himself off with a wank.

He had been right about Jessica, she was horny for prick. He wasn’t setting out to deflower virgins, but when it happened…was Jessica a virgin? She didn’t seem to know what to do, but her cunt took in his prick without any bother or discomfort. Must ask her…and Charlie nodded off to sleep.

Next morning he woke first. He had a raging hard on but needed to piss. He got out of bed and somehow doubled over the loo and got his piss out. He got back to the bedroom, his prick sticking out in front of him, to find Jessica lying in bed smiling and looking at him.

“Oh, you are real, Charlie, I was sure I was dreaming that being fucked by you last night was all in my imagination. I think I came four times, was that right?”

“Yes, but you better make that five,” he said. “I’ve got a big problem here needing relief.”

“But first I need to pee too,” she said.

She came back and without hesitating just got straight on top of him and pushed down on his cock.

“That’s better,” she said as she started to shaft up and down.

“Charlie, suck my tits now…,” as she leaned forward.

‘Wow,’ thought Charlie, ‘we’ve gone from hesitant virgin to calling the shots in one night! Fine by me!’

She sat up and became more and more noisy as she shafted up and down, Charlie could feel her cunt start to tighten, soon she was rigid, her tummy muscles vibrating as she had a huge orgasm. She collapsed forward onto his chest.

“Oh Charlie, that was so beautiful, should I start scratching on the wall to show how many orgasms I’ve had?”

Charlie smiled, “Later. Now you can suck me off again.”

Jessica frowned and looked down at his big prick, “Gosh, did I really get that in my mouth last night – is it not too big for my mouth…and if you shoot when I’m sucking what if I don’t like the taste?”

“No, it’s not and, yes, you’ll like it.”

Jessica slid down the bed and held his cock, then leaned forward and gave the bulb a little lick.

“It’s all wet!”

“That’s my pre-cum, that’s tasty as well. Take it all in.”

Jessica leaned forward again and got the whole head in her mouth. Soon she was sucking vigorously. Charlie was very happy. He felt himself start to come.

“Jessica, this time can you wank me off?”

“Oh, what just doing your shaft with my hand?”

Charlie foreskin had been pushed back while Jessica sucked him, now he reached down and pulled it back up over his knob end. Jessica watched him do it, fascinated.

“Better that way for being wanked. Yes, that’s right, now do it with long strokes…and hard. Both hands if you like.”

Jessica rather inexpertly wanked him, and as she did so she leaned over him. This was maybe a mistake, Charlie knew what was going to happen. Sure enough, he shot off and Jessica got loads of his hot spunk full in the face, on her glasses and all over her hair.

“Ohhh!” she said, involuntarily jerking backwards, pulling his prick with her. Which was another mistake, as Charlie’s second, third and forth shots then went all over her tits and chest.

“Charlie, you’ve soaked me!” she said, as his spunk dripped down her face and tits.

“Lovely,” he said, “have a look at yourself in the mirror.”

She turned round and saw the stuff dribbling down her – actually, it was rather erotic and the sensation when it hit her had been very sensual.

“Charlie, look at me, I’ll have to wash my hair!” That was the last thing Charlie was thinking about at the moment.

“Later, now I’m going to do something else for you…or to you. Lie back and spread your legs.”

Jessica was puzzled but did as he asked and Charlie started to slide down the bed.

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