All Tits and Bum


You would only have to glance and me and Max to know we were brothers, the same dark wavy hair, our mothers fine features, and our father’s lean hard physique. But that’s where the similarities end. Max was two years older and wiser than I, he was the wild reckless one, impulsive and compulsive. He was the fighter and a renegade against the norm. He didn’t want to conform to the rules; he wanted to challenge them along with those who sought to impose them. At school he was hated by some of the teachers, but most of the good ones realised how bright he was, and some tried to point him the right direction. By the time Max left school, he was both streetwise and mature beyond his years and after a few bum jobs, he settled down into a good job servicing computers with a good friend of our dad.

As for me, well I’m the calm studious one, the conformist and the arbitrator between my parents and my brother when things went wrong. From a young age, I liked the quiet life; my pleasures in life were simple, things like good books and movies. I was a good scholar and did extremely well at school. My parents were proud of me, as I was considered a good clean cut boy who never went looking for trouble. Because of our differences, most might think that Max and I didn’t get on, but nothing could be further from the truth. Max and I were as close as brothers can ever be. And from a young age that special brotherly bond grew, and we both knew it would never be broken. It was just that Max always took things to the extreme, where I would hesitate and contemplate the risk. But no matter what anyone said or thought, Max was always looking for the next bit of fun and adventure.

By the time I hit eighteen and Max twenty, we were trusted enough to stay home alone. Max had matured from his juvenile ways and directed his considerable energies towards the opposite sex. His boyish good looks and charming personality seemed to endear him to the young girls who came a flocking in their droves. His cell phone never stopped ringing, and the unexpected appearance of girls at our front door wasn’t all that uncommon. Max just smiled and took them under his considerate wing. One thing about Max; was that he wasn’t stupid, and the opportunities of using his own bed for his carnal adventures when our parents stayed away overnight wasn’t exactly lost on him. He made sure there were no noisy parties for the neighbours to complain about, and he also made sure that the house was clean and tidy upon my parents return.

My mother would be considered prudish by some, she certainly doesn’t believe in sex before marriage, but she might reluctantly accept her eldest sons exploits if he was in a steady loving relationship. But Max had a steady procession of girl’s affections, which was a little difficult for her to handle. It was bad enough when she found a loaded condom on the floor between the back and front seats of our family car after one of his Saturday night outings. However, the real problem came after Max banged Sheryl, a girl who lived right across the road, and had grown up with Max and me. Even as kids, Sheryl had a soft spot for Max. She would often join us when we were playing out side or riding our bikes. But in our early teens, she drifted more to her own girlfriends than mucking around with us boys. To cut a long story short, Sheryl ran into Max in town one night, and he politely offered her a ride home. They ended up in a local park-up spot where Max gave her a good seeing to. Unfortunately, Sheryl thought it was true love and they would be together forever. Max however added another notch in his bed head and got on with life, a life without Sheryl. Sheryl was devastated; in a flash of tears a few days later, broke down in front of her mother and told of her seduction by the boy across the road. Next thing Sheryl’s mother was across the road at our front door giving our mum her thoughts on the morals of her son. There have been few times when I’ve seen my mother so angry and Max wisely made himself scarce for a few days.

Our dad waited for the right time and took Max aside. He very calmly suggested to his eldest son that you never shit where you sleep, and if he wanted to get back in his mother’s good books and stay there, he needed to be a bit more careful and considerate. Max took his advice, steered clear of trouble and eventually wormed his way back into our mother’s heart. Sheryl and her family couldn’t quite come to terms with the whole thing, and eventually sold up and moved away. Max just shrugged his shoulders and suggested she was a lousy poke; she just lay back like a sack of potatoes and made a lot of noise.

The story of Max and Sheryl came out at a family BBQ a few weeks later. My Aunty Robyn, who was my dad’s younger sister, had a few drinks in her by this stage. While Aunty was lots of fun, she was not one who could hold her booze particularly well; and usually got a little boisterous towards the end of a good night. She laughed loudly at the story, and then suggested Max was definitely his father’s son. Aunty Robyn suggested Ataşehir Escort after a little prompting, that he’d seduced nearly every girlfriend she brought home, not that they ever minded. My dad grinned sheepishly as Aunty recalled a few stories of his exploits, my mother retreated angrily to the kitchen. Aunty Robin had never been high on my mother’s Christmas card list, and you can see why. Later that night, Max had Aunty cornered in the lounge no doubt getting a few more stories about our dad. I’m not sure I wanted to hear them, like most other kids, I wanted to hold my dad up high on a pedestal.

At this time, I confess to being a virgin. I guess there was a fundamental difference between Max and I. Max was only interested in short term relationships with lots of sex. I’m more of a romantic; I liked the idea of a long term loving relationship, and I really like cute girls and the innocence that goes with them. At eighteen, I’d had a few girlfriends but little sexual experience. I’d dated Caroline for a while, a cute young thing I’d met through friends. We experimented a little in the backseat of my car, I was allowed to pull her panties down to her knees and play with her pussy, she reciprocated and provided a nice handjob so that I didn’t go home frustrated. It was all very nice, but she wouldn’t go any further, and we eventually drifted apart for reasons other than just sex. Max knew I was still a virgin and sneered good humouredly at my lack of sexual prowess. Forget the cute ones and go for the uglier ones he would often tell me, they always turned it up and were grateful that you gave them the time. But I didn’t care – or pretended I didn’t.

It was a few weeks before Christmas that Max started dating a girl working in a local ice cream parlour. Jo was a little bombshell and just Max’s type, full of fun and cheek. If you took the time to look at Jo’s face, she was extremely beautiful with big eyes and a lovely smile that never seemed to leave her face. However, most people would focus a little lower on her massive tits that stretched whatever top she had managed to struggle into. While her waist was narrow, her hips were wide and buttocks beautifully rounded. Her formidable thighs were shown off in tight jeans, or short skirts that might be considered unflattering or unfashionable for a girl of her size. But Jo couldn’t care less what other people thought, she was just that kind of girl.

Max and Jo spent a lot of time at our house, mainly because the swimming pool provided some respite from a surprisingly hot summer. Jo had no qualms about parading around in a black one piece swimsuit, in the house she would wrap a partially see through sarong around her waist. At first, I reckon mum tried hard not to like Jo, but her likeability was infectious. While she was in your face cheeky to Max and me, she was polite and respectful to our parents. One afternoon she cuffed Max around the ears and told him off for being rude to mum while we were having lunch out by the pool. We all laughed at Max’s expense, as he scowled back at Jo. But the more time Jo was at our place, the more mum came to like her. Dad liked her right from the start, and I caught his eyes wandering a few times, but he also appreciated her independence, challenging wit and determination to have fun.

As for me, well Jo teased me unmercifully right from the start. I think my shy innocence intrigued her, and she enjoyed unsettling me by getting into my personal space and teasing me. She had the habit of touching my arm or shoulder when talking to me. As you can imagine, I really liked Jo. As well as being good to look at, she made me laugh like no one else could. The three of us were all fooling around in the pool one afternoon, and Jo and I got into a bit of a wrestling match. I ended up with my face unintentionally buried in her substantial cleavage. She laughed slapped my ears from side to side while Max egged her onwards. He told me to watch out, as her tits were registered as dangerous weapons, I kind of thought it would be a nice way to die. On another day, she caught me gazing at her sunbathing by the pool, her slightly parted tan thighs looked just too good to ignore. I was a little embarrassed, but she chuckled and told me that I could look as much as I want, and that she liked to be looked at. Later that night, I lay back in my bed thinking of those lovely thighs and stroked myself to another glorious orgasm. This was after Max informed me that she was the best fuck he’d ever had. It was the first time I’d been really jealous of my brother for a long, long time.

On a Friday night just after Christmas, my parents went away to a beach house for a few days with friends. An hour after they’d gone, Jo moved in and their fun started behind closed doors. I went into town and hung out with a few mates to give Max and Jo a little space, and help curb my jealousy. On the Saturday night I hired two DVD’s, ‘Flags of our Father’, and ‘Letters from Iwo Jima.’ I’d wanted to see both for some time, but they aren’t the type Acıbadem Escort of movies our mum likes to have in the house. Sometime back, we had converted one of the spare downstairs rooms into a home theatre with a roof mounted projector and a sound system of some quality. A large comfortable four-seater couch, two single chairs and a couple of coffee tables completed the furnishings.

Max and Jo had gone out earlier, and I was sprawled comfortably out on the couch with a chilled beer and engrossed in ‘Flags of our Father’ when they unexpectedly returned. I thought they’d just go upstairs and retire for the night. I was more than a little annoyed when they stumbled into the room and climbed straight over me onto the couch. Max stole my beer and took a swig before handing it to Jo. After an exchange of insults, they began to get interested in the movie, and it wasn’t too long before we all got comfortable, with me leaning on one arm rest and Max on the other. Jo just cuddled into Max with her feet up on the couch close to me. With the lights off, it was quite easy to get engrossed in the movie, and at first I didn’t notice Max and Jo fooling around.

By the time I did notice, there were little kisses and wandering hands. Jo’s already short skirt had ridden high her up thighs, and Max’s hand seemed to have lost its way between them. I could hear their little whispers and giggles, and my ability to ignore them was fading fast. I stole little glances as they became more amorous, and then I caught a whiff of Jo’s sex. By now it was clear that my brother’s hand had snuck into Jo’s panties for a little fiddle.

“Why don’t you guys go upstairs and let me watch this in peace.” I suggested.

“Because we’d rather stay here, wouldn’t we Jo?”

Jo just looked over at me and nodded.

I slid to the front of the couch with the intention of getting up, “Well, maybe I’ll finish watching it tomorrow.”

Jo reached across and pushed me back on the couch, “Nah, its okay. Stay here with us.”

Then to my surprise, Max slid from the couch and knelt before Jo, his hands sliding up under her skirt and then returning with her panties eagerly assisted by Jo who raised her buttocks to help. After lifting each foot to enable the complete removal of the slinky garment, Jo lay back on the couch and spread her thighs wide, then smiled sweetly at me.

“Come closer little brother and have a look at the sweetest little pussy in town.” Max suggested as he got to his feet.

When I hesitated, Jo reached out and took me by the arm, “Come here and have a good look.”

I let Jo pull me close, and as I slipped between her legs, she moved sideways guiding me downwards towards the carpeted floor. I ended up kneeling between her legs, her skirt just hiding her special place. Jo leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the forehead before lowering her eyes to mine, a mischievous smile on her lovely face.

“Mmmm, I’ve never had a virgin before.” she whispered. “I’m gonna rock your little socks off.”

“But what about you and Max?” I stammered.

“He’s okay, reckons I should put you out of your misery.” she replied before slipping her tongue into my mouth.

Before I could react to her kiss, Jo leaned back on the couch and eased her tight skirt high up her thighs. Her pussy had been severely trimmed leaving only dark stubble in a perfect triangle. A distinct line of her bathing suit broke the tan of her legs and the paleness of her stomach. The fullness of her pussy lips were plain to see, with a dark crease running downwards perfectly dissecting her proud mound. Jo’s finger appeared and slipped between her lips, and she stroked herself as I watched. I felt a hand on my head pushing me towards her pussy.

“C’mon, get on with it.” I heard Max’s jovial voice comment from behind me.

My face felt like it had been pushed into a big warm hamburger, all soft and gooey wet. Jo giggled and eased my face away with one hand, while the other parted her lips.

“If we’re gonna do this, I’m gonna teach you to do it right.” she suggested as her finger tweaked her clitoris. “And you Max, can fuck off and leave us alone.”

Max laughed and closed the behind him leaving Jo and I to ourselves.

“Okay, now the best way to make a girl like me happy is to suck and lick her clit.” Jo said while easing my face back to her pussy.

I tentatively ran my tongue across her little lump a few times.

“No harder than that, don’t be such a sissy. Suck it in and give it a real hiding.” she ordered.

I sucked her clitoris in to my mouth and held it gently between my teeth, then flicked my tongue across it as had and fast as I could, and a little tremor flickered through her body.

“Ohhh, that’s better.” she hissed. “That’s real good. Now run your tongue and down my slit.”

I felt Jo’s hand behind my head pulling my face hard into her; my cheeks firmly engulfed between her sopping wet lips. Her slit was velvet smooth under my tongue, and after a few playful laps İstanbul Escort I settled on the entrance to her opening. I slid my tongue inside as far as I could and balanced my nose firmly on her clitoris. Jo ruffled my hair with her hand as I explored her opening with my tongue.

“Mmmm, not too bad for a beginner.” she whispered after a minute or two. “Let’s have a look at your dick.”

From her sitting position, Jo guided me to my feet in front of her. Her hands went to the elastic of my track pants and pushed them downwards taking my briefs with them. My cock sprang upwards and swayed before her face causing her to chuckle.

“Mmmm, that’s a nice one.” she whispered taking me in hand. “Good size too.”

Jo slipped out her tongue and flicked it over the circumcised head, then lightly teased the glands beneath before kissing her way down the shaft. I trembled with excitement for I knew what was about to come. She lifted my shaft and balanced it on her nose, then ran her tongue deliciously upwards until the head was on the tip of her tongue. She looked up into my eyes an instant before her mouth opened allowing my cock to slip inside. I sighed with pleasure as Jo’s warm lips closed over the head of my cock, her tongue sliding over the glands and into the eye causing me to squirm. She took my balls in one hand, and slid my cock into her mouth all the way to the hilt and back out again.

“Aw fuuuuuuuuuuck.” I cried.

Jo removed her mouth and looked up at me, “Don’t you dare cum yet; we’ve only just started.”

She slowly squeezed my cock with her hand until she was sure that I wasn’t about to fire, and again swallowed me to the hilt. After a few seconds she eased backwards and slipped her mouth slowly back and forth over the first two inches. Looking down I could see her cheeks bulge each time my head entered her inviting mouth. I’ll never forget my first blow job, the warmth, the silky softness of her lips and tongue, and how the pleasure oozed through me. My shaft glimmered with her saliva in the shimmering glare of the TV, her hand gently stroking me as she suckled upon my rock hard cock. Jo slowly worked herself into a rhythm only easing when she sensed I was building up to cum, she would then drop me from her mouth and gently caress my balls until it was safe to continue. Then suddenly she abandoned me and lay back on the couch.

“Okay, fuck time.” she suggested.

Needing no further encouragement, I dropped to my knees and positioned myself between Jo’s open thighs as she pushed her buttocks forward to meet me. She reached down, took my cock in hand and guided it to her slit. A big smile appeared on her face as she rubbed it up and down between her sopping lips.

“So, who’s the lucky boy gonna lose his virginity then?”

“Lucky old me.” I answered.

“Mmmm, and will you respect me in the morning?” she asked.

“Only if you let me fuck you again.”

Jo laughed loudly, “A glutton already. Well, if you’re any good at it, I might just let you.”

I felt Jo ease my cock down her slit and then slide inwards into a slippery warm tight tunnel of unimaginable pleasures. I pushed in to the hilt and held still to capture the moment, and I felt Jo squeeze her pussy tight gripping me even tighter. Her legs curled up around my buttocks and held me, her pussy gently rocking up and down.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that feels fuuuucking fantastic.” I whispered.

Jo lowered her feet to the floor after a few seconds, and with her hand against my navel, eased me away. Her hand slipped down around my cock about half way up the shaft to limit my penetration, she then rotated her buttocks on the couch. Her hand guided my cock up and down her slit taking turns on her clitoris and inside her pussy. By this time her pussy was a soppy mess causing loud slurping noises under my cock’s inept but frantic attack. Eventually she guided my cock to her pussy and released it, and I again slipped effortlessly inside. It was about this time that a naval bombardment started on the TV which didn’t seem all that appropriate or romantic. I reached for the remote and turned off the DVD player, which left the room bathed in a seductive blue, courtesy of the TV being on the AV channel.

Jo grinned and rubbed her breasts over her stretched pink top, “You’re neglecting these, my titties need a bit of lovin’ too.”

I reached forward and lifted Jo’s top over her shoulders, she helped with her bra only because I couldn’t quite reach the clasp behind her back. The top half of her substantial breasts were tan and in stark contrast to the paleness beneath. Her nipples were large and hard, her mounds surprisingly heavy in my hands. She playfully dragged me forward so that my face was buried in her cleavage, before directing each nipple to my mouth to be sucked and licked.

For the next few minutes I gently explored Jo’s body with my hands, while she was a girl of generous proportions, her curvy body was firm and smooth under touch. Even though her make up was now gone and her face shiny with perspiration, she was still deliciously attractive. Her big eyes and generous smile held my stare as my cock slapped back and forth within her. Jo realised that the excitement of it all was becoming too much and pulled away leaving my cock waving in the air.

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