When I first saw you, you were standing in the lobby of the Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, bathed in afternoon sun pouring through leaded glass windows. You shone among the plush furniture and dark mahogany furnishings, in a red linen suit that tightly defined your figure and set off your white skin in a blaze. A figure that stood tall on polished black leather heels. They must have been 3 inches, at least. You looked very fine. You looked perplexed, as well.
Not being an idiot, I went to you to with the intent of assistance, but my mind’s eye could not help hoping to know you, to see you slipping out of that red suit. I don’t know if you could tell that when I asked if I could help you find your way, but that is what I was thinking. And my head was spinning.
Your reply was slyly inviting. “Yes, I need help getting off to the airport.”
“Uh, yes, getting off to…” I stammered as my fantasy almost got the best of me, “the airport.” I gathered my senses. “What time is your flight?” I asked.
“Oh, not till tomorrow morning, but I was checking to see if there was a service to get me there.”
I feigned disappointment, saying “Oh, I thought you might need help finding your way through the city. I’m a native and I enjoy showing people around the town.”
Then you flashed the dazzling smile that almost took my breath away and answered, “Thank you. That is a kind offer and I wish I could take a tour, but I’ve had a long day and I simply want to relax, have dinner, and get a good night’s sleep before my flight in the morning.” Being a traveler myself, I could understand how you felt; you immediately had, in addition to my erotic fixation, my sympathies. I also knew that often on the road, after business all day, an interesting conversation with someone could make the long hotel hours pass quickly. So I acted.
“Please allow me to take you the Capitol Grille right here in the hotel. It is one of Nashville’s best restaurants. You won’t have to walk far and the atmosphere is very relaxing.”
Without batting an eye you accepted the invitation, took my arm and replied, “Oh, that sounds wonderful; please do take me, I’d like that very much!”
We had a fabulous dinner and conversation. We really hit if off. In retrospect, I don’t know if that made any difference or not, because it became obvious that you were going to satisfy yourself one way or another. Maybe that night I was just the lucky guy.
After the meal you asked me to come up to your room so you could give me small gift in appreciation for the dinner. I did not put up much resistance, of course, but hemmed and hawed a bit out of decency. All thoughts of decency left my mind when, during our ride alone together on the elevator, you grabbed the swell in my pants and said, “Hummm. What really relaxes me is a good fuck. That is my gift to you, if you want it.
As I said, I am not an idiot. I immediately responded by running my hands to your linen waist, stepped closer, my hands sliding inside your jacket, and replied, “Mam’, you’ve got me all night long!”
“Good,” you replied, “That is what I want. Get ready to please me,” and as the elevator doors opened you gave my cock a final squeeze and pulled me out to the hall.
And you didn’t let go. Now, I’ve never had a woman drag me down a hallway by my crotch, but the gleam in your eyes told me that it was not a bad thing at all. No doubt you noticed my enjoyment as the bulge you held so firmly grew in your grip. I tripped along, just quick enough to keep up but slow enough so that you kept a taut pull on my cock. When we got to the door to your room, your removed the key card from your purse and slid it through the lock with your free hand, not once lessening your grip. I kept on coming right behind you till I crushed you against your door and the hard rise in my pants settled jammed into the spot with your hand against your crotch. I pressed up and down, up and down while my hands took your hair and pulled your face back toward me. Before I could move to kiss you, your mouth found mine and your tongue swirled my inside against mine. You turned the handle and pulled us through the open door, all the while half-turned to me with your hand on my crotch and your lips locked to mine.
Once we were safely inside and the door shut, you stepped back from me and looked me in the eye. You were already mussed and sweaty and your eyes told the story that you were far from satisfied. And the next words from your mouth confirmed it. “You are going to fuck me till I cum, then I will suck you till you are hard again and you’ll fuck me again.” Who was I to argue?
Can’t say I was surprised when you removed the red linen jacket to reveal a matching satin blouse that barely held your full breasts and left nothing to the imagination of your nipples. You pulled on the points there, rolled them in your fingers. Your ivory skin went blush.
The next two hours were unbelievable; you relentlessly used my body. Never had I know a woman so devout in her attention to herself and her lover. How many times you took me, your mouth, your lips, fingers, nipples, on my flesh—till again I was hard for you. I showed my appreciation in return, I hope, with my meager explorations.
You seemed pleased as you sat cross-legged in the sheets, smiling, smoking a cigarette. We laughed. Tomorrow you would be gone from my life. I made no attempt even to suggest we stay in touch. The sensual delight that met me that night was too serendipitous to try and hold. As when I first saw you.