Changed into a Slut for Cock

Changed into a Slut for Cock
I dozed through all the court proceedings that day. It was all boring as hell. According to my appointed solicitor the woman pressed charges and had severe back injuries from the broken glasses and a fractured jaw. But she deserved it just like my bitch of a wife back home. The judge looked at me, disgust in his eyes. They have even got my wife to go against me, the bitch, and she even said how I abused our son as well. The judge had given me a choice either a few years in prison minimum or a year in a experimental rehab facility. I chose the rehab option, obviously as I served less time and I didn’t really want to go through prison, especially from all the fags in there. Pete had been in prison and said it was best avoided.

“Very well,” the judge said, “you will me submitted tomorrow. Also you will pay the victim a total sum of ?10,000 for personal damages. This will be explained how you will achieve this later Mr Brooks.”

I was confused as I had very little money and couldn’t afford anything like that. Me and my bitch of a wife lived on a council estate and I had been recently laid off.

Although they didn’t know about the extra several grand, stashed away in a lock up which I had acquired when a relative died.

“Your wife will have temporary ownership of all your assets and possessions unless you decide to give her fully ownership.”

“Why in fucks name would I give my wife all my stuff,” I thought. This is a load of bollocks.

“The verdict is as it stands, these proceedings are now closed.”

I arrived at the rehabilitation centre early morning on the Tuesday. I had been given a bag of my clothes from home and that was it. As I walked from the car I saw I was in an enclosed perimeter, by big metal fences painted blue. I noticed several hundred meters away, a prison that I had seen on the drive here. No doubt where I would have gone if I’d taken the other option. My room was small and uninteresting. Everything white and sterile. Was this a rehab centre or a fucking mental asylum.

I had a medial check up and they had injected both my arms with something. One they said was general anti infection jab, which sounded like a load of crap and another one which they said contained a nano-chip which was to keep track of me as I was still here on a matter of law and wasn’t aloud to leave. I didn’t really see anybody else the whole time up close except those who worker there. Just lots of junkies in other rooms and outside.

It didn’t take much for me to settle in as there wasn’t really anything to do at the very start of my rehabilitation course. I spent my time wondering around trying to occupy myself, there was a sports room but it was a joke, just a large room with rubber mats on the floor and apart from that it was empty.

The odd thing was after two weeks of being there I had been given such amazing food the whole time. All kinds of stews and curries, burgers, steaks, roasts, even lots of fast food if it wanted it. I even had access to all manner of snacks and drinks and it almost seemed like a hotel. The only annoying thing was that there wasn’t much else to do. Just lots of books and magazines aimed for girls and the like. I had asked for other stuff but they said they had ordered new stock of a wider range of books and magazines but it wouldn’t arrive for awhile. So I just wandered around doing nothing much while eating snacks, as time passed.

I had been told in the first week that it was a period of closure for the centre and I would have sessions and activities after 4 weeks when it started up properly again but until then I would be really bored. I had begun to notice this new lifestyle of mine was making me fat. My arse was really getting big and my chest had started to sag and my stomach was starting to push out more.

After I started seeing the visual effects of all my eating I tried to ration all the food I ate and did some jogging and other exercise in the empty sports room, but I never really lost any weight. Before I knew it I had been there a month and finally the centre was starting to operate properly.

I saw droves of new people come in over the next few days. I had even been moved to a different section of the centre to fit all the new people in.

One morning I woke up to find a letter under my door. It asked me to come to a certain room in the facility by 1pm.

I almost decided not to go but I realised they might let me out before a year if I was good. I grudgingly left my room and walked aimlessly around trying to find the room. The centre was like a fucking maze, each floor and corridor the same. Often some doors didn’t even have any markings on the door. Finally I saw a nurse and she pointed me in the right direction.

I arrived at the room just on time, after having such difficulty to find it. Knocking and then entering I looked round the room. I was confused by what I saw what seemed to be an operating theatre prep room. I was grabbed from behind and a mask was placed over my face, I struggled. I tried to break free but it had become very hard to breathe and my vision become fuzzy and I blacked out…

I remember hearing somebody talking to me about me and my first stage of rehabilitation and I deserved it for abusing women. I faded in and out of consciousness and heard more talking directed at me.

“As you abused women so much we thought you should become one to see how it is. We already started the process the day you arrived.”

I remember muttering “No no, leave me alone,” as I blacked out again.

I had been lying awake in a bed not able to move too well for a long time. I wondered what had happened to me, my mind hazy and memory foggy.

The door opened which distracting my confused thoughts, she was dressed formally and looked like a right bitch. She sat down on a chair and open a file.

“Rodger Brooks?” she said.

I tried to speak but my throat was sore and I felt dizzy from the effort.

“You wont be able to move for awhile so please calm down. I suggest you listen to me.”

I wanted to scream at this bitch but it was so hard to try and speak. After I became dizzy again almost to the point of vomiting, I gave up and resigned to listen to her.

“You have been proven guilty to assaulting a woman in a drinking establishment. Also we investigated further back into your life to find that your abuse was felt by your mother, wife and other previous women you’ve known, not to mention your son.”

“We here at this rehabilitation facility feel that in order for you to understand the error in your ways is to become a woman.”

I didn’t understand what I was hearing but I remembered back to my weight gain, and the injections I had been given.

“I suppose you have many questions, but now you must rest.”

She got up abruptly and left the room as I lay there unable to move or speak

I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I awoke my surroundings had changed.

I was in a room much like the first one I had been in since I arrived except instead of the room being white it was pink and it had another room off one wall and seemed overall more spacious. I even noticed I had a TV set attached to the wall.

I lay still until I found the courage to stand up. When I did I saw smooth thin legs under me that were clearly female. Tiny little feet with even smaller toes. My hands were also smaller, softer and slender.

Breathing was hard and I wasn’t sure why, there was a tightness in my chest.

I looked around not seeing a mirror, but I had to know what I looked like. I pushed the other door open, the stupid girly hands that shouldn’t be mine looking tiny on the door.

The room was an en suit bathroom. It was surprisingly well furnished, big fluffy towels and a expensive-looking shower and bath. I walked over to the sink and mirror. I felt dizzy again. The reflection that looked back was someone else.

A girl of about 20, with a small round face looked back at me. A small short figure, with a hair net on and loose pink pyjamas.

I pulled at the hair net, it fell away. Long golden locks fell across my face.

I was blonde!

I stood there so shocked. I was breathing hard and my chest was tight and hot. I frantically unbuttoned the girly pyjama top. I met with bandages. I pulled at them feeling the need to breathe increasing as I panicked. The bandage were wrapped very tightly but all or a sudden they were falling away as smooth skin came forwards.

I stood looked at the mirror. I had tits. They were big and wobbled slightly at every movement. They were very full round globes, with big obvious nipples. Then I realised. My hand darted beneath the pyjama pants. My hand felt smooth flat crotch, then as my hand when down more, the soft lips of a pussy.

My cock was gone, I had tits and pussy and I looked like a slut. Tears welled into my eyes and I walked back to the bed crying, my chest wobbling humiliatingly each step I took. I fell asleep easily not wanting to think about anything…

When I woke up I saw someone must have come in to check on me while I was asleep.

There was a large cardboard box on the table next to the TV on the wall. I got up and opened the box, ignoring the feel of this new body. Inside was a control box like thing with only one big button, and something humiliating. It was a dildo, a big long imitation penis rubber one, with veins and a head.

I left the dildo in the box and took the control. I pressed the button and the TV flicked into life. The picture on TV was not what I expected. It was a girl with black hair, naked and on her knees taking a man’s cock repetitively into her mouth, moaning all the while. It continued until the man grunted and the girl opened her mouth showing the white cum and she swallowed while moaning. She lent forwards and kissed the tip of his cock and said “thank you.”

Another video starter playing. It was the same black haired girl giving another blowjob. It continued until he came and she swallowed and said ‘thank you’ while kissing the tip of his dick. Videos continued to play, the videos had a whole host of different girls who were being filmed. The man cut off shot just above the waist so it was just the girl to focus on.

The girls were either on their knees or lying down on top of the man, but mostly on their knees.

I tried to turn it off but the button didn’t do anything no matter how hard I pressed or hit it. The TV also had no button or controls on it either. I tried ignoring the sounds of the girls moaning as they did the act but there was nothing else to do but watch.

I hated watching the TV but my eyes always tracked back to the screen. It made me angry to remember all the blowjobs I had gotten before this place, while forcing the lucky bitch to swallow, my load. Knowing I might not ever feel that again. Also I was aware that I looked like a girl as well and it was awkward to watch. The longer I watched the more I felt heat in my face and between my legs. I kept getting up and looking at the dildo in the box. Why did I keep looking at the sex toy, I didn’t understand it.

When one blonde girl, that reminded me of my reflection swallowed an especially big load I grabbed the dildo and jumped back onto the bed, feeling my chest wobbling. I stared up at the screen as my mind went crazy. I lay face down on the bed, feeling the unusual sensation of MY tits. I opened my mouth instinctively bringing the dildo to my mouth I took in some of the rubbery length. I moved my mouth up and down on it, watching the screen. My other hand not supporting the dildo was down my pants in the wetness of..of MY pussy. I felt the heat coming as I watched and fingered myself taking in some more of the dildo’s length. I orgasmed.

I orgasmed from touching the girl parts on my body. I was horrified and I threw the dildo across the room not wanting to think what was happening to me. I had a shower afterwards trying to get rid of the pussy smell all over my hand and legs. But several hours later I was at it again cramming the rubber prick into my mouth while fingering myself.

On one occasion I almost kissed the tip of the dildo before I came but I managed to realise beforehand. It was a hellish time, I didn’t know how long I had been in the room but it was getting too much. The windows were covered with dark black plastic entirely and let in no light at all. The only lights were a bed side lamp and overhead lights with a dimmer switch. I had turned off all the lights in order to sleep, but the TV was too distracting. I thought I was going to go mad but just when it all got too much as I grabbed my slutty blonde hair and started to sob like a bitch, the TV turned off automatically. I looked up tearful, and laughed. I loved the darkness and the quiet. I fell asleep soon after completely peaceful.

I was woken up by a woman. She was dressed in the centre’s nurse uniform.

“Its good to see your up and about,” she said, “I came to check on you after your procedures were finished, but you were quite sedated”

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked in my light girly voice.

“We are going to rehabilitate you. You saw what those girls were doing in those videos”

“No! please don’t make me do that!” I exclaimed

She ignored me and said “Don’t worry you will get paid for your work, besides how do you expect to pay the lady you assaulted, her compensation.”

“Please don’t worry,” she said without a hint of concern,” its only temporary until you finish your rehabilitation, you will be returned to your old self,” she looked at me and then knowing what I was obviously thinking she said “We used extremely advanced genetic modification along with other techniques and we have managed to convert you into a real female, right down to your DNA, but like I said it surprisingly is a reversible process.”

I didn’t know what to say or do. I sat there staring at her. She then seemed to get annoyed at me standing there and made me follow her from the office. We walked for several minutes down the dull rehabilitation centre’s corridors and finally came to a single door at the end of a corridor. It seemed worrying as it only had the one door, whereas all the other floors had many doors. She opened it, beckoning me to follow.

Inside was a man. A naked man. He stood in the centre of the room which was all white. My eyes travelled over his body and I saw his dick, it was erect.

“Usually we require you to be naked, but it’s your first time so don’t worry.”

“I can’t do it” I sobbed “please don’t make me do it, I don’t want this.” I cried tears leaking from my eyes.

“It’s going to be easy for you,” she explained, “we have been training you with your dildo in your room, it’s just like that.”

I stood very still not knowing what to do.

The woman looked at me and said “The purpose of the rehabilitation is for you to realise your old ways and give them up on your own, and this is one of them. So I can’t force you to do it but there will be consequences.”

“I don’t care, anything is fine.” I said already feeling better.

“You will have to return to your room now and he will show you the way” she explained pointing to the naked man, who had started putting on clothes that were the centre’s employee uniform.

I was locked into my room again and left to myself. Small price to pay, I thought. But after only a short while I had pressed the button for the TV. I knew what would happen and it probably wouldn’t turn off but the boredom was too intense. A part of me also almost wanted to watch the girls giving blowjobs.

I ended up sucking the rubbery dildo and fingering my girl parts and showering in disgust several times, once the ecstasy ended and realised what I had done.

“They can change my body but they won’t ever change my mind” I told myself.

Later that day I was given food in my room which was a delicious stew, while I was eating I felt unbelievably tired.

“Did they d**g me?” I thought sleepily as I fell backwards onto the bed the food crashing to the floor but that didn’t matter…


I woke up again in my room. My head heavy from what must have been d**gs. I sat up and felt something strange.

“It’s good you’ve decided to start before we had to modify you even more.”

I nodded trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach at what I was agreeing too.

“You know from the videos what is required of you but I had a change of mind,” she paused to flick open a file to the side of her,” we have decided you will need to not only thank each man and kiss him, you will have to say this before you start each man,” she slide a sheet of paper across the table at me.

I read it and looked up at her incredulously. “Finish reading it,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument. “read or I will get a big strong man to hurt you,” she said in a mocking voice.

I read quickly not wanting to be hurt, I felt so weak and vulnerable

“Hi I’m Mindy and I will be sucking your cock today,” I said in my girly voice.

“Good,” she said smiling contently,” I hope you like your new name.”

I thought about getting angry but I was too scared at what they would do to me if I said anything, so I just meekly nodded.

“Nurse take Mindy,” the lady said smiling, “to her first client.”

Me and the nurse left the office quickly. It took only a fraction of time to reach the room where a male nurse was waiting naked and erect.

“I’ll leave you to it miss,” she said,” and don’t forget to undress,” she finished as she left, locking the door behind her.

I couldn’t keep still, the butterflies in my stomach were making me feel dizzy. I pulled off my top and skirt, feeling his eyes on my big exposed chest in my bra. I walked over to him. I slowly got down onto my knees until his dick was near my face and he pushed his erection closer towards me. It smelt funny and I tried to ignore it. But I knew I had to do it. I looked up the words came out

“Hi I’m Mindy and I will be sucking your cock today,” I managed in my small voice.

I opened my mouth and moved forwards, dreading them moment. It touched my lips, his stiff member was very warm. I opened my mouth more and moved further forwards, my eyes closed.

I felt the hard cock fill my mouth and I tightened my lips around it, almost instinctively. It tasted salty and a bit sweaty and I tried to forget what I was doing. I moved my lips along the stiff cock. He spoke and I almost jumped back with fright and embarrassment, but I managed to say still.

“Open your eyes,” he commanded, “you can’t see what your doing otherwise.”

I opened my eyes and looked up his dick still in my mouth, I felt painfully embarrassed as I met him with eye contact. My blonde hair kept getting in the way, so I had to keep flicking it back out of my face.

I now had to watch as his dick slid into my mouth as well as feeling it inside. He spoke now and again, telling me to use my tongue more or use my hands as well. Despite my situation I managed to get a good rhythm going, my head bobbing along the length of his cock, my saliva making it shine in the light. I knew how important is was to keep my teeth out of the way as I built up some speed while I sucked his thick shaft. I didn’t want to hurt the guy or he might hurt me back. I started to feel pressure build in his dick as I kept my lips tightly around it and pressed my tongue more firmly to his prick. I noticed a new taste to his dick, it must have been the pre cum.

I felt him get tense and he grabbed my head forcing me down slightly too far over his dick. My lips wet lips slid easily down his rock hard dick as I gagged. He kept my head moving back and forth, I had to move with it so I kept bobbing in and out on his dick. I felt my chest wobbling humiliatingly for the first time as stopped concentrating on the dick, as I sucked.

The cock pulsated, he grabbed my head and thrust forwards. Warm semen filled my mouth, coating my tongue. The salty taste making me queasy. He pulled out quickly. I knew what I had to do. But I wanted to spit it out. But somehow I managed to look up at him, opening my mouth I showed him his load. He produced a camera from behind his back and he clicked off a picture. I closed my mouth and swallowed sending it all down.

I lent forwards and kissed the tip of his fast softening cock. A bit of semen had dribbled out of his cock as I kissed. The semen touched my lips and broke off in strands as I pulled back.

“Thank you,” I said to him.

“You have nice tits, slut,” he said as he walked away and got dressed.

I looked down to feel the blood rush to my face. In my efforts to get him to cum, my big right boob had slipped out of it’s cup. I covered it quickly with my bra.

Then I wiped my face and tried to get rid of the taste in my mouth. The man left the room.

I felt like crying like the girl I now was. I waited for somebody to collect me and take me back to my room while I got dressed. No sooner did I finish dressing he door opened. Another male nurse walked in.

“Can I go to my room now?” I asked the man hopefully.

He ignored me. “Did you enjoy your first ever blowjob Mindy?” the man asked.

I didn’t say anything.

“Did you like your first ever taste of a man’s cum?” he asked again.

I kept quiet.

“Well then,” he said, “I guess you like giving blowjobs a lot then, if your too embarrassed to say anything.”

He stripped off his clothed faster than I could believe. “Clothes off!” he commanded, “all of them.”

I was more scared of this man than anyone else for some reason. I did as he said. My little hands shaking slightly as I undid the bra and let my boobs out. I stood there naked and vulnerable. I held an arm across my boobs and a hand across my other area.

“You are going to make a great slut,” he said with a grin, “get on your knees here where you belong,” he said sternly.

I did I was told. My boobs wobbled as I did so. “Hi I’m Mindy and I will be sucking your cock today,” I said.

His dick was not hard so I had to use a hand to help the flaccid length into my mouth. I sucked it and worked my lips over it to get him hard. His erection quickly came a I sucked his soft cock, “Stop!” he suddenly commanded.

I let his cock pop out of my mouth now well and truly erect. It was far bigger than the previous man’s, it was at least 7 inches or so.

“If your going to do this properly,” he said,” you need to know how to deepthroat,” he said as he lay down on his back, “and I have been told to teach you,” he smiled.

“You need to be able to get your lips here,” he pointed right to the base of his thick cock where his balls started. “In time you will be able to do it without gagging but today just get that far down.”

I lay down on top of his legs so his cock was in my face. I felt embarrassed when my boobs touched his legs. I must have shown it because he then said “Your tits are big you slut, so just get used to people touching them,” he said gruffly.

I nodded still scared. I brought my lips to his cock, which was standing to attention. I slipped it into my mouth. His big head pushing on the corners of my mouth, it pushed inside, then slowly moving my lips lower down to fit more of his dick into my mouth.

His placed his hands on the back of my head, firmly easing me down his cock.

About half way down I felt it get uncomfortable and I tried to go up. His hand pressed down harder on my head. I couldn’t go back, I had to go down. I forced my lips over another inch of his dick. I gagged and tried to move back up again but he held me firmly in place.

The gagging continued and I felt like I was going to throw up and I couldn’t breathe. But he held me there and told me to breathe through my nose, he held firm until the gags stopped.

My saliva was dribbling down is dick freely as I managed to slide slowly down his remaining length.

I felt pressure on my head I was being forced down more. I could feel his long dick extending into my throat as he pushed me down it was so strange a feeling. Finally my lips brushed up against his pubic hair and I was at the base.

“Very well done,” he said proudly, “smile for the camera.”

I looked up to see him take a picture with a camera I hadn’t seen he had. Then he slowly let is dick out of my throat. More saliva trailed off his dick as I caught a chance to breathe.

“Now you must go down again all on your own,” he said smiling, “and I do want to cum. You know there will be consequences if you don’t manage to do it, don’t you,” he said giving me a grin again.

I moved my long hair out of my face again and went down on him. I forced my head downwards and my mouth more open. I went further down feeling his hardness, I pressed my tongue down. So much saliva ran down his cock from my mouth but it helped me to go down more easily. I gagged several times but I managed to control it and retreat a little and then continue down his long shaft.

I could feel it was almost all inside my throat. I pushed forwards and my lips again met contact with his pubic hair. I giggled in happiness. I had done it! I heard the camera click again. I looked up to him again and it clicked again. I remembered I needed to make him cum. I ran the whole length of his dick up out of my mouth my lips holding his head inside. I started to feel warmness between my legs but that didn’t matter now.

Then I forced myself down again and again. Each time I gagged but it was getting easier. He grabbed my head and forced himself into my throat. My lips sliding over his veiny shaft so easily now as I got the rhythm going. I felt his stiff shaft fill my throat again and again and I forced myself down his cock as far as possible, an inch short from the base. I tried again working my head in a fast rhythm and swallowed up his long cock again. I giggled again it was quite easy when you got the hang of it.

He pushed me off his cock and stood up. I hurried to my knees. I managed to fit him into my throat from this angle too, with help from his firm hands. I loved the way his long dick disappeared into my mouth, the gagging became easier to bare from this angle. Finally he grunted and I realised he was cumming, he filled my mouth with hot warm cum.

His load was larger than the previous guy. His load seemed bigger then any load I had ever shot when I was a man.

I opened my mouth. “Don’t swallow,” he said,” wiggle your tongue around,” he told me.

I did it, the thick cum swirling round my mouth and over my tongue the taste was overpowering.

“You like drinking a man’s cum,” he asked.

I nodded.

“Do you like the taste?”

I nodded.

“From now on would you like cum mixed in with all your meals?” he asked with the big grin on his face.

I knew what it meant I really did but I found myself nodding all the same.


I did. The thick semen trickling down my throat.

“Show me nothing is left,”

I opened my mouth.

“Good, now what do you say,”

I inched forwards kissed the tip of his cock, looked up and said “Thank you.”

He left abruptly and I got my hopes up that I could go back to my room. But before that happened another two men came in and taught me how to give blowjobs. They told me to press under the balls and sucking the balls was also good.

Finally I was able to walk back to my room and the nurse who led me locked the door. I gasped as I looked around. On the TV there was footage of a girl sucking a cock but this time it was me!

On the walls were meter long framed photos bolted into the wall.

One was of me with my mouth open full of cum. It had a caption ‘My first blowjob and swallow’. The second picture was worse, the picture was of me deep throating the second guy looking up at the camera the caption was ‘My first Deepthroat’. It was unmistakable, there was a slight smile to the corners of my mouth while his monster length filled my throat, and for a second time the warm tingling returned between my legs. Then I broke down sobbing. I ran to my bed, my big bouncing boobs not upsetting me for once, and cried under the covers.

I WAS becoming a slut for cock.

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