True Wife Story 1 – the first night we met.

True Wife Story 1 – the first night we met.My wife has been telling me stories about her cuckolding me since the day we first met.We first met at NATTC Memphis in December 1974. She was an E-2 and been at the Naval school site since the first week in December and was assigned to the Naval Anti-Submarine warfare school admin section awaiting her training assignment. I didn’t arrive until December 27th and was an E-5 assigned to the new Air Traffic Control school which had moved from GLYNCO,GA. The four weeks before I met her is another story.That Friday night I went to the base bowling alley to get a beer and something to eat before I went back to the barracks. At the pizza parlor there, I met one of the WAVEs from GLYNCO (Dee W) who was with my future wife – they were roommates in the WAVE barracks and were waiting for their dates. After chatting, finishing Escort bayan a pizza and listening to Dee W and SD complain that their dates were late I asked SD if she’d like to go for a ride. She hesitate a couple of seconds, asked Dee W if she’d mind (which she said go for it since their dates weren’t there) and we left and drove around the base and local community (Millington TN). I parked in a remote section of the base and we ended up talking about ourselves for the next three hours. We talked about everything under the sun then I took her back to her barracks (about 10:30 PM)where she met up with Dee W who was in the parking lot with four young men. I told her that I’d be at the bowling alley around noon and if she wanted to go down to Memphis for the day to meet me there. She said that she would and walked over to where Dee W was and I Bayan escort drove off and went to bed early since I was bushed. I thought my future wife also went to bed – she did but not to sleep.What my wife told me after we’ve been married for thirty years is that she didn’t go to her room in the barracks and go to sleep. She said that she went over to where Dee W (her roommate) and the four men – who were their dates for the night. When she walked up to them she said that Dee W pulled her in and kissed her which she returned as her roommate reached into her jeans and felt her shaved pussy and then broke the kiss and said “you weren’t fucked” which SD replied “no – not yet” and pulled away and went over to one of the men and laid a lip lock on him and grabbed one of the other men’s crotch. She broke the kiss and said she was ready and the six of them Escort got into one of the young men’s old Chevy van where she got into the back of the van and with the doors open and the dim overhead light on stripped, throwing her clothes into the front passenger seat, then laid back on the mattress that had replaced the seats and said she needed to be fucked. Three of the men got into the back with her while Dee W got into the front passenger seat and one of the men got into the driver’s seat and drove. My wife called the van a cheap motel on wheels.She told me that she and Dee W fucked and sucked the four men )she taking three of them at one time once)till 6AM and then were dropped off at the WAVE barracks where they cleaned up (another story) and went to bed for a few hours.When my wife told me this story I didn’t believe her at first thinking that she was just trying to get my goat and it wasn’t until she told me other stories (all true) and me finally putting two and two together that I realized that she was telling me the truth. More true stores to follow.

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