HORNY LITTLE DEVILMike Harding was lost, he’d been stuck in the woods now for at least anhour, it was starting to get dark, the sun slipping down below the treeline casting long shadows as it descended.Mike was getting nervous, he looked at his watch, it was a little after9.00pm his parents would be wondering where he was, especially his overprotective mother, Sarah.Sarah looked up at the clock she’d just unpacked it from the boxes and putit on the wall, it had just gone 9.00 pm and still her son Mike hadn’tshown up. Sarah had almost finished unpacking the stuff they’d brought withthem on this trip. Sarah, Mike and her husband John had decided to rent alog cabin high in the mountains during Mike’s summer break so they couldspend some time together as a family.Sarah looked at the clock again, she was getting worried now, it was almostdark outside and Mike was still a young man at 17, he’d never really beenout the city before, what if something has happened to him she thought.Mike could hardly see his hand in front of him now, the moon had risen butthe light from it hardly made it through the trees, he was getting reallyscared now, he was a city boy, he’d being a fool to wander so far from thecabin, he walked on almost blindly, then, in the distance he could justmake out some light, it’s got to be the cabin Mike thought, then he heardthe flapping of wings and little high-pitched squeaks and suddenly he feltsomething bite down on his arm, then his neck, then more flapping, Mikefelt hairy skin touch his face, he began to scream.Sarah swept a hand through her light brown hair, pushing it back off herface, she was still a very attractive women at 43, her wrinkle-free facemade her look slightly younger and her trim, sleek frame and largish titswhich she kept in shape by exercising made her the attention of menwhenever she went out, her husband John knew this, they’d married justafter Sarah had left university to go and work at the company where Johnwas a manager, rather than love at first sight it had been lust at firstsight they could’t get enough of each other to begin with, constantlyfucking but now with John 13 years Sarah’s senior there sex sessions werenot quite that frequent, once a month at best, John had seemed to loseinterest about five years ago and Sarah certainly missed that aspect themost from their marriage.Mike started to run, the squeaks of the bats surrounding him as he rantowards the light of the cabin, only some 100 yards away now.Sarah went into the living room of the cabin, describing it as a cabin madeit sound small Sarah thought as she stepped out the kitchen and walkeddown the hall to the living room, the cabin was state of the art, and itwas huge, with indoor swimming pool, sauna, games room, it was reallymeant for groups of ten or more, but John had got a good deal from one ofhis pals.Mike almost tripped on a tree stump but managed to keep his balance, hereached the door of the cabin, opening quickly he slid inside keeping thegap small enough just to squeeze through then slammed shut the kitchen doorquickly behind him, he heard a loud thud as something hit the door hardfrom outside then silence.Sarah went into the lounge, John lay fast asleep on the couch, the t.v.showing Jay Leno in the corner, it had been a long day with the drive uphere and John wasn’t a young man no more.Bang!Sarah jumped when she heard the noise, it had to be Mike she thought as sheleft the lounge and went back towards the kitchen quickly.Mike leaned againest the door, breathing hard from his running and panick.”Mike! Oh! What happened?” his mother said as she came into the kitchen,her son leaned againest the kitchen door, blood dripping from a couple ofnasty cuts to his neck and hand, he hair matted to his forehead and hiseyes were wide open in fear.”I…..I..was..was attacked mom.something attacked me.” Mike stammered.”Oh! You poor baby.” Sarah said as she stepped over to Mike.”What attacked you Mike?” Sarah asked.”Thi….think it was bats.” Mike said, he was sweating madly.”Quick, we better sort those cuts out…..were you bitten?” Mike’s momasked, she took Mike’s hand and led him to the kitchen sink.”Not sure.” Mike replied.”O.k. you’d better take your shirt off, sit here, lets have a look.” Sarahdragged a stool out from under the dining table and moved it over by thefront of the sink, Mike unbuttoned his shirt but left it on, his tannedchest showing slightly, then he sat on the stool.”I’m gonna need a first aid kit for this.” Sarah said looking at her son’swounds.”Saw one under the sink I think.” Sarah muttered, she turned round andbent down opening the cupboard doors under the sink to see if that waswhere the first-aid kit was.Mike watched his mothers firm ass rise into the air as she bent over infront of him, she was wearing a mid-length summer dress, but the materialhad tightened around her round, curvy ass as she leaned over, he could seeher panties outlined throught the thin cotton of the summer dress, hismother leaned further forward looking into the back of the cupboard, thedress lifting higher to show the backs of her tanned slender thighs, Mikesat there his nasty attack almost forgotten about as his eyes traced theoutline of his mom’s round ass cheeks through her flowery dress just infront of him.Mike felt his cock getting hard as some dirty thoughts crossed his mind, helooked down to see a slight bulge building in his muddy pants, he felt hisheart begin to race again, he’d always thought of his mom as anattractive women but never really thought of her in a sexual way beforenow.”That’s it, I knew I’d find it”. Mike’s mother said, she straigtened upagain, smoothing down her dress over her round hips as she turnedaround to face her son, first-aid kit in hand and smiled sweetly.”Your gonna be alright honey, mommy’s gonna fix you up”Mike smiled weakly.Sarah ran some water into the sink, then taking some tissue she dipped itin the water and turning back to Mike began to wash the blood from hisneck, droplets of water started to splash down his chest into the few hairshe had on his belly.”Your first day here and look what happen’s, you’re attacked by some bats.”Sarah did’t want to tell him off, it was hardly his fault he’d gotattacked, she watched a droplet of water run down his neck onto his tightabdominal muscles, Mike worked out alot becuase he was captain of theschool swimming team.Mike grimaced slightly as Sarah bathed his cuts.”Sorry.” Sarah said seeing the look on her son’s face.”That’s o.k. mom.” Mike replied, his mother was leaning over him slightlyas she rubbed off the blood from the side of his neck, her dress was quitelow-cut and her could clearly see the tops of his mother’s firm, roundbreasts barely inches from his face pushing out the cotton of her dress,she wasn’t wearing a bra and her round, pointed nipples pushed out slightlythrough the material.Mikes cock grew even harder, pushing his trousers up into a tent, he’dnever gotten erection from thinking about his mother before and what hewanted to do to her, he swallowed hard, his eyes taking in her roundcurves.”O.k. all done here, I think you’ll live, maybe get a doctor to have a lookat this in the morning lets have a look at that hand now.”Mike raised his hand up to his mother, who began to wipe the blood from it.Mike’s head was swimming with dirty thoughts, his heart beat faster andfaster, his cock was fully erect trying to push out from his pants, whatwas wrong with him? he thought, having such depraved thoughts about hismothers sexy body.Sarah cleaned the last of the blood from his hand, then leaned closer tolook at it.”looks like you were bitten, theres a puncture mark, did they get youanywhere else?””No mom, that was it I think, I think I’m getting a headache mom, I’ll havean early night I think””O.k. honey you rest up, your dad’s already crashed out on the sofa”Mike stood up, he went to give his mom a goodnight kiss on the cheek likealways when he thought different, he quickly took hold of his mother,wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her towards him, his stillerect cock pushing into his mother’s lower body and he kissed herfirmly, full on the mouth, forcing his tongue inbetween his mothers poutylips.Sarah was taken by surprise by her son she felt something hard digging intoher, just above her pussy mound then Mike’s hot, wet tongue pressing intoher mouth as he moved his hands down her back and took hold of her asscheeks, one in each hand, he squeezed slightly as he pulled his motherforward towards him.”Ummph!”Sarah felt her knees weaken slightly and she let out a muffled squeal asher son took hold of her firm ass, she felt what had to be his cockpressing even harder into her skin, rubbing againest her lower belly.Mike took his lips away from his mother’s and moved round to her lowerneck by her collar-bone, planting some light kisses onto her smooth, brownskin.Sarah took a few seconds to regain her senses, when she did she swung herhands upto her son’s chest and pushed him away firmly.”What the fuck are you doing!” Sarah screamed quite loudly.”Jesus mom, I’m sorry, I don’t what came over me, I just went kinda nutsfor a second..””…Giving your mother tongue is not right Mike, look I know you’ve had abad experience tonight so why don’t you go to bed and we’ll forget allabout this incident”Sarah said angrily looking at her son, she looked down at his chest, hishard abdominal muscles stood out through the gap in his open shirt, andthen she saw the obscence bulge in his pants, they were quite wet and thematerial clung to his groin showing off the length of his cock as it pushedout from his pants to the side.Sarah swallowed hard, through her surge of anger she felt her pussy tingleslightly.”Sorry mo-” Mike said sheepishly.”Just go to bed.” Sarah said her eyes still drawn to her son’s big bulge inhis trousers.Mike turned and left the kitchen and took off for his bedroom, theencounter with his mother had left him very horny and confused, why had hedone that? He thought, for a split second he seemed to have lost his mind.Sarah watched her son leave the kitchen and shut the door behind him, oncehe was gone Sarah sighed heavly and sat down on the stool behind her, whathad just happened between her and her son? She thought, Mike’s never actedlike that before, he was generally a shy boy, who even if the word sex wasmetioned in his presense would blush a deep red, and there he’d beengrabbing at her ass, his cock pushing againest her. Again a shiver ofsexual excitment swept through Sarah’s body, she felt her heartbeat quickenslightly as the image of her son’s long, hard cock showing through his wettrousers crept into her mind. Stop! she told herself, what the hell am Ithinking? she thought, he’s my son.Sarah stood up again and went into the living room, her husband, John stilllay fast asleep on the sofa, She didn’t want to wake him just yet, she wentover to the t.v. in the corner and tried to turn it off, accidentlypressing a wrong button as she did, now on the screen appeared a couplefucking wildly! The woman was being taken up the ass doggy style, the manleaning over her, pushing his cock in and out of the woman as she clawed atthe carpet with her fingernails.Sarah stood there watching the screen as the man frantically rammed hiscock between the woman’s quivering ass cheeks, the woman’s moans ofpleasure running in tandem with her parteners strokes.Sarah could’t look away from the screen, it had been a few years sinceshe’d seen a blue movie and she’d never really got into them but watchingthese to lustful lovers had started to excite her slightly, she could feelher pussy getting hotter, filling up with her juices, and instictivelymoved her hand to her pussy mound, pressing on it slightly through thematerial of her dress.The man on the screen increased his pace, he took hold of the womansshoulders pushing her ass back onto his rigid cock, the woman moaned loudlyas he did, she raised he head, her hair flying down over her face. Sarahpushed harder onto her pussy mound, she took in a small intake of breath asthe erotic sensation ran through her whole body.”C’mon….Ughhhh!…..Fuck me baby…do it…Oohh!” Screamed the woman ont.v.Sarah hadn’t felt this horny for quite some time, she pressed herforefinger hard againest her pussy lips.”Ohh!” Sarah moaned, the pressure againest her pussy lips producing a verynice feeling.>From behind her Sarah heard her husband moving about, panicking she quicklymoved forward and turned the television off, she turned around, but herhusband was still fast asleep, he’d just turned over on the sofa. Sarah letout a sigh of relief, and a slightly guilty feeling came over her, fancystanding there watching that blue movie she thought. Sarah decided to gofor a bath before bed.As she climbed the stairs she could see the light coming from under Mike’sbedroom door, maybe she should have a quick word with him about what hadhappened in the kitchen she thought, she needed to find out if theres wasanything troubling him, Sarah and her son had always been quite close andusually had a good mother-son relationship.Sarah knocked on Mike’s door.”Come In.” Mike said.Sarah opened the door and looked into his bedroom, Mike was standing withhis back to her by the full length mirror in the corner, he was looking atthe top of his thigh in the mirror, his trousers were round his ankles, hehad taken his shirt off and thrown it on the bed, all he had on was a pairof white boxer shorts.”I’ll come back later.” Sarah said as she saw Mike in only his boxers.”That’s o.k. mom, I was just looking at this cut on my leg, must havecaught it on a tree branch or something…what did you want?” Mike asked.Sarah stepped into her son’s room, he only had the one desk light on andthe room was bathed in a dull orange glow, she looked over at her son, hewas still turned away from her and examining his leg, Sarah could’t helpbut admire her son’s hairy muscled thighs and his fine, slim ass encased inhis tight boxer shorts, the material barely covering the bottom of his asscheeks.”You hurt your leg as well? Let Escort me have a look honey.” Sarah stepped acrossto her son.Mike turned round to face his mother, he stuck his leg out straight,pointing it towards her.Sarah bent down to examine the deep cut on his upper thigh, she thought nowwould be a good time to mention what had happened in the kitchen.”Mike, about what happened in the kitchen befo-“”-I already apologised about that o.k. mom?” Mike said rather irritated,Sarah couldn’t remember her son snapping at her like that before.Mike felt a wave of anger sweep over him and he wasn’t quite sure why, helooked down at his mother as she bent over to examine his leg, her breastshad swung forward, the summer dress now barely containing them fromspilling out, he watched as his mother moved slightly, her breasts jigglingfrom the movement.Mike felt his cock hardening again.Mike didn’t even think about the fact that it was his own mother any more,the bites from the bats earlier were beginning to take effect, the batspoison seeping through his system, changing his thoughts, overtaking hisbrain.Sarah finished looking at the wound and stood up.”I think you’ll live, Mike what happened back there in the kitchen?” Sarahasked.Mikes anger had faded away and was being replaced by some horny urges, heran his eyes down his mothers body, trying to imagine her body through hersummer dress.”Mike?” Sarah asked, she saw the way he was looking at her, but she wasn’tquite sure what the look meant.Mike’s cock was starting to move upwards, pushing againest his tight boxershorts, he was now only thinking about one thing – fucking his mother.Something caught Sarah’s eye and she looked down her son’s body to hisgroin, his long, hard cock was pushing out againest his boxer shorts, shecould even make out the deep purple colour of his cock-head through thethin, cotton material.Sarah felt the now familiar tingle of her pussy which swept through herwhole body.”Mike…..err…I’m going to leave now, maybe you should talk to your dadabout these things your going through in the morning.” Sarah took her eyesaway from her son’s swollen bulge in his boxer shorts and looked back up tohis face, Mike was smiling slightly.Mike took a step towards his mother.Sarah took a step back, she knew if she did’t leave now something verywrong was going to occur.”Mike, whatever’s a matter…I’m sure your father will sort it out.”Sarah’s heart was beating faster, she looked down at her son’s rigid cock,pointing towards her, stretching his boxers right out, a drop of pre-cumhad stained the front of them.Sarah swallowed hard, she turned to go out the door.Mike stepped quickly across the room, he moved an arm either side of hismother, pushing the bedroom door shut and pining her between it and him.Sarah turned round quickly to face her son, she was getting angry, what thehell was he doing? She thought.Mike looked at his mother, her body pressed back againest the door, she hadnowhere to go, his strong muscular arms making sure she couldn’t duck outfrom under him.Sarah’s heart was beating very fast now, small sweat-beads had formed onher brow.”Mike let me go this instant!” she said angrily.”You don’t mean it mom…you’ve got something I need.” Mike said casually,his head was swimming with dirty thoughts, just 2 hours ago he would havenever dreamed he could act like this but now the bat’s poison was takingeffect turning him into something very different.Mike dropped his head down slightly, opening his mouth he bit down lightlythrough his mothers dress onto her right breast, his tongue darted outwetting the material trying to locate her nipple.Sarah looked down at what her son was doing, she moved her right hand tohis forehead trying to push him away, she succeded for a moment and Mikepulled his head back but quickly returned again using his tongue tip on hismothers hardening nipple.”Uumm!” Sarah couldn’t help but let out a slight sigh, she felt her nipplesharden from the touch of Mikes tongue.Mike began to run his hot, wet tongue over the now firm nipple, her thincotton dress now wet through where he’d been licking at it.”Ohh!” The stimulation had gotten to Sarah and she let out a little moan,her body had started to respond no matter how much she tried to fight it.”Mike…..please Mike.” Sarah closed her eyes as a wave of sexual pleasureshot through her.Mike moved his attention to her other breast, again biting down onto thetip of her tit and licking the hard nipple with his tongue.Sarah felt her knees wobble a bit.Mike stopped his licking and raised his head again to face his mother, thesmile on his face even wider now.Sarah opened her eyes, her son was looking at her. She now knew what thatlook was in his eyes, pure lust.Sarah panicked, she raised her hands to her son’s chest and tried to pushhim away but Mike stood fast pushing his weight back againest his mothersbody.”Please Mike, whatever it is your thinking we can’t do it, I’m your motherMike, please just let me go, look, I promise I won’t tell your father aboutthis if I can go now.” Sarah promised.Mike just smiled back, for a moment he looked like some innocent schoolboy, then he leaned forward kissing his mother full on the lips, quicklywhile she was taken by surprise he took his hands from her sides and pulleddown the shoulder straps of her dress, guiding them down her arms, the topof her dress fell down, the material sliding down over her round, firmbreasts, exposing the large, hard red nipples which stood out againestthe creamy skin around them.Mike quickly moved his hands back, pining his mother againest the dooragain, he lowered his head, taking her left nipple into his mouth, hestarted to suck on it, his tongue running over it intensly.”Ohhhhh….Nooo…Stop! Mike..Stop!” Sarah begged.Mike hardly heard her words, he took the dark red nipple between his teeth,chewing it lightly, then he gave it a gentle suck all the time running thetip of his tongue across it.”Umph!” Sarah moaned, she threw her arms back againest the door as anotherfantastic sensation pulsed through her body.Mike sensed his mother wasn’t about to run away now and took his hands awayfrom her sides, he pulled the straps of her dress down further and movedhis hand under her right breast, pushing it up towards his waiting mouth,he ran his other hand down the left side of his mothers body and onto thetop of her thigh.Sarah had her eyes closed tight, her head tilted back againest the wooddoor feeling every erotic sensations as her own son, teased her nipplemaking her shiver with sexual delight.Mike moved his hand to the inside of his mothers thigh, he gently guidedhis hand upwards lifting the front of her light cotton dress up, hisfingers touched on the front of her slightly wet panties.”Mmmm!” Sarah gasped, she felt Mike touch the front of her panties andpushed her ass back againest the door, away from the touch of his fingers,trying to resist him.Mike moved his hand forward again, this time pressing his forefinger andindex finger againest his mothers white panties.”Ooh God!” Sarah murmured, she threw her head forward, her foreheadbrushing againest her sons left shoulder, she raised her left leg off thefloor and began to rub the inside of her thigh againest her sons leg.Mike began to slowly rub on his mothers panties, feeling her wet pussymound sticking to the cotton, he continued to tease her right nipplewith his tongue, swirling the tip back and forth across the hard nib.Sarah’s mind was filled with pleasure, her sons eager rubbing on her cuntwas sending her crazy sexually, but still a small part of her brain kepttelling her this was very wrong.”Mike…..Ohh!….Hon…honey…please you have to…t…Ummm!..STOP!”Sarah just managed to spit out, the erotic sensations exciting her to thepoint of not be able to talk.Mike wasn’t listening he continued his two-finger rubbing, pressing herpanties harder againest the raised pussy mound.”Ummph!…Ohhh!” moaned SarahMike let go of his mothers tit, and took his hand away from her wetpanties, he raised his head to look at his mothers beautiful face, she wasbiting her lower lip, her hair matted across her forehead.Sarah felt her son stop and a wave of disappointment swept over her, shehad become aroused by Mikes actions and had not wanted it to end.Mike, seeing his mothers disappointed face gave her a dirty smile, he movedhis right hand back down to her panties, grabbing hold of the elasticwaistband holding them up, he hooked his fingers underneath, pulling theelastic away from her body slightly.Sarah stood there, she felt her son take hold of her panties.”What you waiting for?” she gasped.Mike pulled on the elasticated waistband hard, a tearing sound filled theair as the elastic stretched then snapped followed by the rest of thecotton panties ripping down the side.”Ohhh!” Sarah gasped, the force of her sons actions made her slightlyunsteady on her legs and she fell forward againest Mikes hardbody.Mike pulled the panties away and threw them across the room.Sarah looked down her son’s body, he still wore his boxer shorts, and shecould clearly see his cock sticking out, fully erect, stretching thematerial.Mike smiled as he followed his mothers gaze.”Does mommy want my cock?” he askedSarah stared at her son’s long, thick cock as it pushed out his boxers,she moved her hands to either side of his body and began to pushhis boxer shorts down, his round, bulbous cockhead came into view first,dark purple in colour it pointed up at her as she slowly revealed more ofhis shaft.>From down stairs the phone started to ring.Sarah’s heart skipped a beat, she thought of John asleep on the couch, thephone almost certain to wake him up.The phone continued to ring.Sarah let go of Mikes boxer shorts.”I’ll have to get that.” she said looking at her sons disappointed face.Sarah pulled her dress straps back up covering her beautiful breasts, shesmoothed down her dress and turned to go out.Mike let her go, he also knew the phone would have woken his dad up, andalso the mood had been broken, the sexual spark had gone, for them fewmoments he’d almost managed to seduce his own mother.Sarah opened the bedroom door without looking back, her sexual urge hadsubsided in her urgency to get the phone that was still ringing, she randown the stairs, as she did she felt the cold air of the house on her wetpussy lips and remembered what Mike had done to her panties.The phone was just at the bottom of the wooden staircase, Sarah picked upthe receiver.”Hello?” She asked.A voice spoke on the other end.”Oh hi mom……..yea we got here this morning…” Sarah started to tellher mother about their trip to the cabin.Upstairs Mike pulled his boxers back up, he smiled an evil smile, he wassure he’d have another chance to fuck his mom.Mike woke up with a start the next morning, he had been having some kind ofweird dream which he could’t remember, but he was left with the sense thatit had been quite erotic and had involved his mother to some extent. He layin his bed for a few moments thinking about what had happened the previousnight, he felt no guilt or shame about what he’d try to do to his mother,in fact as he thought about, and his mothers horny body he felt his cockbegin to harden, pushing up againest his bedsheets.The poison in Mikes system was making him sense things he could’t before,he felt full of energy and confidence, but most of all he felt horny.Sarah was putting some cornflakes in a bowl in the kitchen when her sonwalked in, she looked across at him, he was only wearing his pyjamabottoms, his tanned, muscled upper body catching the morning sunlight as hewalked to the fridge, looking over at his mother as he did, Sarah turnedaway feeling ashamed, she’d awoken that morning and had been overcome withguilt of what had occured last night and hadn’t been looking forward tothis moment.”Hi Mike.” Sarah tried to sound casual and relaxed, her husband John wassitting at the kitchen table, a big stack of car magazine’s he was catchingup on spread out across the surface and he was thumbing through themslowly. Sarah did’t want him to know anything about what had happenedbetween her and Mike.Mike looked across at his mother as he walked into the kitchen, she waswearing her full-length pink bathrobe tied tight around her slim waist, herlong, brown hair flowed around her shoulders shining in the sunlight, shedidn’t have any make-up on apart from a little lipstick, she looked at himfor just a second then quickly turned away, he smiled slightly.”Morning mom, dad, sleep well?” He asked innocently”Hey son, Slept great, especially after that long drive yesterday.” Mike’sfather didn’t look away from his magazine as he spoke, he was engrossed insome big car story, Mike’s father liked his cars.Sarah said nothing, she was waiting for the kettle to boil for her coffeeand looking out the window ignoring her son.Mike poured himself some orange juice and sat opposite his father at thetable, he pulled one of his fathers magazines across the table and satthere studying it.Sarah made her coffee and turned to sit down at the kitchen table, she wasgoing to sit down next the her husband but he was occupying his half of thetable with his car mags, if she didn’t sit at the table her husband wouldthink there was something wrong then he would be pestering her trying tofind out what it was, John didn’t like arguments or fights in his family,he was quite sensitive and always became upset if his family weren’tgetting along. Sarah took the seat next to her son on the opposite sidefrom her husband.Mike looked across at his mother as she sat down, the bottom of her bathrobe had come apart slightly exposing the length of her left leg, tannedand slender, Mike felt his cock grow hard just from looking at a bit of hismom’s bare flesh.”So what we going to do today?” Asked John, not looking up from themagazine he was reading.Mike turned back to his magazine and pretended to read it while slowlytaking his right arm of the table and casually dropping it to his side.”I don’t know dad, haven’t really thought about it.” Mike replied.”John, Escort Bayan you and Mike should go fishing, theres a big trout farm just downthe road I was reading about in the guid…..” Sarah’s words trailed away,she felt something slowly running up the inside of her left thigh andlooked down to see her sons hand lightly wrapped round her exposed thigh,his fingers rubbing on her skin.Mike looked across at his mother, she turned to look at him, a shockedexpression on her face, Mike grinned evily and moved his hand further upthe inside of his mothers thigh.”Read what dear?” Asked her husband.The touch of her sons fingers as he worked his way up the inside of herpartly open thighs sent a bolt of sexual electricity through Sarah, she satbolt upright and looked across at her husband, he had looked up from hismagazine wondering why Sarah had stopped.”Sorry?” Sarah asked, trying to look calm.Mike pulled his mothers robe apart more under the table exposing more ofher thighs, he glanced across, his mothers robe was wide open now from thesash down and Mike could clearly see she wasn’t wearing any panties thismorning, he placed his hand again near the top of her thigh, moving hisfingers in a gentle circular motion upwards towards her exposed pussy lips.”What did you read in the guide?” John asked slightly irritated.”I…errrrr….read that it was the, the..errr…best around, thats ALLL.”Sarah’s voice shot up in pitch as another erotic feeling surged through herbody, she felt her hands shake slightly, cuasing her to spill a littlecoffee from the cup she was holding.”Really?” John said hardly bothered and returned to his reading.Mike was right at the top of his mothers thigh now, he twisted his fingersround and hooking his forefinger and index finger slightly he began tomanipulate his mothers pussy lips, strecthing them apart.Sarah bit down hard on her lower lip stopping herself from moaning aloud,her sons fingers were playing with her pussy lips, teasing and manipulatingthem, making her shiver with horny delight.Mike knew his mother was responding to his touch, he could hear herbreathing get louder and quicker.Sarah began to move her ass back and forth on the chair, rubbing her pussyharder againest her sons fingers, the chair creaked slightly from themovements and Sarah looked across at her husband but he was still totallyengrossed in his magazine, she placed her cup on the table and then layedher hands flat on the tabletop as she felt her cunt start to get hot andher pussy juices began to flow.Mike used his thumb and index finger to spread his mom’s pussy lips widethen slowly began to insert his forefinger into his mothers slick tightpussy, slowly rubbing it round the edge as he did.Sarah pressed down hard on the table and threw her head back a little, hereyelids fluttered for a moment as her son began to stick his finger insideher, she moved her ass forward with a quick thrust taking her sons fingerinside her, the wood chair creaked loudly.Mike’s finger was now fully inside his mothers wet cunt, he turned hisfinger in circles rubbing it againest the walls of her pussy as his momrocked her ass back and forth along the length of his finger.Sarah rubbed her feet along the floor as her sexual excitement grew,somewhere in her brain it was telling her this was very wrong but Sarah washardly listening any more, the taboo of her son doing this to her and withher husband not 3 ft away excited her even more.John looked up from his magazine and looked across at what Mike waspretending to read.”How about that new Beetle huh? Isn’t that something?” he asked.Mike didn’t miss a stroke, he just kept of teasing his moms pussy, tryingto locate her clit bud.”Yea dad, sure is a stunner.” Mike casualy replied feigning interest, hisfather smiled and returned to thumbing through his own mag.Sarah looked down and watched as her sons fingers spread her pussy lipswide then let them go, they shook slightly as they came together sending anintense, horny bolt straight through her, she was having to fight hard tocontrol her emotions, her whole body was incredibly horny, her nipples hadhardened and were rubbing againest her robe sending small shivers ofdelight up and down her.It didn’t take long for Mike to locate his mothers little clit, he ran hisforefinger over it.Sarah almost lost it as Mike ran his finger across her swollen clit, shepushed her lower body forward sharply, the back legs of the chair left theground as she impaled herself onto the length of her sons finger, again shethrew her head back as the uncontrollable sexual feelings went through her,she closed her eyes tight savouring the moment.Mike rubbed faster and faster on his mothers clit, his fingers were nowslick with his mothers pussy juices as she became wetter and wetter, Mikeknew if he continued to tease his mothers pussy she’d be coming veryshortly.Sarah ran a hand through her hair pushing it away from her face, she lickedher lips feeling Mikes fingers manipulating her cunt, his wet forefingerrubbing along the inside of her pussy. Sarah looked across at her son, hewas looking down at the car magazine pretending to be reading it, she ranher eyes down his big chest and down across his hard abs and finished athis groin, his pyjama bottoms were been forced upwards from the length ofhis cock pressing hard againest the material trying to escape.Mike saw out the corner of his eye his mother looking at him, looking atthe bulge in his pants, all in good time he thought, he slipped his indexfinger into his moms hot, wet pussy as well now and started to use bothfingers on her clit, rubbing it slowly, then a bit faster.Sarah squirmed on the chair as Mike inserted his other finger into her, shereally wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this, she was verysexually aroused now, her pussy throbbing wildly, the impending orgasmbuilding inside, Sarah bit her lip again, breathing hard through her noseas another sudder of pleasure went through her.Mike felt his moms pussy clamp down onto his fingers lightly and thenrelease again, her breathing was ragged and loud from the excitement, shewas incredibly aroused he thought, it was time to stop.Mike pulled both his fingers out from his mothers pussy and ran his handdown the inside of her thigh, leaving behind a trail of pussy juices as hedid, then he moved his hand back onto the table and picked up his glass.Sarah felt Mikes fingers slide from inside her and looked across at him,the disappointment showing on her face, he turned to her and grinned evilythen stood up, he obscence bulge in pyjamas could clearly be seen and Sarahcouldn’t help but look at it, her imagination running wild with naughtyi****tous thoughts, her pussy was throbbing wildly from her sons fingerfucking and she wished he would have finished the job, she had almost beenabout to orgasm.Mike took his glass over to the sink and washed it under the tap, his hardcock rubbing againest the edge of the sink unit, he knew how aroused he’dmade his mother and hadn’t finished the job on purpose, he now knew his momwould do little to resist any other advances he made towards her.”You going somewhere Mike?” Sarah asked, she was looking at her sons tightass cheeks outlined through his pj’s as he stood with his back to herwashing his glass, his strong muscualr back rippled as he turned and putthe glass on the drainer.”Yeah, thought me and dad could check out that fishing lake, thats if yourup to it old man.” Mike replied slapping his dad on the back.John looked up from his magazine and smiled.”Hey, less of the old thanks, I could still whip your ass any day, righthoney?” he asked his wife.”Sure John.” Sarah replied, she was looking at her sons muscular body as hestood behind his father, watching his abs tighten as he breathed in and hislarge chest twitch as he scratched an itch.”O.k dad whatever but lets go catch some fish, see you later mom.” Mikesaid walking out the kitchen casually as though he hadn’t just been fingerfucking his own mother.”O.k. son be right there.” John said getting up from his chair, he walkedaround the table to his wife and kissed her on the cheek looking down downas he did.”You better not let Mike see you like that honey.” John said jokingly.Sarah looked down, her bath robe was still open, her small patch of wiryhair and still wet pussy lips lay exposed between her slightly open thighs,she quickly pulled her robe across covering herself and looked at herhusband, he was smiling at her.”It might give him ideas, like the ones I’ve got right now, maybe tonightwe could have an early night, you know what I’m saying?” He asked.”O.k. honey we’ll do that, but now you’ve got to catch something fordinner.” Sarah replied, she felt her cheeks redden, she thought her husbandhad noticed what had just occured right under his nose.”Yes maam.” John said, standing up straight and saluting his wife.Sarah smiled halfheartedly, her pussy still throbbed and her mind wasracing with sexy thoughts which made her pussy throb harder.”Bye.” John said leaving the kitchen.”Bye honey.” sarah said, she stood up and took the dirty dishes to thesink, she thought about her son, what had gotten into him she thought, it’slike the devils taken over him, and what was she doing letting him do thesethings to her, she’d always thought her son handsome and maybe even sexy insome way but she’d hardly thought about it before, he had a certainsomething about him which attracted women to him, he’d had girlfriendssince he was eight years old and since then they’d never seemed to stopcoming, and she knew he’d be sexually active since 14 when she found somecondoms in his room and confronted him about them, he admitted he had beensleeping with someone but it was until later Sarah found out it was his Artteacher, who was only two years younger than Sarah, the affair was stoppedand Mike moved to another school.Now Mike was trying it on with his own mother she thought, an image of hersons hard cock flashed into her head and she felt her pussy twingeslightly, she rubbed her body againest the edge of the sink unit, againesther pussy mound. Calm down she told herself, he’s your son, exactly saidanother little voice in her head, wouldn’t that be exciting to get fuckedby your own young, sexy son it said. No! Thought Sarah he’s my own fleshand blood. That big cock rammed into you to the hilt spoke the voice again.No! Thought Sarah again, I couldn’t do it, it would be wrong.Sarah didn’t see her son again that evening, her husband John had arrivedhome at about six that evening and said he’d dropped Mike in town to gethis bites checked at the doctors, John had caught a couple of fish and theyate them fordinner that night then went to bed. In the end John said he was to tiredfor sex, not that Sarah minded to much, after her husband and son had leftthat morning she’d managed to finger-fuck herself to orgasm twice,imaginingher son had been thrusting his hard cock deep into her, making her moanwithpleasure, but afterwards when she had cum she felt ashamed of herself forhaving such thoughts.Mike got in at about 9 pm and was surprised to find his mom and dad hadalready gone to bed, he felt incredibly horny, the doctor had given him ashot againest rabies and taken a sample of his blood but the bats poisonwas now fully affecting his body, he wasn’t quite sure what was wrong withhim, he seemed to be constantly thinking about sex and he’d had an erectionall day.Mike sat down in the kitchen eating crackers, when he suddenly had a wickedidea, he got up and taking hold a chair he opened the kitchen door andstepped outside then smashed the kitchen door window through with the chairleg, the sound of breaking glass filled the air, Mike put the chair backand went through the living room and ran up the stairs to his parentsbedroom, without knocking he rushed in and over to his father who was fastasleep, he shook him hard.”Dad! Dad, I think theres someone trying to get in down stairs.” Mike saidwith panic in his voice.His father woke up.”What son, what is it?””Dad, I heard someone breaking a window downstairs, sounds like someonetrying to get in.” Mike replied.”What!” His father said jumping up from the bed, he rushed out the bedroom.Sarah had been woken up by the noise.”Whats going on?” She asked”Don’t worry mom, just stay here.” Mike said as he left following hisfather.Sarah sat up in bed slightly alarmed.Mike followed his father down the stairs.”Sounded like it came from the kitchen dad.” Mike said smiling behind hisdads back.”O.k. son stay behind me.”Mike and his father stepped through the lounge and burst into the emptykitchen, John saw the broken window and the glass s**ttered on the floor.”Goddamit, looks like you were right son.”John walked to the back door and unlocked it, he turned on the switch bythe door for the outside light and opened the door to look out.”I thought I heard someone messing about down there by the garage dad.”Mike lied.John looked down at the garage which was at the far end of the garden, hecouldn’t see anything from here but wanted to make sure.”Mike I’m going to have a look around, you lock this door while I’m goneand go and tell your mother whats happened, I’ll knock twice when I comeback so you know its me, o.k.?””O.k dad be careful.” Mike said sarcastically, he waited for his dad toleave and then locked the door. He went back out through the kitchen and upthe stairs to his parents bedroom, his mom was still sitting up in bed, theduvet pulled up around her, she looked at her son as he entered, he wasagain only wearing his pyjama bottoms, Mike walked upto the edge of thebed.”What the hells going on Mike?” Sarah asked slightly scared. “Did I hearyou say someone had broken in? Wheres your father, Mike?””Dads outside making sure there isn’t anybody there.” Mike said, he tookhold of the duvet in both hands and pulled it off the bed.”Mike!” Yelled his mother, as the duvet flew off the bed, Mike saw she waswearing a longish t-shirt which was bunched up around her slim thighs, herlarge breasts pushing out againest the material, his mother Bayan Escort panickedslightly and tried to jump off the bed and run past Mike, but he grabbed ather round the waist and threw her back on the bed, the t-shirt liftingright upround her waist, revealing her little black panties underneath.Sarah lay on the bed, she was breathing hard and slightly scared, but shealso was getting aroused, she knew what her son had in mind and thatexcited her, she looked into her sons eyes and saw the same look she’dseen the other night, like something had taken over his body.Mike jumped onto the bed and squatted over his mom on all fours, trappingher body againest the bed, he took hold of the bottom of his motherst-shirt and pulled it upwards, exposing her breasts, the large nipplespointing up towards him, he dropped his head and ran his tongue over theleft nipple.”Ohhhmm!” Sarah groaned, she felt Mikes hard cock pressing againest theinside of her leg.Mike kept licking on the nipple as it became hard from the touch of histongue.Sarah felt her sons hot breath againest her skin and watched as he keptteasing her nipple, her body shivered as a delightfully horny sensationswept through her and she threw her head back moaning.”Mmmm.” She gasped, she didn’t try and fight her son off, her two previousencounters with him had made her incredibly horny and this time was noexception, already her pussy was throbbing lightly.Mike moved off his mothers breast and started to run his tongue down herbody, running it over her hard, flat belly leaving a trail of wet salivabehind him as he worked his way down through her small hairs on her tummyto her black panties.”Ooooohh.”Sarah arched her back off the bed as her son rolled his tongue down overthe front of her panties, the tip of his tongue pushing through the silkmaterial, pressing againest her pussy mound, then he bit down lightly onthe front of the panties and pulled them away from her body before lettinggo, the elastic waistband snapping back againest his mothers skin.”Mmmm…Mphh!” Sarah cried out, she clawed at the bedsheet as she felt thepanties snap back into place againest her sensitive pussy lips.Mike began to press his tongue againest the front of the panties, swishingit up and down, making the material wet.”Ohhh..Baby!” Cried his horny mother, she parted her legs wider and pushedher ass off the bed and into her sons face.Mike licked on his mothers panties for a moment more then moved his handsto the waistband of the panties and began to pull them down his moms tannedthighs.Sarah lifted herself off the bed slightly so Mike could pull down thepanties easily, she licked her lips waiting in anticipation for her sonsnext move.Mike left the panties wrapped around his mothers ankles and moved backbetween her parted thighs and blew againest her red partly wet pussy lips.Sarah felt her sons hot breath on her pussy lips and she squirmed her assaround on the bed.Mike started to place light kisses on the very top of his mothers rightthigh, working his way round to her pussy.”Ommm…yea!” Sarah gasped, even Mikes small kisses made her more horny,she threw her hands behind her head, stretching them right out and liftingher lower body off the bed a bit as she felt her son move onto her swollenpussy lips.Mike ran his tongue over the outside of Sarahs pussy lips, her bodyshivered with pleasure as he did, she pushed her lower body upwardsfurther, making sure her pussy was right in her sons face, Mike ran histongue over the hot, wet lips again, this time he could taste her pussyjuices as she became wetter.”Mmmmm.” Sarah murmured.Mike moved both his hands upto the inside of his moms thighs and pulledthem apart further, he could now quite clearly see his moms wet, swollenpink pussy lips in front of his face, he moved his hands up the inside ofhis mothers thighs, his fingers brushing againest her skin, reaching thetop he moved his fingers onto her cunt and pulled back her pussy lipsslowly with his fingers.”Ohmmm…Mmm..” Sarah said biting on her lower lip hard, her knuckles werewhite as she clawed hard at the bedsheets.Mike stuck his tongue out and ran it againest his mothers exposed pussyentrance, which was giving off a slight musky smell of arousal.Sarah wiggled her ass on the bed and brought her knees up by her chest asthe fantastic sensations zapped through her body.Mike moved the tip of his tongue further into his mother pussy, he began tolap it back and forth like a kitten with a bowl of milk, his saliva mixingwith his mothers pussy juices.”Mmmm…Oh!..Uggh!” Gasped Sarah, she moved one of her hands onto the topof her sons head, grabbing hold of a clump of his hair as she pushed hishead down.”Thats it….More!…..Ohhh!” She said eagerly urging Mike on.Mike curled his tongue slightly, the tip probing the inside of his momspussy, his nose rubbing againest the curly hairs around it. He bobbed hishead up and down slightly keeping a good rythmn.Sarah arched her back off the matress again as she felt the sexualsensations run through her, she had her eyes closed tight feeling everymovement of her sons tongue as he explored her.Mike increased the speed of his pussy licking, trying to make his mom reachthe next level of arousal, he ran his tongue over her small clit as soon ashe located, again his horny mom thrashed about on the bed, her ass pushingher lower body back and forth againest his face.”Ohh!…Yesss!..Ughh!” Screamed Sarah feeling her son start to tease hersensitive clit, she felt the beginings of an orgasm in her belly, she tookhold of her sons hair and pulled his head away from the inside of herparted thighs, he looked up towards her.”Fuck me…Now!” She demanded.Mike smiled, his wet lips shining from the light of the bedside lamp,without saying anything he moved back off the bed and stood up, stilllooking at his mother he took hold of the sides of his pyjamas and pulledthem to the ground, his hard, thick cock stood up proudly through his long,curly pubic hair. the foreskin was pulled back and the big, purple cockheadwas dripping with some pre-cum from the japs eye.Sarah lay there, breathing hard and looking at her sons magnificent cock,her pussy was throbbing sending out little sexy feelings.Mike moved back onto the edge of the bed, and slowly crawled up his mothersnaked body.Sarah waited eagerly for her sons cock, she needed to be sexually fulfillednow however wrong it was to fuck her own son.Mike was on all four now between his mothers parted thighs, his cockstanding up hard between his legs, he moved forward a little more, liningup his cockhead againest his moms pussy.Sarah moved her hands onto Mikes hard buttocks and dug her fingers into theflesh lightly, she pulled him forward feeling his cock begin to enter herawaiting pussy.Mike slowly pushed his cockhead in, watching his moms face as she closedher eyes and moved her head to one side moaning as his cock slid in somemore.”Ooohhhhh!” Sarah screamed out, she dug her fingernails in harder into hersons buttocks.Mike kept pushing in the rest of his long cock upto the hilt, he felt hismoms pussy lightly clamp down all around it, it was quite a tight fit, Mikehad fucked some young girls before and they’d always been nice and tight,he thought his mom wouldn’t have been the same but he didn’t really noticeany difference.Sarah felt her sons meat work its way up inside her, god it felt good shethought.Mike was almost all the way in now and stopped, his breathing hard andragged, he then slowly pulled his cock out a bit, just a couple of inchesthen quickly slid it back in, his moms tight cunt rubbing againest his cocksent some horny feeling through him.”Yesssss!!!” Gasped Sarah as Mike started to pump his cock in and out ofher pussy, she lifted her legs up and threw them over her sons back,interlocking her feet, her kness pressed into either side of his body.Mike began to push his hips in and out at a quicker pace, his cock slidingin and out of his moms wet, hot pussy with ease, he lowered his head, andtook his mothers left nipple into his mouth and sucked on it lightly.”Mmmm…Oh! Baby!…Yes….Yessss!” Cried Sarah her body was awash withhorny feelings, her orgasm was steadily building in her as her son’s cockbored into her, cuasing her ass to be pushed back into the matress withevery thrust of his body, she moved one of her hands off his ass and ran itinbetween his legs and cupped his cum-sac squeezing it gently.Mike felt his mom playing with his balls and liked it, he could feel thecum beginning to build up inside his sac.Mike pumped his cock faster and harder into his moms pussy, he wasstretching over her pushing the whole of his long cock inside her, make hermoan with pleasure, the bed springs creaked underneath them as theycontinued to copulate.Sarah felt her sons cock bore deep into her, his width rubbing along thewalls of her pussy and her clit sending fantastic sexual vibrations throughher, making her moan loudly with intense delight.”Ohhhhh!!!…Mmmm..Fuck…Ommm!..FUCK ME!” She screamed at the top of hervoice, she held her legs tight againest her sons sides, her body rockingback and forth in time with Mikes thrusts, with her left hand she still hadhold of his left ass cheek, her fingernails dug deep into the flesh cuasinga slight trickle of blood to begin to roll down onto the bedsheet.Mike didn’t feel any pain though he was to intent on shooting his load intohis moms waiting pussy, he hammered his meat harder into his mother,grunting as he did, like some primitive b**st.”Ohhh…Yesss..Babyyyyyy.” Moaned Sarah, she squeezed her sons swollenballs a little harder, feeling them as they tightened up as the cum builtup for his orgasm.The bed springs squeaked in time to Mikes thrusts, mixing with Sarahs moanswith every thrust of his hips pushing himself deep down into his motherspussy.Squeak! “Yessss!” Squeak! “Ommmm…Yess, yes..Ohhh..Yes!” Squeak!Sarah couldn’t remember having being fucked as good as this before, herwhole body was on fire, her orgasm was almost ready to be unleashed, shewouldn’t last a whole lot longer, every time her son hammered his cock intoher and out again she came that bit closer.”Fuck me!…..YES!….C’mon..Baby!” Sarah urged, she opened her eyes andlooked at her son, he looked very serious and was grimacing, closing hiseyes everytime he pushed his hips forward, his muscled arms pushing downhard into the matress either side of his mother, she looked down her bodyand watched as her sons big cock bore down into her, her own son shethought, and with that she began to feel her first orgasm start.”Yes!..Ughhh…God…Commmm…I’m..comingggg!!!” Sarah screamed, she pulledher legs up tight towards her and planted both her hands firmly on her sonsass pulling him forwards into her as she began to shake wildly feeling theorgasm flow through her.”Ommm!…mmm…Humm….YES!….” Screamed Sarah.She felt her orgasm explode, The pleasure coursing through her naked bodymade her tight pussy-hole suck and contract reflexively around her son’sdeeply impaling prick, her trembling hips bucked uncontrollably off the bedas she felt the amazing rush of the orgasm sweep over her.”Yes….Ohhhh…Ughhh..Yes!” She cried out.Mike kept pumping his mother, as she orgasmed he felt her pussy clamp downhard onto his cock, the friction on his dick was almost too much but hemanaged to last a few more strokes before he finally felt himself start tocome.”Yessss!….Gonna cum!” He shouted as his cock unleashed its sticky,white cum into his mothers wet pussy mid-stroke, Sarah moaned loudly as shefelt her sons jizz shoot into her pussy and down into her womb.”Mmmm..Godddd!” Sarah moaned out, she threw her head back and closed hereyes tight.Mike kept pumping for a few moments as his orgasm kept going, his throbbingcock kept spurting more and more cum into his mothers hot, wet passage, hehad never had such an intense orgasm before then.Sarah’s squirming pussy squeezed all the cum Mike had from his sac, thecunt-muscles not letting go of his thick shaft, she continued to push herhips up to meet the last of her sons strokes downwards into her.Mike collasped on top of his mothers body, resting his head between hismothers large, round breasts, he could hear her heart beating loudly, hiscock was beginning to deflate but was still buried deep within his mother,her pussy still tight around his shaft he felt the last of his cum leak outof his cockhead as his cock pulsed one last time.Sarah pinched her sons ass cheeks one last time then took her hands awayand lay them by her side, she was breathing deeply, her heart beatingwildly, she felt her sons cock start to shrink inside her cum-filled pussy,she looked up at the ceiling thinking about what they’d just done when shewas hit by a thought.”Mike! Your father, where is he?” She asked alarmed.”Oh my god! He’s still outside I think.” Mike replied, he jumped up off thebed and scooped his pyjama bottoms off the floor and put them on quickly,he looked over his naked mothers body, taking in her long, slender legs andsmall waist which emphasised her larger than average breasts and felt hiscock begin to get hard again already.Sarah lay still watching her horny son pull his pants on, she already feltquite guilty about what had happened, will I be able to look John in theface again? She thought, but she couldn’t take her eyes off her body as hepulled his pyjamas on, she watched his muscles flex and licked her lipswithout thinking about it.Mike ran from the bedroom without saying anything and headed downstairs, heran through the living room and into the kitchen avoiding the broken glass,through the kitchen window he could see his father huddled up againest thedoor, he unlocked it quickly and pulled his father inside.”Jesus christ! I said five minutes son, I’ve been stood out there for atleast twenty minutes, where the hell you been?” John asked angrily, hiseyes flashing with anger.”Mom was upset and scared, I had to….calm her down.” Mike said avoidinghis fathers stare.”O.k. We’ll talk about this in the morning, I can’t see anything out therebut if there was someone around here I don’t think they’ll be coming back.”John said.Mikes watched his dad leave the kitchen then smiled an evil smile, he’denjoyed fucking his mother and he knew she had also, already his cock wasgetting hard thinking about his next move…