Jennifer’s Plaything (Part 1: Prelude)***This story contains female domination aka femdom, sissyfication, etc.***My name is Nick, I’m 29 years old, and I have what I expect most peoplewould call a “normal” life. At least I thought I did. I came home fromwork on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner andvegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in atechnical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eighthours of dealing with frustrating customers.I stopped by the mailboxes out front and grabbed a stack of the usualjunk mail.”Don’t you hate that?” a voice behind me asked. I turned to seeHeather, our neighbor from two doors down smiling at me as she picked upher mail, “Junk mail drives me crazy.””What’re you gonna do though right?” I replied. Heather was a cute, 24year-old brunette, and at 5 foot 7 she was almost as tall as me. Shelived with her husband of three years, Andy, and had become pretty goodfriends with my wife.”I like the new shirt, Nick…tell Jenn I said ‘hi,’ mmkay?””I’ll do that.” I turned and made my way to my apartment. Jenniferdidn’t believe me , but I insisted that Heather flirted with me on adaily basis. Maybe she didn’t, but it sure helped my self-esteem toimagine it was true. I’ve been told I have an attractive face, and somepeople think I can be funny (or even charming on a good day).Physically, I’m not much to speak of; I’m 5 foot 10 inches tall, so I’mnot exactly short, but at 150 lbs. I’m pretty thin; I like to call it”lean.” I’ve tried to stick to a weights regimen, but there’s littlemotivation when someone as smoking hot as Jennifer actually thinksyou’re sexy. At least that’s what she tells me.I walked in the door to the usual sight of my wife cooking dinner in thekitchen of our small one-bedroom apartment.Jennifer spends her days as a student at the local liberal artsuniversity when she’s not teaching fitness classes at the gym.Physically she’s 5 foot 2 inches tall, 125 lbs. with measurements of34C, 26, 35. She was a cheerleader in high school and it shows; she hasone of those fitness-industry bodies: strong legs, dancer’s hips, withan amazing gymnast’s ass that is definitely the highlight of her figure.She also knows how to present herself. We’ve all seen that potentiallygood-looking girl with bad posture, clothes that just don’t do her anyjustice, and no self-confidence. Jennifer suffers none of theseproblems exuding an electric charm with grey- blue eyes and a sunbeamsmile…and she knows how to move; with the posture of a finishingschool graduate (or cheerleader, I guess) she’s a natural at alluringlyflipping her shoulder-length, golden-blonde hair as she turns her head,or swinging a skirt back and forth with her perfect ass as she walks;all this with a mid-western modesty that disguises any improper intent. She must have just gotten home herself, because she was still in herworkout clothes from her afternoon step class.”Hi, honey,” she called out as I dropped my bag on the floor, “How wasyour day?””Ugh…the usual.” I dropped the mail into the trashcan. “Heather saidto tell you ‘hi.'” This got Jennifer’s attention; she turned with animpish grin.”Oh, really? Is she still ‘coincidentally’ checking her mail right whenyou are?””She liked my shirt,” I prodded. Jennifer walked across the room to meand planted a kiss on my cheek.”Well, too bad for her, Escort because this man is taken. Dinner’s in theoven; I’m going to jump in the shower.” She patted me on the butt andwalked towards our bathroom, her toned ass swiveled inside her skin-tight black workout shorts. As she turned the corner she glanced overher shoulder, caught me watching her go, and a smile crept across herface.Our sex life is good. I wouldn’t say we do anything ‘weird,’ just yourtypical married couple’s repertoire: usually in bed, sometimes on thecouch, and mostly missionary, or if she’s feeling wild, she’ll be ontop. I’ve done my share of internet porn surfing, and I’ve seen thestuff that’s out there, but I’ve never felt the need to expand myhorizons at home.Jennifer’s over-the-shoulder smile was stuck in my head, and I couldn’thelp but think that it was an invitation. This wasn’t our usualroutine, but I thought that maybe a little showering together might leadto some sex later tonight. I went to the bedroom and stripped off myclothes, dumping them in the hamper.By the time I entered the bathroom it was already warm and muggy withsteam from floor to ceiling. I could hear the hissss of the shower andthe patter of water dripping off her body onto the shower floor below.I moved to the curtain and pulled back the corner to peek inside. Shewas facing away from me, her blonde hair streaked back wet with soaprunning down the gentle crease of her back, over her perfect ass, anddown her toned legs before spinning into the drain. I stepped insideand eased up behind her, already semi-hard from the sight before me, andpressed my cock into the soapy crack of her ass.”Mmmmmm,” she moaned, “you’re a bad boy.”She arched her back slightly and pressed her ass against me, thenstarted to slowly run her backside up and down the length of my shaft.I was rock-hard in seconds, and she kept her soapy ass moving up anddown against me. I was starting to sweat and she flexed her derrieregiving my cock a warm slippery hug in the crack of her ass.”Jesus,” I gasped. With the thick steamy air and her gyrating ass in mylap I was already breathless. She turned her head and gave me thatknowing, over-the-shoulder smile of hers. Then she angled theshowerhead against the wall so as not to rinse any more soap off ourbodies and then turned around to face me. She looked up into my eyeswith a soapy loofa in one hand that she started to rub on my chest; withher other hand she took a hold of my throbbing cock with a gentlepressure that I could feel in my eardrums. She worked the loofa undermy neck and across my chest and shoulders, and the lather rolled down mystomach onto my cock and her hand. She slowly ran her slippery grip upthe length of my cock and then back down to the base, her blue-grey eyeslocked on mine the entire time. She pushed the loofa against my chestuntil I was slumped back against the shower tiles. My breathing startedto quicken as she continued to stroke my shaft at an agonizingly slowpace, and after a minute I was beside myself in pent-up frustration.What had gotten into her? It was like she was toying with me, andenjoying every second.”Nnngh…oh, Jenn-,” I whimpered involuntarily as I began to thrust myhips into her hand.”Awww, poor baby,” she mocked with a devilish gleam in her eye. “DoesNicky want more than what he’s getting?””Nnn-Huhh,” I moaned, my eyes Escort Bayan closed in pleasure. I couldn’t believehow quickly she had reduced me to near speechlessness, but she didn’tincrease her maddening pace. She kept the same slow rhythm, sloowwwwlyup, pause, slowwwwly back down to the base, squeeze – sloowwwwly up,pause, slowwwwly back down to the base, squeeze… over and over. Ifelt like I was hyperventilating and began to feel light-headed. Iabsent-mindedly reached up with one hand and rested it on her hip, andsuddenly her hand was gone off my cock. My eyes flew open in adesperate sulking expression, and she was staring back at me with asteely, serious glare.”P-please…” I breathed weakly as I thrust my stiff cock helplesslyinto the air between us.She looked down at my involuntary air-humping and tried to suppress asmile.”You’re a horny little thing aren’t you, but if Nicky wants more, thenhe needs to learn: no touchy.” My hand was off her hip like it was red-hot, and a mischievous smirk crept across her face, “Good, boy…try toshow a little modesty won’t you?” She gripped my dancing cock as myface flushed in embarrassment, and she began her stroking again:sloowwwwly up, pause, slowwwwly back down to the base, squeeze.”Nnnnnngh,” I whimpered again.”Okay, sweetie, if you want more I want to hear you say it.””Mmm-more,” I moaned”More, what? I want to hear some manners come out of that prettymouth.”Where did she get this from? I didn’t care, I was lost in a steamyworld that revolved around my cock and her hand…I played along, “More,please…please, Jennifer, please.””Please, what? What is it that you want me to do?””P-please, Jennif-Mmmyessss.” She had dropped the loofa and cupped myballs with her other hand. She started to roll them around gentlybetween my quickly weakening legs.I don’t remember consciously acknowledging when she told me to turnaround, but before I could even think to object I was facing the showerwall with my hands pressed flat against the tile on either side of myhead. She pushed my face against the wall and my tongue darted out totaste the cool, smooth ceramic. Her left hand was snaked around mywaist now stroking my cock into a soapy lather. Her other hand waseasing up the inside of my leg until her fingers were caressing my ballsfrom behind.”Look at you, Nicky. I’ve got you right where I want you. You’d doanything I asked right now wouldn’t you?” My mouth was slack and arivulet of drool was running down the wall. I was a dumb a****l, andshe was right. “Answer me, Nicky…you’d do anything wouldn’t you?”She accompanied the question with a gentle squeeze of my balls.”Nnnyessss,” was all I could get out. She was starting to increase thespeed of her strokes.”Little Nicky…I’ve got you up against the shower wall…completelyhelpless, as helpless as a school girl, don’t I, baby?””Mmm-hmmm.” She had never talked to me like this; I felt so strangelyemasculated and euphoric. I didn’t care what she said; I was in heaven.”My baby, with your little ass sticking out into the palm of my hand.”She moved her hand back from my balls and cupped my ass. She started towork her soapy hand up and down along my ass-crack until her middlefinger grazed my secret, sensitive spot. I let out an unexpectedlyhigh-pitched yelp, and moved to grab her hand, but she suddenly grippedmy wrist hard and put my hand Bayan Escort back over my head against the tile wall.I could have stopped her; as a man I’m certainly stronger than her, evenwith all her fitness training, but I just wasn’t thinking clearly. AllI could think about was her hands down there and how much I wanted tocum. Her hand was back on my ass, her finger resting on my entrance.”Stick your ass out further, honey. That’s it.” I arched my back andpushed myself against her hand. The tip of her thumb slipped into mytight hole. “That’s it, baby…helpless as a school girl.” I let outanother little squeak when she eased in her second knuckle. “Shhhhhh,it’s okay sweetie,” she whispered into my ear. She was leaning over menow, her breath hot on the back of my neck. “Spread your legs formommy.” I slid my feet apart against the walls of the narrow shower.She started to rub the inside front of my virgin hole, and began togently massage my prostate between the thumb inside my ass and herfingertips just behind my balls.”Uh…uh….uh,” I grunted.”Did mommy find your g-spot, baby?” I bent over more and scooted back,resting on my elbows against the wall. A long trail of pre-cum began todrip from the tip of my cock. I was going wild. I began to squirm inmy wife’s hands: thrusting my cock into her fist and then grinding backagainst the thumb up my ass.”Look at you, you dirty slut, you can’t get enough can you? Do you likebeing milked? You should be ashamed of yourself. What would your co-workers think if they could see you now, moaning like a whore while Ifinger-fuck you in the ass.” Her words were hot in my ear, and Idropped my head between my arms in shame. I knew I should feel utterhumiliation, but all I could think about was the orgasm that was momentsaway, and nothing she said could stop my thrusting hips.” I’m going to milk your little cock dry, you slut. What would Heatherthink if she saw you now.””Oh, god, Jennifer…””Do you still think she’d want to flirt with you? Maybe I should inviteher over to see my little sissy school girl get her ass reamed. What doyou think about that?””Oh, God Oh FUCK!”The embarrassing thought of Heather seeing me emasculated in my lustfulstupor was more than I could bear and my prostate started pulsing withthe forewarnings of orgasm. As my ass started rhythmically squeezingaround my wife’s thumb she cooed soothingly into my ear,”That’s it, little Nicole, cum for mommy….let it all out, that’s mygood girl.”The pre-flexing of my cock seemed to last a full ten seconds before Ifinally began ejaculated thick white ropes against the shower tiles.Pulse after pulse of hot semen shot from my cock as tears of pureecstasy and release streamed down my face. I never came as hard or aslong, and well after the flow stopped I kept involuntarily squeezing myass around my wife, and I was still convulsing like this with my cockbobbing in my wife’s hand when the embarrassment hit me. I was suddenlyhyper-aware of my situation: bent over against the shower wall, legsspread with my wife’s thumb deep in my ass. I didn’t want to endure theawkward feeling of her thumb slipping out. I just wanted to disappear. I was afraid to move, and my tears of pleasure turned into a gentlesobbing against the tile.Jennifer let go of my cock and began stroking my hair. “Oh, Nick…It’sokay, babe. It was just a little bit of fun. You’re still my big,strong, sexy man.” Her words were calming, but I didn’t see thescheming gleam in her eye.She kept stroking my hair and then my back, running her fingertipsrelaxingly along my spine, her thumb still buried deep in my ass.