My DefloweringThis story is an excerpt from a book I read, and if you like it half as much as I did, comment, friend me, and I will give you the title and author. It is a long passage, but you will be glad that it is. read-on, and enjoy.I was in a girls finishing school, renowned throughout merry Olde England as the finest disciplinary establishment in the country, if not the world. The occasion was of my deflowering, a ritual that Rev. B., the headmaster reserved for himself. I was led to the chamber by the head mistress, and here we go. Seeing I would not knock, she did so for me at the gruff growl from within. All too soon it had closed behind me. I felt sick with fear at what I saw.The great chamber was little lit. A large log fire comfortably flamed and there was an l\oil lamp on the long leathern desk top, throwing its mellow glow over two figures, Miss Temple and the Reverend Brocklehurst. I caught my breath for it was with a little thrill of almost desecration that I saw out Headmistress naked from the waistband of her taut blue velvet trousers up. She was longing on one arm of Mr. Brocklehursts chair and I felt naughty looking at her so and dropped my eyes. She had adorable titties, small chubby apples with little aureole but ink-dark nipples.Her glasses winked reassuringly and she smiled as she beckoned me to come forward in front of them. I went to the desk. Mr. Brocklehursts face was swarthy and shadowed, but he too was laughing, and had I not feared him so I should have called him handsome. He reclined against the tall rest, wearing only a flounced shirt of the finest lawn which, I could see, was opened to the waist, exposing his muscular and darkly hairy chest.“The lamb to the sla-ghter,” he chuckled gently” I trembled like an aspen. It was happening, finally it was happening at last, and there was no way in the world I could stop it. Something deep within me thrilled like a bowstring as he picked up his great long cane from the desk top. They had both been drinking from cut glass carafes, Miss Temple’s golden and the man’s port-red.“Come Jane,” said Miss Temple in a voice I had never heard her use before, so soft and dewy with smiling sensuality was it, “do not be so frightened.”“know what you are here for girl?”“Yer-yess, sir.”“what?”“To take…for you to take my maidenhood.” He grinned largely “D;ye think I can?”Yes sir “Come, let’s see then Come, come, as I hesitated and his stick twitched at my nightgown, “your honey pot c***d”. Let’s get a good look at it now.”I raised the hem of my gown to my waist. I had by this time grown out and was inordinately proud of what I then showed, just above the desk, on the sill of my thighs My bush was black and thick and the lips it hid were fat and ripe. I had a bulgy mons, “prime for skewering” as more than one girl in the dormitory had remarked. Well now, I was going to get it.“Strip altogether.”Mr. Brocklehurst stared long and intently at the plum. “That’s what I’d call a soulful twat, wouldn’t you Hilda, hell, hell? As he spoke, I heard something knock beneath the desk, his side. I gulped, petrified. “Nice tough hymen, hell Matron says you have a good one. Not too much horseback stuff in your youth. Mm, wet and sensuous. Yes, yes.As he spoke, he had been prodding me with the rod knowingly, first the juicy sentinel which felt surprisingly stiff, then inside me vulva, the bendy tip coming up against my inner membrane which it tested as on a thumb. Finally, he extracted the end of the rod, sniffed it appreciatively and took a swig of port.“Heavens, you’re going to feel this , girl. Taut as a drum and far more springy. You’ll never forget it all your life. “Also you’ll never regret it all your life,” said Miss Temple, standing up and stretching superbly. “Mr. Brocklehurst is doing you a great honor Jane. There aren’t many men built like him and on your wedding night you’ll be glad he opened you right up, just you wait and see. But first, come over here and we’ll do some exercises to help you take him.She led me gently to a large rug in front of the fire. Here I had to to a succession of energetic exercises- squat bends, toe-touchings, then hooping in the squat position, then on my back with legs over the head; parted widely, stretching, stretching. Finally, panting and wet with sweat, I lay back to see Miss Temple in the mists above me, smiing serenely as ever and I couldn’t help wondering if she had felt the bludgeon up that trim velvet belly of hers She guessed my thoughts with a chuckle.“Of course every woman loves to feel thoroughly filled and replete, Jane. He’ll give it to me later and I shall be grateful to yo for taming him down a little, first. There are times when he makes me feel almost too impaled. It scarcely seemed possible I was speaking to Miss Temple when I said, “Can we get it over soon, Ma’am, please?”“Yes, but first I shall to whip you a bit,” she went on in the same kindly tone. ‘Nothing too terrible, just to make you all nice and tingly.” She chose a long withy birch and made me bend forward with my hands on my knees, feet apart. Oooh! How they stung! What vinegary cuts! I do not know how many she gave me, laughing all the while, but soon I shrieked up at their intensity, hopping and clasping. And in that state I was led back to the man, like a lamb to the slau-hter. Escort “now I’ll give you a few on the back.” These too stung appallingly and left me doubled, gasping , clutching my armpits “God Hilda, I tell you I feel so hard my teeth ache. I’ve absolutely got to have her now.”He stood up and I slowly raised my eyes, only to feel I had been struck in the face. The lawn shirt ended at his thighs. It was wide parted all down and from the furry ball-sack at his center reared the most manly masthood I had ever imagined. It was prodigious, a belly-high erection, dark and bobbing as he…it…came towards me. I recoiled, hand to mouth.“Oh sir… oh please oh please, sir, “ I quavered like a ninny.“Think this little dipper can plumb y’r smudgepot, Jane Eyre?”The erection was on me. The fat tube was darker than I had seen, heavy with blood, while the great slab of meat that was the cockhead, with its thick corona, seemed to be palpitating to get at, into me. The sliced eye, whitely oozing, accused my very essence. The entire organ had the rigidity of throbbing iron and to think I was to be “done”, hewn in half by…I turned to run.Miss Temple caught me by and earlobe and swung me back before I has gone a pace. “Isn’t it a beauty Jane?” she hissed hotly. “It spits like a cobra when he comes. Here.”She led me to a small low backless ottoman. I fell back on it, legs sprawled to either side, head half conscious. The good woman advised me to grip the little polished wood bar at the end, in order to withstand the siege. She herself straddled there, holding my shoulders. Suddenly I looked up and squeaked.He still had the shirt on, but no more. His strong black haired thighs were either side of the ottoman, his monstrous member rampant between them . It had to be 16 inches long, and as big around as my thigh. In the firelight the great barrel seemed to have gworn, I should never get half of it up me…‘Oh sir…sir!”A glass clattered at my teeth. Miss Temple poured brandy down my throat.“Feel game, girl?” he asked in a gruff tone. I nodded bleakly. I could not take my eyes off that ….thing “I’ll, I’ll do my best , sir.”I heard him muttering something to Miss Temple.. They were astride me at either end and then I saw him reach up and fondle her elastic titties. His prick gave a savage, mule-like kick. The index of its strength drained the last of mine form me and when his hand lifted me under the buttocks I was unresisting, listless. I did not remain so for long. Like a huge slug the furiously empurpled k**ney of the head slipped in my parted lips. It felt heavy, loaded, and gritting my teeth, I shut my eyes. Then gradually, kneading my bottom halves in his powerful hands, he nosed in and out of the top of my vulva, caressing my clitoris with his Cyclops eye. I came rapidly to life, blinked open my eyes-“Oh sir,what are you…oh dear God sir…!They were bent forward and kissing above me as with a strangled gasp I gave a short squirting spasm round his cockhead. He laughed.“I do believe the little slut has come!” “Give it to her now, Broughton, right through and up to her throat!”They were talking in undertones, and I had closed my eyes again, for it was coming in earnest. He had plugged me with his glib tube yet further and I felt as if I could hardly breathe. Nothing existed. Nothing but the rhythmic probing as his head felt out the strength of my membrane. He splayed open my buttocks further and I uncontrolledly gasped out, “Do it…give it to me sir…ahh get it done!”He slid out-the length of that gristle!-and I heard him saying something to Miss Temple. There was a pause while my whole hips were help on top of his meatus, and then the world went mad.“YEOAIEEEEEEE!’The room rang to my unearthly scream. It must have been heard throughout that holy edifice. In perfect concert Mr. Brocklehurst and Miss Temple made me skwere myself on that stake. The former squeezed between ringer and thumb two morsels of buttock flesh most wounded by the whip while the latter pinched my nipples with unspeakable acerbity. I lunged upwards, shrieking, at which moment the man split my fig and plunged his full length into me in one.I was disme-bered. It felt as if a fist had slammed up my entire being. The head ended under my ribs. I fought for breath, found none, tried to kick but could not.“Good,” said the Reverend, “now let’s fuck the little devil in earnest.”By the time I got hold of myself I realized I was doubled back like a ball, my thighs held tight on my chest by firm Miss Temple as well as my ravisher…and I could but thresh a foot or two for movement. Dear heaven alive! My face seemed but inches off my vulva, affording me a loge-like view of my present impalement as the great greasy, blood-flecked member now drove down into my guts almost vertically. Squeezed down, I was no more than a simple sleeve for his penis.:Oh sir, sir…mercy!”“Well, Jane, which rod do you like best?”His bloodshot face was miles above me as he pounded on with his merciless skewering. I was cheer cu-t. And suddenly I knew I was coming as I never had before. I was slick with sweat and steam rose before my eyes but I remember I said in a steady tone, “Sir, if you wish to…know…I think I am going to spend…”‘I know you are,” he grunted, snorting. He joggled me for a second, then rammed hard home.“UINGH!”I was Escort Bayan stuffed to the gills, my eyeballs bursting, but suddenly my whole lower body clamped to his rock-hard cock. I felt myself streaming down its sides in unending ecstasy for what seemed like minutes, and then I lay back limp, gasping like any stranded fish.High above me as well as in me the man drained port like water as Miss Temple handed him the restorative glass. He had not come. He was as hard as ever. My legs now hung limply astride the towel Miss Temple had evidently placed beneath my bottom, and Mr. Brocklehurst started work in earnest. Holding my pelvis high by the peach halves he commenced a steady, reaming ramming, screwing the slick sausage deep into me, gouging and muzzling the back of my womb.“Oh God, sir come,” I begged in desperation, with tears in my eyes. “Spurt into me sir, I do beg you. You have split me in two, now for God’s sake spare me and go off.”He laughed, the while. Finally, after an eternity of thudding, he seemed to grunt, and swell. “Isn’t it lovely, Jane?” The Headmistress bent over m, fondling one of my titties. “But I’m ger-going to,” I bleated in sweet misery, “I’m going to come uggh…”She grinned and tweaked me. “Jove, she fucks like butter!”I wailed as it began. High above, it seemed I saw two writhing insects, my plump legs, entwine themselves of their own volition around the thrusting waist and I buckled sickly upwards, stabbing myself on his colossal member, squirting in spurts. What bliss!“The little mischief is coming all the time”“It must have been that birching that did it.” The lubricant of my love juices eased his entry and allowed him to penetrate and pummel more deeply within me. I was drained of all energy by the ecstasy and simply hung like a rag doll, legs lolling, my hips held glued to his by his hands beneath my buttocks. The brute did not stop for a second. He was now slucking his bloody cylinder into me with driving force that took all breath from me Our groins met with wet bruising thuds. I was being properly “done.” My head hanging back on the ottoman I lay with lifeless arms and was fucked to the core and oh! Beyond I was a sheer sleeve of sex. Would the man never finish?Looking up glassily I could see Miss temples bunched buttocks, in their pale blue velveteen breeches, as she straddled over me. She was avidly pressing two fingers into the lozenge of her central self and I thought bitterly, through gritted teeth, How would you like to be rammed like this Ma’am?“Lord, Broughton, but you are rogering her soundly.” He panted hoarlsely, “Could fuck this twat all nigh..but get in better other way…the cervical slant…” He was pulling my behind halves so far apart by now that each of his rammings was echoed by a short, startled fart. All at once he slid out and the engorged monster, sticky with my gluttonous glue as well as blood, reared hotly before me It had not had enough.“Come Jane,” the mistress coaxed. She sat me up, half-dazed as I was, and poured more scalding brandy down my parched throat. It instantly revived me and I looked down at the thick cream, streaked with red, that leaked onto the towel between my legs. Ravished was the word., after all?”“Yes, sir”“Well, Jane Eyre,” the man mocked as I rose unsteadily, “did you feel something after all?” “”Yes,sir.” “Come, you’re a passionate c***d and we’ve only just begun. I’m going to take ye dog wise, from the back, now that I have opened you up a bit and I wager you’ll feel it twice as deep.“Oh please sir,” I begged hectically, “olease shoot off into me.”“I’ll shoot off, he said grimly, and when I do, you’ll feel it clear behind your eyeballsI was bent over the desk with my legs apart. Miss Temple stationed herself at my head and held my hands, pulling me forward. I quivered like a willow as I felt the wet turgid piston in between my ass cheeks. I looked back and down. The fat head nosed between my swollen lips and then suddenly the whole limb sluiced into me like a sword.“UINKK!” I gaped with disbelievingly dismay into mistress’ smiling face. This time he jammed it to the chest, I’d have sworn “It’s toooo..big..uingh! Oooooh…Uingh!….UINGH!”My thighs vised to the desk edge by his own, the monster had me impaled like a butterfly on a page Grunting rhythmically he stuffed and crammed every inch of my insides, holding my pelvic bones so that I could not escape a centimeter. Miss Temple relinquished my hands and sat comfortably on the desktop, peering to get a better view of the great tumid tube as it halved me. I was going mad. I hammered helplessly, half sobbing, on the leather desk with my poor puny fists. For it was happening again. “NOOOOOOOO!” I wailed hysterically. ‘I….it’s toooooo……comeeeeeng!”Great shuddering gusts of rapture overtook me as my feet beat on his and my bucking body rooted itself greedily in the anguish of ecstasy once more.It did not stop. I heard his gruff laugh, then-“I’m getting deeper now,” and then I purely panicked. Glossy with sweat, lithe as an ell, I somehow escaped his grasp. The plug pulled out of me and I ran heedlessly…somewhere… anywhere, so be it away from him.I got no more than a yard I remember hearing his easy, manly laugh and that sound like the parting of curtains behind me. Swung with a full-bodied aim, Bayan Escort as hard as a strong man could, the last two feet of his cane caught me clean across the center of my bounding arse. It was a perfectly timed stroke and to this day I still think it one of the worst I ever had. As it clipped in, smacking upwards, I screeched soundlessly, driven out of my skin by the sting A tiptoe I grabbed back at my buns, never having felt such pain and knowing it wa going to mount. As it did, I staggered, no more, and half fell over a soft chair back. He got in two more ferocious swipes to the back of my thighs, the second of which made me double up whining, falling over into the chair. I huddled like a ball, holding myself, cold with pain. Heavens, what strokes he had struck me!The Reverend was standing over me glowering, his wet prick purple.“Get over that desk girl he grated, quick. Or I’ll cut ye to such pulp and peelings you’ll wish you’d never been born.I pantingly obeyed. En route he gave me one more furious cut with all his stinging skill. I squealed like a pig. In a trice, I was re-skewered and this time he held my thighs to the desk with all the iron in his. His prick was growing bigger!! “Christ, she’s tight”“Oh sir…nnnngh…sir!”“You’re going to get it now girl.”I had felt the first seething at the root. The whole thing seemed to tensen till I nearly shrieked. It was beginning to boil, engorging itself with sperm to be spurted into me. I tried vainly to crawl forward off it. At the same time the strokes behind were now a warm gluteal glow and I could feel myself squeezing, clam-like, inside, powerless to stop the single cunt that I was from surging over with him, too, even if I had wanted to, which I did not.The root thickened, the head kicked. I heard him growl something at Miss Temple. I balanced myself up on my arms.”“Ah sir, come soon. I am giving it to you again o o o uggghr!”I jammed back on him and screamed, fighting backwards as he slowly withdrew the pole. He nodded at the entrance, once, twice, then with a great shout of “There!” he slammed full home and more in me“AAAAAIEEEEEEE!”As the first volt of gismic lightning was unleashed within my guts, I felt his semem travel through my marrow. What a jet! OO,OH. Ow! The piston started pumping in single, terrific throbs, well spaced-out, each shooting thick gobs against me. Once, twice, thrice….I bit my lips and stared unseeing at Miss Temple. The throbs turned into strong upward kicks in my belly, each thrash of sperm shaking my head on my shoulders like a ball. Would he never be done? He hosed the spew into me, until I slumped u*********s.When I recovered my senses, the first thing I noticed was that the great glib tube within me had scarcely limpened. I still had the sensation of being thoroughly, hopelessly, filled and stuffed inside, as well as extremely sloshy from his sperm.Hello, what have we here? I do declare our little stranded fish has come alive again. Pour me another glass of port, do.“Sir, sir!”As I rose weakly on my arms he stiffened sullenly inside me and a mermaid in my depths began to swim to the surface at his first probing reams.“Jove!” “Never met such a gluttonous cunt, you beat your Aunt Reed, I’ll swear. Now. Let’s see how you like it up your bunghole. Fetch me a dollop of saddle grease dear….”“NOOOOOOOOOH!”“Not virgin here, I’ll bet. Not if I know that jack Reed He slucked juicily out of me, my cunt peeling off the fat cylinder of gristle, and presented the enormous head between my bum-cheeks. Our headmistress anointed the sphincter ring there and then he had to vise my thighs to the desk top in earnest, as the wet nose nuzzled for entry. Heavens, how I fought! Again hammered on the desk in a fury of impotence as his strong thumbs divided my puckered purse and adroitly lodged the head, on which the sphincter closed like a clam. “Noooouuuuu….I….uingh!” It had begun sliding in. He put his powerful hands through under my armpits and caught them together at the back of my neck I could only flail like a wounded bird, trying to climb off the impalement slowly entering me.“Ner-nno more,” I wailed “No more, sir please… it won’t go in!”“Oh yes it will,” I heard in a voice very close to me now. “You will take every inch, till you feel my balls banging into that hide hungry cunt of yours, monkey. There, there, I’m going to give you something that will make you want to sh-t for a week.I slid doen on the meaty shank, gulping and aghast. Finally it was all in me, a feat that made Miss Temple clap Then she seated herself askew the desk and proceeded to toy with my button. I responded at once grimacing. Mr. Brockhurst buggered me as I had never been before. It made John Reed’s efforts seem like those of a pencil put in me. The man gave me full length and girth of his member, in and out for minutes on end.“Get ready for it,,” he gritted, and when he cam he shot in spurts that barely lwt me breathe. My eyeballs bulged, my face went purple, while my traitor on Miss Temples finger spent its grateful dew. On and on he squirted. At last I was let go.I remember falling to the floor, leaking behind in long strings, and Miss Temple consoling me with glasses of Brandy that I drank thirstily, like water. I was then dismissed, and told to clean myself up and return to my dorm. Bowing, and kissing his feet, and thanking him profusely, I took my leave. So ends the story of my deflowerment. If you liked this, wait until you read about my most severe, filthy punishment by the Head mistress, but that’s another story. Hope you enjoyed it.