Subject: A Neglected Boy Chapter 8 Please support Nifty to keep these stories fty/donate.html This is my first attempt at writing a story for Nifty and thanks everyone for your support. Thanks Coach Ray and the Nifty staff for all your help. To my readers; Thank You, everyone, for your emails. Your comments are welcome and appreciated at jacoblion@tutanota Please remember this is fiction and all the characters names are simply fabricated. **A note of interest** All the locations are accurate including mileage, and descriptions of Yale, restaurants, our meals & Mystic Seaport. A Neglected Boy Chapter 8 A Neglected Boy, Chapter 8, jacoblion@tutanota At the end of Chapter 7 . . . I really think I have my hands full with this boy I love so very much. I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him and once again assured him I loved him. We slept sound and I did awake a few times to realize that either Kori or I had erections. But hey “boys will be boys” . . . Chapter 8 Soon the alarm sounded and it was time for us to get up and start our day here in New Haven. We had agreed to meet with Kevin and the boys for breakfast. I nudged Kori and told him that we needed to get morning showers done and dressed so we could meet Kevin and the boys. Kori was a little slow so I simply put my feet against his back and pushed him out of bed. Oh my goodness the reaction I got. Kori got up off the floor and looking very pissed but then it turned to laughter, jumped on me and gave me a morning hug and little kiss. Kori knew we were to meet with Kevin and the boys. Surly it wasn’t Kevin he was excited to see but he had made good friends with all the boys. There were two or three boys that he seemed to like especially and I could see a lasting friendship developing. Without hesitation Kori jumped off the bed dropped his tighty whities and headed to the bathroom. I spoke up . . . “Hey Kori come back here and pick those up off the floor and put them in the laundry bag . . . I’m not your maid Kori.” . . . With that the little devil ran back, naked, big grin, picked up the underwear and tossed them in the laundry bag. Then he looked at me with that devilish grin, hands on hips and said . . . “I know Jake you just wanted to see my stiffy this morning” With that he took off at a dash for the bathroom cause he knew I was about to strangle him. Kori finished his shower quickly and walked out from the bathroom still drying himself with the towel, and naked. It appears he has become used to walking around in front of me dressed or not dressed. I said nothing grabbed my morning kit and took my shower. When I came out of the bathroom Kori was sitting at the table all dressed and admiring the Charles W. Morgan. I could tell in an instant that he really loved the ship. Kori turned to me and said. “Jake I will remember this trip forever and I love this old ship” With showers over and now dressed Kori and I walked out to the truck to find Kevin and the boys getting their stuff in the van. We had agreed that the only place where all thirteen of us could eat and talk to each other was the university dining hall. Kevin and I shook hands and exchanged morning small talk while the boys were all loading their bags for the third round of competitions at the pool. There was just enough room for us to squeeze in the van and Kevin and the boys wanted us to ride with them. I told Kevin that would be great but that I had another appointment with Professor Alves. Kevin understood but the boys were really hounding Kevin and me to let Kori go with them. So it was that Kori with his bag piled in with all the other boys. Kevin told me to go first and he would follow. Once at the university dining hall the boys all headed for their breakfasts. Kevin and I watched as the boys each went for different things. Some of the boys went for eggs and bacon, some cereal, some pancakes or waffles but they all had milk. Kevin and I had eggs and bacon, toast and coffee. It was really nice to have arrived at the Clarion and found the swim team. Kori had friends to be with and swim with and I had someone my age to talk with and let me tell you that was great. As Kevin and I had our breakfast we both were surprised to find we had much in common. Kevin comes from an Army family and I came from a Navy family. Both our fathers were of the same rank. Kevin’s dad was a Colonel and my dad a Captain and both were very strict. We both had been moved around when little and both graduated from great universities. Kevin graduated from Brown University and me from here at Yale. We really did have many things in common and agreed that although we were from opposing universities we would not fight in front of the boys. But we may have differing opinions. Breakfast was over and we had just over an hour before Kevin and the boys had to be at the pool and about the same for me with my meeting with Professor. The question was what to do. As the boys all had suggestions up comes Kori with . . . “Hey guys let Jake give us a tour of the university or at least Harkness Tower and Durfee Hall.” Everyone agreed and the walk would be good. I gave Kori a hug and told him that was an excellent idea. We walked and talked over to Harkness Tower. Kevin’s boys all were impressed with the tower and the facts about it. It was not me giving the facts it was Kori actually I didn’t speak about it very much at. Mostly Kevin and I talked by ourselves. I watched Kori an eleven year old boy as he lectured about the tower and Yale. He sounded like a junior giving a tour to high school students. I was so proud. From Harkness we walked to Durfee Hall. This was great because I was going to meet Professor here in just forty minutes. Kori started with . . . “Hey guys doesn’t it look something from a Harry Potter Movie?” . . . and then he was on a role. It was all about the ceilings, the walls, the fireplaces and then Kori started to take the boys up the grand old stairs talking as he went. Kevin looked at me with this huge smile and said . . . “Kori really knows his stuff. It’s like he lives here. bursa escort Jake you think Kori will go here one day?”. . . I said . . . “Kevin I am sure of it.” We finished the tour of the upper floors and descended to the entrance just as Professor Avles was coming in. Professor said . . . “What do we have here a tour of Durfee Hall I think” . . . With that Kori went to professor shook hands and explained about the swim team and the boys. As usual for Professor he messed Kori’s hair and gave him a hug. Then I introduce Kevin and told him how we were all staying at the Clarion. Professor asked if the boys had a good tour and all said it was an amazing place. With that of course Professor said that he assumed that some of them would attend Yale. Uh-oh Wrong. Some of the boys responded cheerfully nope we’re going to Brown. With that Professor laughed and said . . . “Well Brown is a fine school also.” . . . Kevin knew I had the meeting with Professor and so he and his boys left for the pool. Kori and I went with Professor to his office. Professor explained to Kori that it would be a short meeting and that maybe he could watch TV on the second floor. Kori headed up to the second floor and Professor and I talked. The first thing that Professor did was to hand me a paper with all the questions about Kori. He needed everything, full name, DOB, address SS if he had one. It was in detail and he asked me to please return it with all the information completed within two weeks. As professor explained he would be in the process of setting up a full Yale Education Trust for Kori. It would cover tuition, room and board, all books and fees including medical for the entire four years. In addition Professor would see that Kori would have a new car at the beginning of his freshman year. I was completely shocked. I knew Professor was serious about seeing that Kori would school here at Yale but this went far beyond anything I had expected. I thanked Professor over and over till he said . . . “Jacob stop I am doing this for Kori and you. I recognized the love you have for each other and I know you will see to his best interest. Now there is one more thing. Please try to call me Stan, just try. I know that for years you have called me Professor but we are now friends so that changes things a bit Jacob.” . . . Now with the details about Kori out of the way it was on to my project. Professor told me that he had discussed the project with his colleagues within the department and all agreed to accept the project for next semester, Fall of 2018. I was so delighted. With the project accepted my graduate costs will be reduced considerably. Professor and I went to the second floor to find Kori. Second floor lounge and there is Kori sitting next to a freshman in conversation over school at Yale. It appeared they were enjoying each other’s company. The student saw Professor and stood immediately and Kori went to the Professor’s side and hugged him. Now that was a bit unusual. The student looked and was trying to figure the situation out. Professor just told the student to sit and relax. We excused ourselves and went down stairs, Kori asked Professor to join us at the pool competition but as things go at Yale he had another meeting. Kori gave Professor another hug and thanked him for everything and said . . . “I hope I can come down with Jake and visit you Pops, I think you’re a cool granddad.” Professor laughed and told Kori anytime. Kori and I went to the pool. We walked in as the morning warm-ups were underway. The boys were listening to Kevin as he walked the side of the pool and telling then longer strokes, focus, keep your head down, Hey cup you hand! Kori looked at me and said . . . “He’s tough! Did you see how he was pointing at them? No wonder they swim so good. Jake you think I could swim like that?” . . . I look told Kori that he could do just about anything he wanted if he really tried. Kori smiled up to me and put his arm around my waist. I put my arm around his neck and whispered in his ear . . .”Kori you’re a nut, but I love you anyway.” . . . he laughed and punched my arm. The morning session ended and we all went to the dining hall for a quick very light lunch for the boys but Kori was hungry again so it was Burger and fries, milk and pudding. Kevin’s boys could have a small piece of fruit and some carb thing they have for swimmers. Kori looked at me and made a face and just shook his head. In a jiffy we were back at the pool and the competition heated up. There were false starts. There were two boys who started to get into it and were pulled aside. These kids maybe friends outside but they are brutal enemies in the pool. I’m not talking about Kevin’s kids but about the opposing team’s boys. If you think baseball is bad this is much worse. Kevin’s boys did well. The meet was over and now it was playtime. Kori changed into his swim suit and everyone was in the water. Kevin and I had time to just sit and watch as all the boys played. It was good again to just sit with someone my age and talk about all the things we had in common. Somehow the conversation came round to Kori and me. Kevin was telling me that he noticed how close we were. He knew that Kori was a student at my school and not related to me. I began to feel a little uneasy. Kevin recognized that I was a little uneasy and then set my mind at ease. He told me that now and in the past he has had boys this age come on to him. That with one boy it was a serious situation where the boy wanted a sexual relationship and became very jealous. It affected the team and it took quite awhile to get it straightened out. He asked how I was handling the situation with Kori and if I was alright with the way things were going. I told Kevin that things were going great. I explained that Kori and I had talked about some things and that Kori was in fact curious about a number of things. I let Kevin know that Kori and I had discussed his relationship with me and his friends especially his friend Peter. I let it go at that and I think Kevin knew bursa escort bayan that I wished not to continue in this direction. Actually I think it was a little rude of him to bring it up in the first place. (hmm look at who is getting a little defensive) Our time together was interrupted as it was time for the boys to get out of the water and shower and change. The shower and changing thing takes about an hour with 50 boys. Soon Kevin’s boys and Kori were dressed and heading our way. Next big subject Dinner! All the boys, smiling, laughing, hugging and messing around, were saying let’s go we’re starving. They had the idea to go back to the dining room but I really wanted to just be with Kori. I could see the expression on Kori’s face that he was thinking the same thing. Kori came over to me and whispered in my ear . . . “Jake I don’t feel so good can we just go back to the room?” His face looked sad and he looked a little down. I told the boys and Kevin thank you for a great fun afternoon but Kori is not feeling so good. I think its best I take him back to the room for a little while. The boys were disappointed but wished Kori well. Kevin and I shook hands and said we would have coffee together later. I open the truck door for Kori and he got in on the passenger’s side and buckled up. The boys were in the van and waving as we backed out and drove away. We were about a half mile when Kori asked me to pull over quickly. I thought he was sick and going to throw up. He unbuckled his seat buckle and scooted over to me with this huge smile that he has and said . . . “Jake I’m fine, not tired, not sick, I just wanted to be with you and thought we might go to that Chinese Wall place again.” . . . That little fox. I looked at Kori and said . . . “Kori you could get an academy award for that act squirt! And I love you for it.” Kori was so happy I also agreed to go to the Chinese place, The Great Wall of China, and he asked if we could have the same thing as last night. We did and it was just as good if not a little better, or so Kori thought. We were back at the room and there was a quiet knock at the door. It was two of the boys from the swim team Kyle and Justin. They wanted to see Kori and if he was Ok if he wanted to go to the game room. I asked them to come in. They looked at Kori and asked if he was feeling better would he like to go with them to the game room. Kori looked at me and asked . . . “Jake would it be Ok for me to go?” . . . I reached in my pocket and gave him ten dollars and to have a good time. By now the boys had spotted the ship. That opened the dialogue with Kori explaining all about Mystic. With that I opened the door and said . . . “Ok guys goodbye and have fun and don’t break anything.” Ahh the quiet. There was another gentle knocking at the door. I opened the door and it was Kevin. I asked him in and he asked me about Kori and if I would join him in the lounge. I was pleasantly surprised and very happy to go. I know a little earlier I was a little off because of his questions and comments, but this would be good to just chat with him and have a drink. I picked up the extra keycard and noticed Kevin looking about the room and at the model ship. We left and I said I wanted to stop at the game room and give the keycard to Kori. We both went in and watched the boys for a minute. I gave the keycard to Kori, asked him he had enough money, and told him he was on his own. I let Kori know that Kevin and I would be in the lounge if he needed anything and would be there for a couple of hours. Kevin and I waved to the boys who really didn’t even notice us really and went to the lounge. We both ordered a drink and Kevin spotted the chess board and asked about a game or two. Oh yes I love chess. We sat at the table and I won the right to start. It was an intense game and Kevin is a passionate player. We ordered a second drink and it was round two. Kevin had me on the first game and I was not about to let him get me again. I studied his moves and there it was an opening he never saw. I grabbed his queen, looked at him and said . . .”Checkmate!” . . .he was stunned he apparently thought he was about to checkmate me. It was over. I told Kevin thanks and how about one more quick drink. We both ordered and watched the TV for a few minutes. I excused myself and thanked Kevin for a nice time but thought the drinks were hitting me. I got to the room, opened the door walked in and heard quiet voices in the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and . . . What? Standing there were Kori, Kyle, Kent and Justin pants and underwear to the floor. Kyle had Kori’s dick in his hand and Kori had Kyle’s dick in his hand. I looked at Justin and Kent and it was the same. The boys were jerking each other off. I know I turned just as red just as they were. They looked ashamed and Kori and Justin had tears running down their faces. I said I was sorry for walking in on them and asked them to please pull their pants up and to come out to the bedroom when they had everything in place. I wanted to speak with them. Kyle started to say something and I just said . . . “Not now Kyle.” One by one the boys came into the bedroom. Justin asked if they could go and I said no, not till I talk to you. I had moved the chair in front of the door and was sitting in it so they could not get out till I finished talking to them. “First I am so sorry I didn’t knock on the bathroom door, I really am sorry. Second you all need to know that I’m not angry or upset or mad, you did nothing wrong. Most boys your age do the same thing I did when I was your age with my best friend or two or three. With that the boys started to relax. You know it always seems to start the same way . . . you show me yours I’ll show you mine . . . and then it goes from there.” . . . With that Kyle interrupted . . . “Mr. Roberts are you going to tell Kevin?” I said . . . “Kyle no I won’t tell Kevin, and what happens in this room stays in this room.” Then I continued . . . “I am sure I ruined it for you tonight but there will be other escort bursa times. I think you might make sure you have a better place that is a little more secure.” They giggled at that. I told them to go back in the bathroom and to wash their faces with cold water to get the puffy eyes down and the red out. As they started for the bathroom I grabbed Kori’s hand and pulled him to me and asked him if he were Ok. He looked at me and just said . . . “Yes” The boys came out of the bathroom and thanked me for not being mad. They all left and it was just me and Kori. The look on Kori’s face was just so sad. His eyes were all puffy. I told him to go wash and to come settle down with me. Kori went in the bathroom and he looked better when he came out. He climbed up on the bed and snuggled up real close. We were there for an about forty five minutes and he started to become himself. I was relieved to see Kori getting back to where we could have some fun together. We turned on the TV and watched some show he liked. I was much more interested in just watching Kori. The show ended and we talked for about five minutes when I need to pee. I got up went to the bathroom and started to pee the drinks were really hitting me. I glanced up and there was Kori watching. I wasn’t mad but did feel a little shy. I looked at him and said . . .”Ok are you satisfied now?” . . . He shook his head No! and we both laughed. We went back out to the table and I asked Kori if he was ready to go home or would he like to continue the adventure. I showed Kori a map on my iPad and said we could continue to Newport, Rhode Island then to the museum in New Bedford and then Plymouth to see Plymouth Rock. Now Kori was back to his normal self excited, hugging me and poking at me. I said that in the morning we could say bye to the boys and get laundry done so we could have clean clothes. Kori was all for that and wanted to just have breakfast at the Clarion. We took out all our dirty clothes and sorted them into two piles so the new clothes would not have colors run on some of the nicer shirts. With everything ready for morning I thought it would be good to take our showers now and get ready for bed. Now if you want to see Kori smile this is how to do it. I said . . . Kori I think it is best if you go first and fill the tub and maybe use a little of the bubble bath and if your real good and ask nicely I will wash your hair and back like last night. OMG. The expression on his face was priceless. It was like he won a million dollars. He looked at me and said . . . “For real Jake you will do the same as last night?” All I said was . . . Yep and in no hurry either.” Kori was gone in a flash. Kori had the tub filled and only his head was visible. I took the strawberry shampoo put a little on my hand and began to wash his hair. Same reaction as last night he was humming softly this little song he knows. Tonight I just took my time and continued as he was singing. Well before I washed his hair off his head I took the shower wand and told him to close his eyes. Gently I rinsed the shampoo, he smelled so nice, and now it was his back. Tonight I made it the slowest circling motion all the way to his butt he leaned forward a little then started to get up, he wanted me to go further, I pushed on his shoulder and he just continued to sit and enjoy the circling motion as I went back up to his neck. I took the soap and started just under his chin and began the same circling motion down. This time I stopped at each nipple and circled it about ten times and then rubbed it till I could feel it stand out. Kori looked up at me with the most loving smile but said nothing. I continued down in the same circling motion and tonight I passed his belly button right to the top of his penis. I knew he had an erection. I told Kori to stand up so I could wash his legs all the way down to is toes and in between each one. Tonight Kori looked at me with a pleading look as much as to say I have an erection should I really stand up. I said . . . It’s Ok Kori” slowly Kori stood and placed his right foot on the edge of the tub. I started at the top of his leg nearest his little dick and washed all the way to his toes. Then I had Kori turn and place his left leg on the edge of the tub and did the same. I opened the drain and as the water started to recede and took the shower wand and began to rinse him. Kori looked at me with pleading eyes and I knew what he wanted and then in his softest little voice he said . . . “no cloth tonight please”. He was now all rinsed but the warm water was still just above his ankles. I had Kori stand with his legs apart and with the spray so very soft I placed it between his legs and aimed it up under his erection. He said it tickled but I just held it there and I thought for a moment he was going to fall. I put my hand on his back to steady him and moved the gentle spray to little pink butt hole. All he could do was to moan slightly. I took the strawberry shampoo and poured it in my hand. It was warm and I lifted my hand and gently rubbed his testicles. Kori little penis was as hard as it would ever be. So very gently I took his dick between my thumb and index finger and began to slowly move it back and forth. I only did this for a little while. Then I had Kori bend over and gently rubbed up and down his crack. He was softly humming all the time. Each time my finger passed his little rosebud I pushed a little more letting him know that even here is sensitive and sexual. I told him to turn and face me. I took the shower wand and rinsed Kori from head to toe. His hands were on my shoulders and he had a satisfied smile on his face. I reached behind me grabbed a large towel and wrapped it around him and lifted him from the tub to the floor. I dried Kori paying attention to his penis the picked him and carried him to the bed. I pulled down the covers and naked as he was put Kori in the bed and pulled up the covers. I kissed him slowly and gently and told him I loved him then went to take my shower. When I returned to go to bed Kori was soundly sleeping but with a smile on his face. Chapter 9 Will find Jake and Kori heading north on I 95 toward Rhode Island Comments are always welcome, please continue to enjoy A Neglected ota