Chapter 2
I am the first to wake up this morning, and Devlin is still cuddled right into me. I am holding him, and he is holding me. I reach down and check, and neither Devlin nor I have leaked, though we are both incredibly soggy baby boys as well. We will not likely last until very much past breakfast, that is for sure, which is perfectly okay with me, since we have peepeed our baby diapers very well. As I lay there, I watch my baby, thanking anyone listening that they saw fit to send me the perfect boy. I have wanted to settle down and find a good boy to love, and now I have him, and I think he knows it as well. I see it in his eyes as he looks at me.
Devlin looks so peaceful, so angelic laying there in his sleep, you would never guess from looking at him that he is a very young boy whore, that he will sell his services to anyone who will pay him. You would also never guess that he has a mischievous streak a kilometer wide, but I can see it when he grins.
I lay there for at least ten minutes watching Devlin before he comes to, and as soon as he does, and his beautiful sparkling blue eyes open, he smiles brightly to me, and then leans in and presses his lips to mine, and kisses me very deeply, very tenderly. For easily ten minutes we kiss. I know I have never kissed like this before, though I have kissed hundreds of times before, it was never like this. I cannot even explain what this is, but it is, and it is beautiful. I am not the only one to sigh deeply when we break our kiss.
“Wow, you kiss amazingly.” I whisper.
“Mmmhmm, so do you. I”ve kissed my friends before, but never before have I felt a kiss quite like that. I really do think I love you. No one else”s ever made me feel the way you do.”
“Same Baby. Now, gimme another kiss, and then I”m gonna hop outta bed and grab the camera.”
After easily another ten minutes worth of kissing, I hop out of bed, grab the camera, and proceed to add another several hundred amazing photos of Devlin in his seriously soggy and sexy baby diaper. He is now gloriously soggy, and several good quality photos were of him on his knees as he checks his super soggy baby diaper, both front and back.
“Fuck, you”re sexy beyond belief. I know you don”t really think so, but you truly are.”
“Thanks, but no, I think I”m too skinny, my ears are too big, and my dick too small.”
“Yes, you are skinny, but I like that. We”ll add some more meat to your bones here though and even more amazing definition to your body for sure. As for your ears, nah, they”re not too big, and same with your dick, it”s not too small. They fit your body perfectly. You”re still only nine, so you have lotsa growing time left on you, and I think you”re gonna be very happy with where you end up, and I”m sure I”ll be just as happy. Now, come on, we need breakfast, then we haveta go shopping and get Baby some proper fitting diapers. Assuming you wanna come with me to pick them out.”
“Oh yeah, for sure. Breakfast sounds good too.”
“Good, you really are a diaper lover, aren”t you.”
“Mmmhmm. We don”t haveta leave “til this diaper”s leaking, do we?”
“No, not really. We haveta be back before noon though when I open the park, so you haveta peepee your baby diaper lots before then. We should leave well before ten, but considering it”s only just barely six, that certainly leaves lotsa time. I doubt either of our super sexy soggy baby diapers has more than an hour or two left in them anyway.”
“Perfect, lotsa time to peepee it more to fill it full.” He sighed deeply.
I agree wholeheartedly, and so we go to the kitchen to get breakfast. Devlin has no clue what to have for breakfast, so I do pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs, and he loves it. With breakfast he had had a bottle of apple juice and a cup of tea, mind you, so did I, and once more, I am taking more and more pictures.
I am the first to start leaking shortly after breakfast, but then Devlin grins brightly, and forces himself to pee, and probably close to half of it ran down his legs, which I happily catch on camera. We then head to the bedroom, where I urge Devlin to change his own super soggy diaper, while I take pictures of him doing so. I do stop as he exposes his shockingly hard young erection though.
“Devlin, may I make you soft enough to diaper back up?” I whisper softly.
“Oh yes, in any way you so desire.”
“Never say that Baby, I”d never take advantage of you like that, but we both know there are those who”d take that invitation to fuck you raw, make you soft in one way or another.”
“I suppose you”re right, but I do trust you.”
“Thanks Baby.”
I step forth, drop to my knees, and proceed to suck in all that Devlin has to offer, and he fills my mouth nicely with his balls and dick inside. Devlin sighs so nice as I do so, and then starts panting as I suck and pleasure him as best I know how. As I suck, I am also tenderly tickling his baby bum hole and his perineum, and every time I touch him in certain ways, Devlin makes the cutest little mewling gasp.
As soon as Devlin cums for his first time, I drop his equipment from my mouth, and switch targets, and start licking and tonguing his hole and perineum, while my fingers are now working his baby balls and bone. In this way, I make Devlin cum once more, and once more, he is making the most amazing sounds.
Once again I change targets as soon as Devlin cums, and go back to the first way. After every cum, I change targets and I keep on repeating, until Devlin finally goes soft after his fifth cum. From the sounds that he made the entire time, I would say that he very much enjoyed that.
“Wow, holy fuck, that was amazing. Thanks so much for that. That was even better than yesterday”s baby bum change, and I”d thought that was the most amazing thing.”
“Glad you enjoyed Baby. I enjoy hearing you make those sexy sounds.”
“I hope I”ll get to help you go soft for your super sexy soggy baby bum change.”
“Of course Baby. I think we”re baby boyfriends now anyway, so what one does, so must the other, assuming he wants to of course.”
“Mmmm, baby boyfriends, I like that, and I seriously must.”
Now that Devlin is soft enough to diaper up, I have him pull his diaper back up, and then slowly expose himself. Now that he is soft, I have no problems taking pictures of him, and do so as he switches out his super saturated triple diaper for a single dry one, and then as he lotions, creams, and powders himself up, and then pulls up and tapes closed his diaper. Yes, it is much too big on him, and it very nearly wraps back around him, but it only has to last a couple hours, then he will get to change into a proper sized baby diaper, which I will happily catch on camera as well.
“God that was sexy.” I say as I put down the camera.
“Thanks, glad you enjoyed as much as I did.”
“Oh yeah. You know, if we were so inclined, we could sell those pictures to diaper lovers all over the world, and you”d probably make a freaking fortune. I won”t do that though, that”d haveta be upta you, and I won”t let you do so “til you”re at least sixteen.”
“Maybe I will, we”ll haveta wait and see. I can”t wait to look at them all later. Now, I think there”s another seriously sexy soggy baby bum to change, so trade places with me Baby, and let me take care of you now.”
“Yes please.”
And for three orgasms, Devlin takes care of making sure I am soft enough to diaper, he sucked the cum directly from my dick for two of them, and licked the one in between off my stomach after leaving my ass, where his tongue did wondrous things to me. Devlin seems to be like me in that he loves tongue fucking a boys ass good, and he sure is good at it too. Finally I am good and soft, and I ask Devlin to diaper me up good and proper, so he does, and it is perfect in every way.
“My god Baby, you”re absolutely amazing. I”ve had men who couldn”t take me all in, yet you do so perfectly. And my god, your tongue action on my asshole, fucking amazing. Am I to guess correctly that you”ve practiced tonguing your friends well and truly?”
“Thanks, and yeah, I once made one of my friends cum eight times just by tongue fucking him. Then, of course, me and my friend fucked him three times each after, and he couldn”t cum any more.” He giggles cutely.
“I can understand why, you really do have an amazing tongue. Now, though, I suppose we needta get dressed Baby, so, let me go find you some clothes that”ll properly fit you and not completely show off your very sexy diapered ass.”
“I can just wear my biking pants.”
“No, you can”t. I have proper clothes here that”ll fit you, so don”t worry.”
“You do, why?”
“I always keep lotsa clothes on hand, most of them are branded with the parks name, and I do have staff shirts as well. I”m sure you know full well just how hard what we do is on clothes, so I have lots for when people need them. I sell them to most at just over cost, but, of course, you”re staff, so you don”t pay.”
“Oh, okay, thanks.”
I go to the storage room and grab a pair of pants that will fit Devlin, but because the next smallest boy that I had had working for me was still a bit bigger than Devlin is, these will be just a bit big on him still, but that is okay, it will certainly hide his diaper better. They are a very thick and sturdy fabric, almost like a jeans material, but softer and for working in. I then grab him one of the staff shirts, it has the parks name on it, and then staff written on both sleeves. And, because I have one that I am pretty sure will fit Devlin, but again, might be a bit big, I also grab a diaper shirt. I always have some of my own, and foreseeing the day that I might get my own baby boyfriend, I had made certain to have some for him too. Yes, I have hoped for a while that it would be Devlin, but, of course, I had no idea for certain.
I hand the clothes to Devlin and ask him to get dressed while I take more pictures.
“You have baby diaper shirts for me, why?”
“I”ve hoped and longed for a hot little baby boyfriend for so long, and so, I ensured I had everything here that I hoped he”d enjoy.”
“Oh yeah, this is gonna be so amazing.” He grins brightly.
As he dresses himself, I take more and more pictures. Yes, the diaper shirt is still just a little large on Devlin, and so are the pants, but he will likely grow into them both very soon. Like me, as soon as I started eating properly, and feeling like I belonged somewhere, I grew. Yes, I was much older, but that matters little. Kids, no matter their age, once they feel comfortable and eat properly, will start to grow. Not to mention sleeping, neither of us ever got near enough sleep to grow properly, now Devlin will, and so, I think that he will start to grow quite a bit in the near future. Diapers will certainly help ensure that he gets good quality, uninterrupted sleep, something that I know he has craved, just like I did when I was his age as well. I am glad that I am able to help Devlin at a much younger age than I finally got the help I so desperately needed.
“There, you look good like that Baby, and unless someone pats that sexy little baby bum of yours, no one will ever know you”re wearing a super thick, super thirsty tape on baby diaper under your clothes.” I said happily.
“Yeah, and it feels so nice, now I never haveta worry again. You pretty much wear exactly the same thing, and I certainly never noticed before.”
“Good, and no one ever does, and if they do, they never say anything, not that I really care all that much. Well, let”s go shopping. Baby needs proper sized baby diapers, and I”ll get some other clothes as well that fit you better and look better too.”
“I”d really rather you didn”t buy me anything, I wanna pay you back for the diapers, and I don”t want you buying me clothes.” He said much too proudly.
“I know how you feel. You”ve hadta do everything on your own for so long now that you can”t let anyone do anything for you, I respect that. How”s about we just buy you what you need, because, let”s face it, you need lots, and you keep the receipts and pay me back. You”re gonna make a couple hundred a week anyway, so in one to two weeks, you”ll easily be able to pay me back. Now, one thing that I may have forgotten to mention, but membership and insurance fees are paid for while you”re employed by me, as well you get free access to all amenities, you pay cost for parts, and of course, work clothes are free.”
“Yeah, and I”d appreciate that, because, you”re right, I have next to no clothes that even fit me any more. I mean, I know I”m small and all, but I”ve nearly grown outta all the clothes I did have, and of the ones I haven”t, they”re getting pretty close to the trash bin anyway. You mean it though, I really get all that free now?”
“Yes, and I know, hence the reason I told you we need to go clothes shopping. Now, I usually do most of my shopping at the thrift stores, why pay new prices for what others throw away and are still in perfect condition. You”ll get lots and pay little. The only thing I suggest you buy new are socks, and, if for some stupid reason you care to buy them, underwear, though I can”t possibly understand why anyone would wanna wear such horrible things.”
“Thrift store sounds perfect, and I think you and I are on the same page on underwear, because unless I have no say, from here on out, I”m staying as thickly diapered as I can.”
“Good. Diaper shirts you”ll haveta get new, the likelihood of finding your size in a thrift store is nearly zero, though we will check while there anyway. You also need new shoes, and while sometimes you can get good ones, most of the time, I just get new ones, they”re not usually worth it in the thrift stores, but, again, we”ll certainly check there first. That”ll be our second stop, we”ll get all our baby diapers first.”
“Okay cool, let”s go then.” Devlin said excitedly.
And yes, I know the exact reason he is excited, because I was the same the first time I got to finally go get my baby diapers. I knew I needed them, I so desperately wanted them, and so, the first time was almost overwhelming, and no, not in the least bit embarrassing, though I knew even then that it should be. Devlin is the same.
We hopped in my car and drove off. I own just a little beater car, a POS that is damn near twice as old as Devlin is, and because I do all my own maintenance on it, it still runs perfectly. I mean, I do have an amazing shop, and I can fix damn near anything. Most people who meet me and know who I am are shocked to know I drive a four door car that looks like it belongs in a trailer park, they all think that I should drive either a muscle car or bike of some sort, or a crotch rocket bike. I used to race crotch rockets, don”t get me wrong, but that”s not my kind of every day ride. I was brought up never spending money, so even still I cannot.
The medical supply store I take us to for diapers is the largest in the city, and they have the largest and best selection, for amongst the best prices. When I steer Devlin to the correct aisle, I know he is going into overload. I had grabbed a cart on the way in, and we throw in the four packs of diapers I want for me, two of each regular and ultra thick, and then I also grab four packs of the doublers for me.
“Which ones should I get?”
“Stick with the same ones as I get is what I suggest, they”re the best, and the most comfortable. That”s what you”re wearing now, just you need the next size down. You”re also gonna wanna grab the youth sized diaper doublers, since mine really will be too big for you, though you could easily fold one in half in your diapers, which might be enjoyable.”
“Cool, then that”s what I”m gonna do, “cause you”re right, these are wicked comfortable.”
I grab the four packs of diapers and four packs of doublers that Devlin will be needing, and then we head up to pay. I think Devlin nearly pooped his diaper when he saw the total come up. Thankfully he kept his outburst to himself until we made it to the car, when he said that I spent way too much, and that he cannot afford that. I kindly told him that I pay for his diapers, no questions, and no arguments. He huffs at that, I just smile warmly at him in reply.
I then point us to the best thrift store in town, though I trabzon escort visit probably all of them on occasion, and we go in. I am good for clothes, so this is all about Devlin today. By the time we are done, we had spent well over an hour there, spent only just over a hundred dollars, but he is fully set for clothes, even two good pairs of shoes. As suspected, though, there are no diaper shirts, though there were two that were damn near big enough. I did add on several packs of diapers that they had there, most of them baby diapers, just for fun you see. They make great diaper doublers too.
We then head to the store that I buy my diaper shirts from, another medical store, they do not have the diapers I like, but they do carry an ultra thick one that I do enjoy from time to time, and so I grab one pack each for Devlin and myself, as well as I need a few more diaper shirts, and Devlin should have at least a few as well, so we grab him five. The problem is, these diaper shirts are expensive, and I had warned Devlin of this, telling him flat out that he is not to worry about these, as these are on me. I do not believe that he expected me to buy him five of them though. This is also the store I buy all my first aid supplies from, because they are cheaper than the other store, and since I go through a lot, I am stocking back up once more. Yes, I do put the personal and business stuff on different invoices for taxes.
Now that all the fun stuff is done, I do deem it prudent to go grocery shopping, and Devlin is more than happy to go with me. I hit the baby aisle first, and from there we grab all the best baby lotion and diaper rash cream, I am buying more than enough that Devlin can take some home with him as well. On a whim, I even grab Devlin two packs of the Pampers size seven. I doubt that they will fit him, exactly, but they will probably tape up, and he will look beyond sexy in them anyway. Devlin smiles when he sees this, but says nothing.
I also grab another couple boxes of the bottle liners, since Devlin says that he had enjoyed the bottle, and would enjoy it more, so I am getting more for him to enjoy. I also grab him a soother of his very own, and he is very much okay with that. Finally we hit all the food aisles and load up all that we will need for the next several days. I try and get all my shopping done at once to last at least a couple weeks, since I actually hate going out, and would much rather stay at home.
This is, by far, the most expensive trip of the day, but we do have lots to stuff into my poor little car, but we fit it all no problem. Probably the only reason we did fit it all, is because Devlin sat in the front seat, even though, technically speaking, he is still too small to sit in the front seat. Hell, he is probably small enough where he should be sitting in a booster seat still, but I do not have one, and I know that he has exceeded the age requirements for that anyway.
We make no other stops on our way home, and as soon as we get there, we take on the daunting chore of getting everything into the house and put away. Almost as soon as we have everything inside though, we are both stripped down to just our soggy baby diapers. Neither of us are in danger of leaking any time soon, and yes, I do take more pictures of Devlin as he strips, and occasionally as we put groceries away. He also fills a baby bottle, and is sucking away at it as he works, and it is beyond sexy. After that we sit back and relax for a bit.
“Well Baby Boy, we”re both now in need of soggy baby bum changes, and then we should get to work.”
“Okay, but I want for you to change me this time please, we don”t really need more pictures right now.”
“Okay, as long as you do let me take more of you again.”
“Of course, though I also wanna take some of you too.”
“Okay.” I say readily.
“Wicked. And I don”t know about you, but I could stand to fire off a couple rounds.”
“Me too Baby, me too.”
“Good, can I change you first this time?”
“Sure Baby.”
We head to the bedroom, where I lay down on the bed and wait for Devlin to change me. He goes and gets everything that we will both need, a regular diaper and a doubler, the lotion and the cream, and then comes back and starts changing my diaper.
It was a very good soggy baby bum change, if I do say so myself.
As soon as he opens up my diaper, he exposes my very hard dick, and barely half a second later, it is buried in his throat. I am not ashamed to admit, it is too much, and I explode not even thirty seconds later. Devlin, the pro that he is, does not miss the signs, nor does he miss a single drop. I watch as he savours my seed, and without even swallowing all of it down, he continues sucking me perfectly, until, at most two minutes later, I give up my next load.
With two loads now pumped out, I am good, and start going soft. I hear a deep sigh come from Devlin, he gives me one final deep suck, and then pulls off. Then he does something that damn near made me hard again, he buries his face in my soggy diaper that is still pulled down and underneath me, and I can hear him sniffing and sucking.
“Mmmm, Baby, you”re every bit as nasty as I am. Good. That bodes very well for our relationship.” I groaned.
“I hadn”t even thought of doing it, it just happened, but I”ve dreamed of it for so fucking long.” He grins sheepishly.
“Nice. Well, I hope you don”t mind me doing the same for you then.”
“Hell no.” He grins even brighter.
“Good. Tape me up into my fresh baby diaper then, and let me get you all good and changed.”
Within a minute, I am now in my nice thick thirsty baby diaper, and Devlin is pulling me up so that we can trade places.
The only difference between what I am doing for Devlin that he had done for me, I could not contain myself, and bury my entire face in his gloriously soggy diaper, and sniff and suck it before I even do so to Devlin. From the amount that I had to have sucked from it, I could probably damn near put this diaper right back onto Devlin.
As soon as I am satisfied there, though, I take care of satisfying Devlin”s needs, and he lasts even less time for his first orgasm than I had, maybe fifteen seconds, tops, but I am okay with that, and continue sucking him. Two minutes later, he is cumming again, and because he is still incredibly hard, I just keep going, until he finally starts going soft after his fourth cum.
“Mmmm, there”s nothing better in the world than that. You suck so amazingly well, way better than my friends do, and of course, you”re the first adult to ever suck me. Now diaper me up like the baby I am please.”
“I”m glad you enjoyed Baby, and I know, it”s sad that there really are those out there who”d just use you for their pleasure, when it should”ve always just been about you in the first place. Who cares if they were paying for the rights or not, they still should”ve made you feel good, though, yes, I know, like me, you always felt good with a cock in your mouth, but it”s still not right, to not reciprocate.”
“Yeah, ever since my first time sucking a dick, I knew it”s what I was made to do, I”d finally felt right. When the first man pumped his cum in my mouth, I was hooked, I knew I needed as much of it as I could get.”
“Yeah, know how you feel. I would”ve happily laid down and let a hundred teens and men fuck my face and fill me with every drop of cum they”d give me, hell, even piss, I would”ve drank every drop they could offer me too.”
“Fuck, me too. I”ve dreamed of it for so long already it”s not even funny. Fuck, I”ve even dreamed of being set next to a urinal at some super busy place with a sign on the toilets saying broken, use the cocksucker instead, and then thank every last one of them for feeding me their piss by sucking their cum “til they”re empty. Hundreds, maybe thousands of loads. I know it”d be impossible, but fuck, I sure dreamed. Maybe later we can offer each other up our own special juice then.”
“Fuck, I think I”ve had near on the exact same fucking dream, but that sounds real good to me Baby.” I say, and just as I said so, I finish taping Devlin up into his double thick diaper.
“Mmmm, thanks.” He says, and I am certain it is for both.
“You”re welcome Baby. Now to get dressed.”
We dress each other in our diaper shirts, we each get one of our new ones, and these fit Devlin so much better, as do his new diapers, and then we dress each other in our work clothes so that we can go get to work. As soon as we are dressed, I take Devlin and tour him through everything, showing him what all needs to be done. His job is pretty much cleaning, and because my place is rather large, there is always lots to clean.
When I had bought the property, it had been six separate houses, each on its own decent sized plot of land, I had torn down all the derelict houses, and then had built for me everything. All told I think I have just over two acres. I had bought the properties for pennies on the dollar, because the city needed to get them off their books, and when I told them the reason I am buying it, and will only buy them if they allow it, they were all for it. Technically speaking, something like this in the middle of a city, even if on the outskirts, as well as the wrong side of the tracks, is generally frowned upon, but I got permission from all the people who had still lived here, and I have always been very strict on my rules about respect for those around us. Yes, we make lots of noise, but only during the day, and we respect all those that live nearby.
Once Devlin is good to go, he goes about his cleanup, while I go and grab the wheelbarrow with all my tools in it. I hit every track every morning and ensure that they are all in good order, rake nearly everything perfectly smooth, fill all holes and ruts, so to try and make it safer, and just make them as perfect as I always liked my tracks to be when I rode. Most did not care for their tracks anywhere near enough, and certainly nowhere near what I do, but my motto had always been, a clean track is a safe track. Of course, accidents still happen, but not because of hitting potholes and washboard on my tracks, no Sir, thank you very much.
This chore takes me a little over an hour, as it usually does, though some days are more than others, but that is okay. As soon as I have that done, I go and check everything else out to ensure that it is all in good working order. I find nothing wrong.
I check in on Devlin as he is cleaning the bathrooms, and he is almost done. You would think that with what my place is, that these bathrooms would be dim and dingy, dirty and smelly, but they are not. I demand respect from my members, and because I have video cameras monitoring who goes in and out of the bathrooms, I always know who did something, and I have kicked people out for various offenses. They know this, and every member is warned as such, such as drug use is absolutely forbidden on my property, and I hand all violators of this offense over to the police, they get zero warnings on this, and once more, they are told this when they register.
Of course, drugs and alcohol do not mix in what we do, that causes horrific accidents, hence the reason I am so strict on that. If I even suspect that someone is drunk or high, I will kick them out for a week, for their first offense. Thankfully this is rarely a concern in my place. I suppose it helps that I have this place, and I offer it to all that would normally be getting into drugs and all sorts of other shit if they did not have my place to come to. I make them tired and happy, they have a safe and fun place to hang out, though, no, I know it is not strictly safe what we do, but it sure as hell is a lot safer than being out on the streets.
Once I am sure that Devlin is still doing okay, I head into the shop to get it all opened up and ready for the day. It is now only half an hour until opening, so plenty of time left. Being that it is Saturday, I will likely be busy right from opening, as I usually am, same with Sunday”s. Lots of kids will be here today, and not as many adults. Usually during the week, we get the adults during the earlier parts of the day while the kids are still in school, but we still get plenty of adults all day every day too. Of course, we can only have a certain number of people on any given track at a time, but everyone is always really good about sharing and taking their turn.
I was right, because as soon as I open, almost twenty people roll in pretty much right away. I work in the shop for a bit, until Devlin comes and joins me, saying that he is done cleaning everything.
“So, wanna get your bike all put back together Baby?” I ask, because we are the only ones in the shop at the moment.
“Absolutely. Then any chance you can teach me how to do front flips off the training jump please? You”re one of shockingly few people who can do them. I can do back flips, no prob, but I wanna learn that too.”
“Of course Baby, I”d be happy to teach you that. Of course, most people think front flips on a bike are even scarier than back flips. I never thought that, I always thought they were fun. You”re the same though. You were probably the youngest kid to have ever come here and nail the back flip, and the fastest to do so as well. I”m including myself in that as well by the way.”
“Yeah, I was probably twelve the first time I attempted a flip on a bike of any sort.”
“Bitchin”.” He grinned.
We get started on putting Devlin”s bike back together, and now you cannot even tell that yesterday it was damn near ruined.
As he goes, Devlin ensures that every part is cleaned and greased fully and properly, his chain is tensioned perfectly, even his tires are inflated to the exact number they are supposed to be at. Of course, seconds after inflating his back tire, he found out the funny way that tire had had a defect, because it blew with a good bang, and we both laughed. He took it back off, replaced it, then put it back together after inflating it perfectly once again. This time there was no bang, so that is good.
“You really are very good at repairing bikes Baby. Every bit as good as I am.”
“Thanks. You”ve taught me lots these past few months, and of course I”ve read probably every book there is on bike repairs.”
“You”re welcome. I really haven”t taught you all that much, and most of what I taught you, you already knew the book way to do it, you just needed help in the practical. For an old and rough looking bike, it really is in amazing condition with all the work you”ve done to it though.”
“Thanks, and yeah, that”s all I”ve ever really needed, the hands on experience, because sometimes a book just can”t tell you the little things, that”s where your experience has been great.”
“Yeah. So wanna go learn some scary fun new tricks?”
“Hell yeah.”
Devlin practically dives into his riding gear and drags me from the shop. There is no one at the trick training arena right now, so this is perfect. I have a really great set of ramps for people to ride up for doing jumps, and then you land in a large pit that I had filled full of outdoor cushions that I had bought at thrift stores, of course I took all the covers off them, and cut them into smaller pieces. It is perfect really. This way here riders can learn how it feels to actually flip and or do other assorted scary beyond belief tricks on bikes, and have little risk of getting truly hurt. True, you land wrong and have your bike land on you, and it is going to leave a mark, maybe even break a bone, but better that than the alternatives, I hundred percent you.
One ramp is fairly small and tame with a fairly short on ramp leading to it, the other, though, is scary long and high, and I would love to get up there and do this myself again.
The first thing I do is teach Devlin all the principles of what he wants to learn, I even teach him first doing a running jump and front flip into the pit from the top of the bigger ramp, and he giggles the entire time he is flipping, then lands with a soft thud into all the padding.
I make him do this several times to ensure he knows how it feels, and really, the only difference is that next we will be doing it with a bike, which means that he will also be going much faster, and travel much tunalı escort further. Of course, I know that eventually Devlin wants to do the double front flip, which I can teach him, but if done wrong, it can and will kill you, and he knows it.
I then teach him exactly when to spike his front brakes, to cause the forward flipping motion to start, exactly how and where to stand to do so, and then, once I feel that he is as ready as he can be to try it, I tell him that there is no time like the present, and so, he giddily hops on his bike, rides hard to get to the top of the on ramp, pauses, gets his breathing under control, and then pedals hard, gaining a huge amount of momentum, then, just at the very peak of the off ramp, he spikes his front brakes, launches himself, flips, and lands the fucking thing perfectly, of course in the padding.
“Holy fuck, you nailed that bitch on your first try.” I say in dumbfounded awe as soon as Devlin comes up, all grins.
“That was fun.”
“Yeah, know how you feel, but also stupidly dangerous.”
“Hence the reason it”s fun. If I wanted safe, I”d learn how to fucking knit.”
“It”s shocking just how much alike we are.” I say, having to laugh good and hard at that.
“Okay, back to the top, I wanna see ten perfect attempts before I let you try it on the real ramps.”
“Fuckin” A man.” He says, and then digs both he and his bike out, and heads right back to the top.
As he does his next few, I watch even more carefully to ensure that he is doing it perfectly, and every one is as good as the first. I do point out a couple things, but they are minimal at best. By the time Devlin is going up for his last try, before I let him try it for real, there is not one single flaw that I can detect at all.
“So, you ready to try it for real now?”
“So, now you haveta take what you just learned about flipping, add into that what you already know about jumping and sticking your landing, and try and merge the two flawlessly. I know you”ve taken a few nasty spills during big jumps, though shockingly few considering just how much you”ve jumped, and just how little experience you”ve really had, but remember, you spill it during a flip, and your injuries are far worse.”
“I know, but I”m ready.”
“Far more so than any I”ve seen before you at your age, myself included.”
We now head over to the actual ramps that are designed for doing this sort of thing, Devlin sets them how and where he wants them, because they are adjustable depending upon what tricks are being done, and once satisfied, he goes to the top of that ramps on ramp, steadies his breathing, and then pedals hard, does his flip perfectly, and nails it once more, his landing every bit as perfect.
“You, Sir, are scary good. I doubt there”s another kid your age who”s pulled that off, and after so little actual training. You had a tiny bit of waver as you landed, but you were able to correct it, and you rode it out.”
“Thanks. As for the waver, it wasn”t me, I think something loosened up on my bike, and I wanna go check it out before I attempt it again. I”m afraid that this bike really isn”t made to handle the stresses of what I already put it through, but that”s even harder on it.”
“No, it”s not a high end bike or anything, but I doubt you”re big enough to get that bike beyond it”s capabilities. It”s designed to hold someone easily twice your weight and still take a hundred jumps before a tuneup.”
“True, I suppose, but I felt something in the fork give, so, no matter what, I still haveta go check it out, there”s no way I”m gonna attempt that again on a bike I can”t trust.”
“And that”s incredibly wise. I”ve seen more injuries due to idiots not listening to their bikes and fixing them when they needed than I care to admit.”
“Yeah, me too.”
We head back to the shop and Devlin gets out of his riding gear, puts his bike on the stand, and then completely disassembles the entire front end of the bike. He has it broken down in under ten minutes, but then, he has torn this bike down completely and rebuilt it at least a dozen times before, so he knows it well.
“Yep, there it is, a bloody bearing actually broke in half. Never managed that before.”
“Rare, but it happens. If those are the original bearings, they”re probably not the greatest quality anyway. Grab a whole new set, and it looks like you could use a new ring as well, so get that too. You know where they are.”
“Yeah, they”re the originals, but they”ve never so much as worn, but then, I”ve always cleaned and lubed them well.” He says, but is already on his way to the cabinet with all the bearing parts.
He grabs the calipers, measures one of the original bearings, then grabs a whole new set from the correct drawer, then finds the correct retainer rings from the same drawers, and comes back and starts packing them. He is doing both upper and lower bearing packs at the same time, since he may as well. If they are getting old enough that one breaks, then it is not worth the risk of leaving any of them.
As soon as he has the entire front assembly cleaned, and the new bearings repacked, he starts putting it all back together.
“I wonder if during the crash that broke the fork, that it caused the bearing to become too weak, and then this final jump was what broke it. They”re pretty good and strong forks, it had to have taken a fuck tonne of force to break it in the first place.” Devlin said as he was finishing up.
“A very real possibility, that”s for sure. Even though you cleaned and repacked everything, I doubt you could”ve seen that, but you did the right thing as soon as you knew the bike didn”t feel right.”
“I know this bike well, I know exactly what it”s supposed to feel like, so hell yeah, I know what happens to idiots who don”t. That”s the sorta pain I can certainly do without.”
“Good. Wanna go back and try again?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“I know.” I laugh, because he had already started getting back into his riding gear.
We head back out, and as soon as he is ready, he does it again, and once more, he nails it, this time not even a slight waver in the least. I give him the thumbs up as he rides past to try it again. By the time Devlin is going for his tenth run, even I can tell that he is getting incredibly tired, and I know that he is not going to have enough power in him to do another. Clearly he feels the same thing, because after he lands, he comes up to me and skids to a halt right next to me, pulls off his helmet, and wipes the sweat from his brow.
“Fuck, am I ever getting tired, and hungry. I don”t think I have anything left in me, so I better stop before I make a stupid mistake.”
“I saw the same thing, I didn”t think you”d have enough power left in you to get the speed you needed to complete another. I was gonna flag you down and tell you that it was time to quit anyway.”
“You know something, neither of us had lunch. Not that I”m usedta getting lunch on the weekends, and the only reason I get them during the week is because the school lunch program.”
“Hell, I skip lunch most days, I”m constantly forgetting. Not that I have enough fat reserves to forget, even my doctor says that I don”t eat enough. Granted, it”s better now than it used to be, now I”m not dumping five or ten thousand calories every day in exercise, like you probably just did.”
“Yeah, I think maybe you”re right. It”s probably past dinner time now, so, any chance we can go get some food please?”
“Hell yeah, and how”s your baby diaper?”
“Gloriously soggy, but nowhere needing changed, thank you very much.”
“Good, because I feel the same way too.”
Devlin puts away all his gear, while I close my office, and then we head upstairs. When we arrive, we strip down to just our soggy diapers, and yes, we are both so gloriously soggy, yet nowhere near to leaking, so that is good.
“My god Baby, your clothes were nearly saturated in sweat, but, funnily enough, you still smell amazing to me. I think after dinner, though, you and I are gonna go have a nice long hot bath.”
“Yeah, I”m getting a little strong smelling, but I don”t mind it either. A bath sounds really good though. I”m getting pretty sore, so that”ll feel nice.” He says, having lifted his arm and sniffing his armpit.
“Mmmm, let me smell.” I say, picking up his arm and burying my nose into his armpit, and smelling deeply of his well deserved sweaty smell.
Devlin really does smell good to me like this. He is not overly strong or pungent, he smells a little musky, but certainly not offensive, at least to me.
“Quit that, you”re tickling me.” Devlin giggles, ripping away from me.
“Yes, well, the desire to pin you to the floor, and bury my tongue in your armpit right now is shockingly high. I”d probably make you flood your diaper from peeing yourself laughing though. Not entirely convinced that”d be a horrible thing though.” I grin evilly.
“Mmm, gonna haveta go with a no on that one, thanks for the offer though.” He too grins.
“Well, I will let you lick those later, I bet they”re nice and sweaty too, and pissy, which might be even better.”
“Ooh, now that”s a date I”ll cancel any other engagement for.”
“Even meeting the queen.”
“Meh, what”s one more old battleax, I”ve met lots.” I grin brightly.
Devlin giggles at that.
We get started on making dinner, and as soon as we were finished cooking, for we made something reasonably quick and easy, we sit down and eat. Even though Devlin had to have been absolutely starving, he still does not eat near as much as I would have expected him to have eaten. That is okay, I know that with being able to come here and eat now, that he will start to eat a bit more and get the proper and the right amount of food, so that he grows, and now with getting to wear diapers, which means he will sleep, he will likely start growing quickly. After cleaning up, we decide that even though our diapers still have at least one more wetting in them, that we really should go get cleaned up. I take Devlin”s tiny little hand in mine and lead him to the bedroom, where I pick him up and lay him on the bed in diaper change position.
I have a date that I promised I would not miss, and I will not miss it for any reason whatsoever, I would even fend off the grim reaper himself right now to keep my promise. I bend down almost as soon as Devlin is laying down, and press my face right into his super soggy diaper, and smell of his essence deeply. Devlin was right, because with the scent of his pee added to the intoxicating scent of his sweat, I am almost getting light headed from the overpowering feelings running through me. He smells absolutely divine to me right now. I have not even opened up his soggy baby diaper yet, and that promises to be even better.
Without even removing my face from the heaven that it currently resides in, I reach up and start pulling away the tapes holding Devlin”s diaper on. As I pull each one away, though, I am folding it back and ensuring that it does not get in the way once I am ready to pull the diaper out of the way. It takes only a few seconds to do this, and then, I change tactics, and pull the diaper down only just barely enough to allow my tongue all the access that it needs for what I crave right now.
Working from the side of Devlin”s diaper now, and pretty near holding it on him mostly, I now have my nose and tongue buried inside, and I am licking everything that I can get my tongue on, but most especially his hot hairless little baby balls. As I do so, I am breathing in the even stronger and more intoxicating scent that assails my nose in this wondrous position.
This. This is what I need to survive. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Devlin, for his part, seems to be enjoying my ministrations most exuberantly. He is panting and sighing, moaning and groaning, he is even grunting and growling so sexily it makes me happy just hearing it.
So far he has said no actual words, and that is perfectly okay. Sometimes there are no need for words, not when you feel the way we both feel right now, and I am not entirely convinced that Devlin is the happier of the two of us, because, trust me, the noises coming from myself are every bit as spirited.
From the sounds of it though, I have Devlin damn near to cumming, and other than the occasional lick to his damn near impossibly hard erection, I have really only lavished most of my attention to his nice little nuts. I am still using only my tongue even, I have not even sucked him in at all yet. I plan to, oh, don”t you worry your soggy baby diaper on that.
Then he explodes, and as he does, Devlin makes the most amazing sounds that I have ever had the pleasure to hear, or, more importantly, cause. Hearing Devlin cum so marvelously damn near makes me cum, and I have been forcing myself not to hump my soggy diaper with my near on impossibly hard dick. Had I been humping, like I so very want and need to right now, though, I would have cum twice already, and I would have easily caused my diaper to overflow from how my balls feel right now.
Just feeling and smelling Devlin in this way has me hotter than any star in the universe. I am forcing myself to not cum, not only would that be a serious waste, but, I know that Devlin will want every precious drop that I can possibly offer, and though I know that my diaper is probably getting close to saturation point just from leaking precum like I know I must be, I cannot add my cum to it, I must not, I must hold it all in for my baby.
I am not done yet, oh no, not by a long shot. Devlin still smells heavenly, tastes divine, and I know that he will be more than capable, and, more than likely, more than willing to cum at least four times. I do not care if I cum at all, all I care about is smelling, tasting, feeling, and hearing Devlin. So, as such, I continue working Devlin”s delicious boy bits with just my tongue.
By the time Devlin comes down from his first orgasm, I am certain that he is damn near half way to his second. And still I am tenderly tickling his tasty testes with my talented tongue. Gee, try saying that ten times in a row, right. The sounds that he is making now, put the sounds he made for his first orgasm to shame. I am now forcing myself even more to not hump my super soggy baby diaper and flood it with ten litres of cum. Yes, yes, I know, that is physically impossible. Fuck, tell that to my balls, because that is exactly how they are feeling right now.
As soon as Devlin cums again, he does so with a scream that had to have been heard over the roar of all the motorcycles outside right now. I have no idea how it did not make me cum, because surely everyone within hearing distance of that sex call had to have cum spontaneously.
I decide to change tactics now, and shift my position slightly, open up and pull down Devlin”s diaper fully, but, instead of engulfing Devlin as I do fully intend to do, soon, I instead bury my face into his super soggy baby diaper, and very nearly suck it dry. Devlin”s flavour is intense, there is plenty of his amazing tasting pee, of course, but, with all the work that he had done, more than a little bit of the wetness in his diaper is clearly his amazing tasting sweat too, because I can so clearly taste it mingled in there as well, and it tastes beyond amazing. I am not entirely convinced that there is a word to describe how Devlin”s diaper tastes to me right now. I am certain there are those who would be thoroughly disgusted by hearing this, but I am more certain that there are more than just I out there like me that would kill for the chance to delight upon what I am currently savouring.
Once I could no longer get any wetness from Devlin”s diaper, I dove back in, though this time I head for a target that I want nearly as much as I had wanted Devlin”s delicious dick and balls. I dove right into his steamy little asshole, tongue first, and very nearly buried it inside.
Devlin makes the sexiest little hiss as I do this, and then increases the volume and the quantity of his sex calls as I dig deep and devour every bit of him as I can. I am a starving man, and he is my all you can eat buffet, tunceli escort and I am butt munching like I mean it too. Devlin has hold of my head, guiding me now, forcing me to stay put. I know that he loves this every bit as much as I do, and, once more, within seconds, I have Devlin boiling and ready to cum once again.
He lasts even less time this time before cumming, and from how hard he is holding my head inside himself, he is damn near forcing my whole head inside his amazing little ass. I can also not breathe, but believe me, if I have to go, this, this right here and now, is exactly how I wish to go. I could and would die happily right now. Such exquisite feelings.
Finally Devlin”s orgasm lets him go, though, and as such, he lets me go as well, and I gasp for breath. Of course, the fact that I can still smell Devlin”s intoxicating scent is absolutely the best thing in the world, and I breathe in as much of his glorious scent as I can possibly take.
Leaving Devlin”s fine little ass, for now, I decide to go for my prize, and suck in all that Devlin has to offer me. If I thought his dick was hard before, it is nothing in comparison to now. It is so rigid that he barely bends at all as I suck him in, and the squeal that he makes as I attempt to bend him down a little to suck him in, tells me that it is really fucking painful too. That is okay, I shift my position slightly so as not to bend him too much, and continue to make my baby make sounds that make me feel so good, knowing I am causing him to feel better than any has a right to feel. I am now bobbing up and down, slowly, tenderly, suckling him as softly as I can, enjoying his flavour, as well the sounds that he is making once more.
In this manner, as slowly as I am able to, I manage to make Devlin last at least a little longer, though sadly not as long as I would have hoped for, but that is perfectly okay too. It is after this orgasm, that Devlin gives me a nice treat. Apparently his bladder has had enough, and gave up, and so, I get a nice tasty little drink.
Still Devlin is hard, though not quite as hard as he had been, so I think he is finally getting close to being done, but he still has more than enough in him for me to suck at least once more, possibly twice.
Once more was all Devlin had in him, though, and started going soft even before he stopped pulsing, and though this orgasm took considerably longer to achieve, it is nothing in comparison to how long it takes for him to come down from it. As Devlin comes down, I do not release him from my mouth, I just very softly suckle him, waiting for him to come down. When he does, he lets out the longest, most satisfied sigh that I have ever had the pleasure of hearing from anyone.
“Wow, that was amazing.” He says, and he sounds extra husky.
“Mmmhmm. It was that, and so much more Baby. Now, I desperately needta cum. I”ve been forcing myself not to cum since we started, and I”m in so much fucking pain right now, it”s not even funny.”
“I”m glad you didn”t waste it, “cause I want it so bad right now. Trade places with me, and let me have all the cum and piss you can possibly feed me.”
I say nothing to this and launch myself into position. I am so hard right now, that it is impossible not to see just how much so I am from looking at my diaper. I am tenting it more than I ever have before, and I have tented many a diaper in my life. Devlin goes to mash his face into my diapered dick, and I stop him.
“No Baby, there”s absolutely no time for that. Three, maybe four seconds is all I have in me once you start.”
“Oh.” He grinned.
Instead, he pulls the tapes from my diaper, the front of it flips out of the way care of my erection escaping its bonds, and Devlin giggles from it. Then he dives right in, sucks me to the root, sucks for at most two seconds, and then I let out the most amazing sound I have ever heard myself make.
Never before have I been so insanely horny, so in need of cumming. I have edged myself hundreds of times, once for a full three days, full emphasis on full, and even then I was not in as much pain as I am right now. As I cum, it burns like nothing ever has before, and it truly, honestly feels like a hundred litres of boiling hot cum is jettisoning from my dick. I have never felt a cum so amazing, and horrible, in all my life, and I cannot wait for the next time it happens either.
I have no idea how Devlin managed to take it all, or keep up with it. I am clearly in no shape to pay attention to Devlin at the moment, so I have no idea if I caused his poor head to explode. I know, that like me, he would not complain about dying in just such a fashion though. I honestly feel as if I might die right now too, but, again, I will not complain, ever.
Clearly I did not cause Devlin to explode, because as soon as I come down from my monumental ejaculation, I can feel that Devlin is now buried in my ass, where he enjoys being damn near as much as I enjoy him being there. Not only is his tongue in me, but so are at least two fingers from each hand by the feel of things. He is doing things to me that I have never felt before, never even imagined were possible, yet, here I am, feeling them, and, once more, words fail me in how to describe them.
I know that feeling this way should not be allowed by nature, nothing should feel this good, feelings like this must be reserved solely for the gods, if they exist of course, but, here I am feeling them anyway. I love Devlin more and more each second because of it.
My second orgasm comes upon me like a tidal wave, one large enough to wipe out entire cities, and in fact, the amount of cum it feels as if I pumped out once more could have been the tidal wave to have done so as well. How Devlin can possibly cause me to feel this way, I have no idea.
The bed around me should be soaked in all my cum, since Devlin had been buried in my ass at the time I came, but, when I come to enough to be a bit more aware of my surroundings once again, I find that I am not drowning in my own cum, as I thought I surely would be. Devlin is still licking it all off of me though, and in my sex clouded mind, I feel him go back three times to get it all. I have no idea how much he had already slurped up, or how much I truly produced, but clearly it was not as much as it felt it should be.
As soon as he is done cleaning me of all my cum, Devlin dives back onto my erection, and proceeds to suck me long, deep, and masterfully. I am now in desperate need of peeing. I know how much Devlin wants it, and though I should warn him, I have no power to do so, and all of a sudden my bladder gives out.
I can hear Devlin sigh as he gulps down what little piss I am able to give to him, and as soon as I finish peeing, he continues to suck me even more. Only now, he has what feels like four fingers deep inside me, and though I want to beg him to slip his entire hand in me, once more, I cannot seem to do so. It does not matter though, because, seconds after thinking it, Devlin does so on his own, and fills me as full as I desire, deserve.
This time I think I managed to last a few minutes before cumming, I am not entirely certain how long it lasted, all I know is that it feels so amazing. And then I came. It was certainly far less powerful, but it lasted even longer, and I am positive that I went soft about half way through. When finally I come down, I can feel that Devlin is just suckling my soft dick, his fist is still deep inside me where it belongs, and his other hand is tenderly petting my nuts. As I finally come down, I sigh so deep it shocks even me. I think I know what it means, I hope I know what it means.
Devlin pulls free from me, then buries his face into my super soggy diaper, and sucks out of it every drop of piss and precum that he possibly can. From the amount of time that he spent in there, I can only assume that he damn near siphoned it dry, just like I had done to his. When finally he finishes, he comes up for air with a diaper sucking grin on his face.
“Holy fuck, wow.” Is all that I can manage to say.
“Yeah. Ditto.” He giggles.
“Pretty sure that”s not even supposed to be possible how you just made me feel.”
“Yet you made me feel even better.” He smiles brightly to me.
“Doubt that.”
“I don”t. Now, we desperately needta go have a bath, so come on Baby, let”s go bathe each other like the babies we are.”
“Gimme a minute here. Still can”t quite seem to move.”
“Okay, I”ll go get the bath started. Any chance you have any baby bubble bath?”
“Yeah, under the sink Baby.”
“Good.” He says, as he scampers away, his sexy little bare baby bum jiggling so enticingly as he does so. The only way it looks better is when it is diapered.
It takes easily two to three more minutes before my muscles all relax enough for me to be able to get out of bed, and even still, as I stand, my legs feel like jelly, and I have to grab hold of the headboard to steady myself. I had to stay there for at least another full minute before I was convinced I could walk. I quite literally stumble into the bathroom. Never before have I felt so worn, so wiped, and I have worked myself to the bone on bikes hundreds of times, far more so than even Devlin did this afternoon.
“Oh, good, there you are. Wow, you look fucking wiped.” He giggles at me.
“I feel it too. I feel like I just ran non stop all the way across Canada, with not even so much as one rest stop.”
“Excellent, then my work here is done.”
“Oh, it most certainly is not. I expect that at least once a day from here on out.”
“Hell yeah, just as long as you make me feel just as good, just as often.”
“I can agree to those terms and conditions.”
“Good, “cause they were non negotiable.” He giggles once more.
Devlin already has the bath water going, already has the towels out and ready to go on the warmer, and as soon as he finishes talking to me, he opens the cupboard door to find the bubble bath. It is the good stuff that smells just like baby lotion. He smiles from seeing this, and proceeds to dump some into the rising bath water. I almost said something when I saw how much he put in, because with the jets in the tub, the bubbles are likely to overflow, but I will just turn down the air return, and it should be fine. Instantly the air fills with the sweet smell of baby lotion, and we both sigh from it.
“Mmm, such a wonderful scent.” Devlin sighs deeply.
“Yeah, almost as good as you smelled this evening Baby.”
“Yeah, same with you.”
As soon as we are able to, we climb into the tub, I in the back, Devlin right in front of me, cuddled right into me. I activate the jets after turning down the air return to almost all off, and the water starts roiling, and the bubbles start expanding. They do not go over the top, though, so that is good. When the water level is high enough, I shut off the water with my foot, and then lay my head back and relax fully, with my baby laid back on me. I am holding him, and he is holding my arms. It is so very peaceful and relaxing, it is no wonder that we both fall fast asleep after only minutes.
I had turned on the jets for the full hour that is the maximum of my timer, and I wake only when they shut off. It actually shocks me, because I have never done that before. Devlin also wakes with a slight start when the jets shut off, then he giggles again.
“I so totally fell asleep, I was so relaxed and comfortable. How long was I out for, I don”t even know when I fell asleep.”
“Not a clue, I just woke up as well, and I think I fell asleep almost instantly. It would”ve been damn near an hour, though, that”s the maximum on the timer for the jets.”
“Wow, I do feel much better for it though.”
“You and me both Baby, you and me both. Now, we should hop out and into the shower and actually wash off.”
I pull the plug, then stand up, still holding my baby, and step out of the tub, carrying him with me to the shower. As I turn on the shower, the blast of cold water that assails us before it warms up, causes Devlin to shriek slightly, and me to wince, but it warms up pretty fast, and so I set my baby down. I grab the soap that I like, pour more than enough into my hands, build up a good lather, and then start washing Devlin from head to toe, adding more soap as needed to ensure that he is as clean as can be. Not even he gets hard as I wash his front and back sides. I finish with washing Devlin”s hair, and then help him to rinse fully.
Devlin then takes the soap, adds lots to his hands, lathers it up, and starts to wash me fully as well. Of course, I have to kneel before my own personal god so that he can get most of my upper half, but I am not complaining in the least. Devlin”s hands are still so shockingly soft and smooth, that feeling him washing me as he is, is absolutely the most loving and caring feeling I have ever felt before. I have had numerous boyfriends over the years, I even thought I had sort of loved some of them, now I know differently.
The feeling of what Devlin and I have shared so far tells me that I have never been loved before, because I am now, and I feel the difference. I sigh in deep loss as Devlin finishes and starts rinsing me off. I can feel that I need to pee again, though, so I know that we really do need to go get diapered. I more than likely peed in the bath as I slept, as I am certain Devlin did as well, yet I do need to pee again, which is good, because that means I will be able to warm up my fresh diaper.
As soon as I am rinsed off, I turn off the water and lead my baby out, where I grab one of the towels and dry off my baby, then kneel before him once more so that he too can dry me off. Once dried, I grab my brush and brush Devlin”s hair, then he takes it and does mine as well. Finally I lead Devlin to the bedroom, pick him up and lay him on the bed in baby diaper change position, and diaper him up lovingly like he deserves. I am sure I added far more baby lotion and diaper rash cream than was strictly needed, but neither of us consider this to be a bad thing.
As soon as I have Devlin diapered up, he grabs my hand and presses it to the front of his baby diaper, and lets go his bladder, so clearly he has been holding it as well. With such a thick diaper, because I am using our extra thick night time diapers, as well as the nice large doubler that I had slipped inside it, I can barely feel that Devlin has wet, but I can feel it, and it is a very nice feeling.
“Thanks Baby.” I whisper.
“And thank you.” He whispers back.
As soon as we trade places, Devlin proceeds to diaper me up in the same way, using just as much lotion and cream, and as soon as he has me taped up, I too grab his hand and press it to the front of my diaper and let go my aching bladder.
“Mmmm, that was nice, thanks.” He sighs.
“And thank you as well Baby, it was.”
“It”s getting shockingly late already, we should probably go shut everything down, huh.” Devlin says after looking out the window.
“Holy shit, you”re right.” I say, after checking it out for myself.
Then I look at the clock and see why. We have now been in the bedroom and bathroom for just over four hours. The park officially closed almost an hour ago, and so, we definitely need to go close up shop. We dress each other only just barely enough to conceal our incredibly thick baby diapers, and then head down to shut everything down for the night. Once done, we head back upstairs, where we strip back down to just our slightly wet diapers, so that we are much more comfortable.
“I don”t know about you Baby, but I need a snack and a good drink.”
“Me too. All your cum and piss earlier wasn”t quite enough, but it sure did hit the spot.”
“Same, though I suppose you still can”t feed me any cum yet, but it was still every bit as good.”
“I can”t wait “til I can, but it”ll be several years still I guess.”
“I”ll happily wait, I love you just the way you are.”
“Thanks, and I love you too.”
We hit the kitchen and got some fresh fruit, and a couple glasses of water, each, and as soon as we are fed and watered, we go and curl up on the couch and watch TV for a little bit before bed.
“Well Baby, I”m ready for bed. Let”s go to sleep.”
“Me too.”
I stand up, grab my baby”s hand, and lead the way to our bedroom, where we crawl into bed, curl up, kiss tenderly for just a few minutes, and then pass out, all cuddled up and in love.