Subject: Mr. Moore-4 All the usual disclaimers apply. The following story is entirely fictional and contains explicit descriptions of sexual activity between adult males and teenage boys. READ NO FURTHER if you are under the age of eighteen or offended by such material. Please donate to fty). It is the only way to keep this site up and running. Gay – Adult-Youth: M+/t, oral, anal – – – – – Mr. Moore – Part 4 “You’ve been nominated, boy,” Jack said, as he came up to me in the park. “Nick said that you really like cock, so he suggested I make your acquaintance and offer you a position in my new venture.” The man smiled and looked me up and down with an appraising eye. He liked his boys skinny and tame, so he decided to try a bit of charm, rather than blackmail or force, to win me over. He was a big, burly man, and rather good-looking, so I was attracted to him in an instant. “New venture?” I queried. “Yes,” he said, as he put his arm around my shoulders and guided me down a narrow path. “I’m here to take over from Harry and Ken. They’ve had a good run, but I’m here to merge their two circles into one.” “Harry and Ken? Circles?” I queried. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, mister.” “Relax, boy. I’m no copper. In fact, I’m just the opposite.” “And you know Nick, my schoolmate?” “Yes,” he replied. “I’m Jack, by the way, and Nick is one of my favourite bum-boys.” Jack looked like he could handle himself in a fight; however, I didn’t think he would be able to take on Gordon and his ex-military friends. Even if he had help, the fighting would be bloody and brutal. “Harry’s got a lot of friends,” I said. “And Ken…” “Ken’s already agreed to hand over the reins,” Jack interrupted. “And when Harry is back on his feet again, I’m sure he and his friends will see the sense in having more boys to play with on a regular basis.” Jack and I left the park by a little used side gate. “You look like a good spunker, boy,” Jack said. “Do you have a cut or uncut cock dangling between your legs? My van’s over there, anadolu yakası escort by the post box, so let’s get you naked and take a look.” ~ ~ ~ It was almost pitch black in Jack’s cellar. I was completely naked, except for a dog collar around my neck – a leather leash attached to the collar allowed Jack to lead me around the cellar in the dark. The stone flooring was ice-cold under foot; but even so, my cock was semi-erect and my arsehole was twitching with anticipation. “It’s bloody cold down here, Jack,” I said. “I’ll catch my death!” “You’ll soon warm up when the fucking starts,” Jack said. “So, stop complaining.” Suddenly, an involuntary shuddered ran through my entire body. I swore under my breath as Jack tugged on the leash. It was then that the heating came on and saved the day. “The heating’s on for the audience, boy,” Jack said. “They’re paying good money to see you get fucked, so stop shivering and get with the programme!” As I walked behind Jack, I felt hands caressing my arse-cheeks and tweaking my nipples. I then felt a greasy finger enter my arsehole. “Stop fingering his hole, Sid,” said someone on my right. “It needs to be tight for the competition.” “Ah yes, the competition,” I thought. ‘Why did I ever agree to enter the bloody thing? Nick was bound to win, so why did I put my name down for the Bum-Boy Stakes?” My senses sharpened as a spotlight came on and lit up the centre of the cellar. I was led towards a low, wooden stage. The room quickly filled with the sounds of approval from the audience around me. “Step up, boy,” Jack ordered. “Let’s see you on the stage.” I then felt a large dildo being shoved up my pre-greased arsehole. The man doing the shoving was keen to get a good reaction from the audience – there was no care taken, just harsh shoving. I groaned as the entire length entered my weak and willing body. “Awesome!” shouted an audience member. “What a glorious sight! Get him to give us a twirl in slow motion.” I heard some clapping ankara anal escort as I shuffled around on the spot. I was then lifted into a sling and firmly secured to the supporting chains. “Tie off that leash, Doug,” Jack said. “Get it out of the way.” The audience cheered when I groaned with pleasure – the dildo inside me had shifted when Doug and Jack checked my bonds. “Boy number one is now ready to be judged,” Doug said, as he held an open bottle of vapour under my nose. The effects of the vapour were immediate. My cock became rock-hard in an instant, and my arse-lips pulsed hard against the rubber dildo. I was now ready for anything. I turned my head and saw that I was surrounded by some two dozen men. The makeshift stage gave them a great view of my naked and restrained body. Another involuntary shuddered ran through my body as the first judge stepped into view, between my open legs. “Come to order, gentlemen,” Doug said. “Remember, anyone can fuck the boy after the judges have made their decision. But please note, there are three more boys in the competition, so don’t all pile in at once. If you like the look of a boy’s arse, then step up and get in line.” Of course, every boy in the competition was fucked by every man in the cellar. The three judges gave me a seven out of ten; and of course, Nick took the prize with a nine out of ten. Everyone liked fucking my schoolmate, and some stepped up to fuck him twice. To cope with demand, all four competitors were placed in the sling twice. I ended up taking six loads of spunk by the end of the afternoon. I truly loved the feeling of having a thick cock inside me. I sighed and cooed whenever a cock entered my rectum and took me for a long, hard ride. I also loved being fucked by a bunch of hard-standing cocks in rotation. “In. Out. Shake me all about,” was the phrase I liked the best. I lay in the sling, repeating the phrase over and over again as the men power-fucked my battered hole. ~ ~ ~ I was laid up for a week ankara anal yapan escort after the Bum-Boy Stakes. I had a heavy cold and a sore arse, but still I was looking forward to returning to Jack’s cellar. I kept dreaming of having my cock and arsehole licked into shape by all the men in the cellar. I then received some bad news from Nick, who dropped by to visit me on my sick bed. “There are rozzers everywhere,” he said, as he slowly wanked me off. “Someone got nabbed and set off a real panic. Jack and the others are keeping their heads down, mainly between my legs, but Doug received a visit yesterday. The rozzers searched his house but found nothing.” Nick and I were naked and in a sixty-nine position when my mother came home early from shopping. Her surprise return forced us to abandon our sex-romp and get back to discussing the bad news. “Jack’s name was mentioned,” Nick said, as he pulled on his Y-fronts and put his weight against the bedroom door in a panic. “That’s why the rozzers searched Doug’s house, they’re known associates.” “What about the photographs?” I queried. “I’m smiling in most of them.” “We’re victims,” he replied. “Seduced by evil men …. That’s evil men with big, hard cocks. Ah, so suckable and tasty…” “Don’t joke!” I snapped. “And get those bloody clothes on, pronto.” Nick and I began to plan our escape to South America, but then thought better of it. The local newspaper would have all the details in print by Friday, so we both decided to wait and see who had actually been arrested. Only Doug’s name appeared in the local newspaper on Friday. Apparently, he had targeted a goody two shoes and come unstuck. The investigation was still ongoing, so the local boy-lovers decided to shut up shop for a while. Everything went quiet for months. Jack left the area and wasn’t seen again; Gordon went to Holland and set up shop there; and poor old Ken was arrested for aiding and abetting Doug. All my favourite cocks were heading for the hills. Only George and Warren were staying put. Meanwhile, Nick and I decided to become a double act again, even though it meant stripping off in front of self-incriminating cameras. “Just remember,” Nick said. “We’re innocent victims. No one is going to lock us up. The nice men gave us funny tasting drinks, and then asked us to undress. Stick to that story and we’ll be okay.”